If even one print is found on the bag, it links the bag to Oswald. Many criminals are in jail because they left one print, hair, or drop of blood at a crime scene. No matter how much Oswald handled the bag with his bare hands (and no one knows that) simply touching a bag doesn't necessarily mean that it will leave a recoverable print using 1963 technology. And if you are a conspiracy theorist, why not ask yourself the same question about why your conspirators didn't just say they found Oswald's prints all over the bag and rifle? They are framing him and making all this evidence up? So why not go all out?
If even one print is found on the bag, it links the bag to Oswald.But it doesn't link the bag to the crime, nor does one print mean anything more than Oswald touched the paper at some point in time
Many criminals are in jail because they left one print, hair, or drop of blood at a crime scene. Wow, hold on there for a second. Many people are in jail because they left one print, hair, or drop of blood at a crime scene, but that doesn't mean they are all criminals. People get wrongfully convicted all the time.
And if you are a conspiracy theorist, why not ask yourself the same question about why your conspirators didn't just say they found Oswald's prints all over the bag and rifle? Because an all encompassing entity, you call the "conspirators", which has the liberty to operate in some sort of vacuum, doesn't exist. Those kind of people only exist in movies. In your fantasy conspiracy world everybody is in on it, which is exactly the kind of exaggeration we are so used to coming from you.
So why not go all out? Because the best lie is the one that stays as close to the truth as possible..... Could that be it?