I have been debating with Alan J. about Oswald's short bus trip and Otto also wants to engage me on Whaley's time line and it seems to me that the CT's in their overzealousness to prove everything a fabrication that they are overlooking the fact that Oswald using public transport or private commercial transportation as opposed to what can only amount to a getaway car doesn't advance their conspiracy even one bit. Alan J. wants me to believe that Oswald exiting Dealey Plaza via public-transportation was manufactured and thus for reasons known only to himself, somehow is evidence of a conspiracy but what is the alternative?
"The reason why the bus trip to nowhere was invented was for the following reason: to plant manufactured "evidence", a bus-transfer to imply the wrongly-accused left Dealey Plaza via public-transportation."
What part of that answer don't you understand, Mr. Mytton?
Alan J. Ford.
We know Oswald was at the Depository at about 12:33 and at the Texas Theatre a little over an hour later and if Oswald didn't use publicly available transport to get to the general vicinity of the theatre then how the heck did he get there? The following response of mine is based on what was a commonly held CT belief that Roger Craig saw Oswald running from the Depository and as I indicate the timing of this encounter strongly suggests Oswald being involved.
"The evidence that may lead to some sort of alternate method of conveyance is Roger Craig's testimony that about 14 to 15 minutes after the first shot he observed what he believes was Oswald running toward a station wagon being driven by a very dark complected man but unfortunately for the Oswald defenders this opens a serious new can of worms. According to Truly, Oswald's lunch break was between 12:00 to 12:45, meaning that unless this meeting was pure coincidence then this rendezvous was prearranged for the very end of Oswald's lunch break and how could Oswald possibly know beforehand that the President would be shot and thereafter work would be abandoned, unless he was involved?"
Mr. BELIN - Now, about how many minutes was this after the time that you had turned that young couple over to Lemmy Lewis that you heard this whistle?
Mr. CRAIG - Fourteen or 15 minutes.
Mr. BELIN - Fourteen or 15 minutes?
Mr. CRAIG - Yes.
Mr. BELIN - Was this, you mean, after the shooting?
Mr. CRAIG - After the---from the time I heard the first shot.
Mr. BELIN - All right. Your heard someone whistle?
Mr. CRAIG - Yes. So I turned and--uh-saw a man start to run down the hill on the north side of Elm Street, running down toward Elm Street.
After Alan J.'s seeming disinterest in my Roger Craig analysis, I presented the following post which explains the possible repercussions of the alternative to using Public Transport.
"So you believe that Oswald didn't use public transport to leave Dallas, interesting, then the only other alternatives that I see are that Oswald walked/jogged/ran/sprinted which is all highly unlikely or Oswald drove himself and without owning a car that's pretty difficult, or the point I raised which you haven't yet had the courage to confront because you must realize it's devastating significance, is that Oswald used an accomplice's getaway car to get himself and this unidentified accomplice away from the scene of the crime, an accomplice who just dumped Oswald off at the Texas Theatre, are you sure you want to pursue this particular narrative because it flies in the face of your claim that Oswald was wrongly accused?"
I am open to any other plausible explanation of how Oswald got to the Theatre, and if not innocently by public transport then how?
EDIT I was going to put a clause into this OP but I thought I made it clear that we have had enough discussion in the CT's belief that the bus and cab rides didn't take place because this continual denial doesn't answer the question of how Oswald got to the Texas Theatre. If you want to debate Bledsoe, McWatter's or Whaley and ask endless questions then make your own thread but if you want to move forward and confront what denying the usage of public transport actually means and where it leads then please make a contribution otherwise please don't participate.
I am open to any other plausible explanation of how Oswald got to the Theatre, and if not innocently by public transport then how?Johnny, You opened this discussion and then tucked yer tail and crawled away.
The written reports of those who were present at the interrogation of Lee Oswald said that Lee told Captain Fritz that he had ridden in busses and a CITY cab to travel from the TSBD to the Texas Theater.
However the taxi that Lee hired to transport him from the Greyhound taxi stand to the rooming house at 1026 N. Beckley was NOT William Whaley's taxi......