CTers are impervious to common sense and logic. They allege a conspiracy to frame Oswald that would have involved multiple law enforcement agencies, private businesses, and random citizens dating back for years but at the crucial moment of the assassination they suggest Oswald was in a public part of the TSBD where someone might give him an alibi. And for all they knew, he could have been out on the street being filmed blowing kisses to JFK as the motorcade drove by. It is breathtaking in its stupidity.
Watching these CT's trying relentlessly and failing miserably to come to grips with the very foundation of this whole assassination of why the Conspirators let Oswald roam wild while "they" busily prepared a mountain of evidence to frame the very same Oswald is a scary window into how deeply troubled paranoid minds work.
But admittedly their combined replies are hilarious, where one of their prized members alludes to the whole assassination being just a magic trick and with a wave of a wand and shouting Abracadabra made Oswald just disappear to where we don't know because that's conveniently never specified and then we have allegations that we simply lack the ability to understand Police corruption and obviously these "clever" CT's, who unbelievably think that LNers exist in some sort of vacuum, and the CT's are the only ones who have a unique ability to have an "understanding of how this DPD machine for framing innocent men" works(yawn) and then on top of that we have more absurd claims that it was supposed to be a STAGED event and while Oswald was on his way to Cuba to discover Nuclear weapons, Oswald had an uncontrollable urge for popcorn and a couple of War movies, the staggering overwhelming conceitedness that motivates these deluded CT's is beyond bewilderment but is good for a laugh.
And laughing at their bizarre attempts at "deductive reasoning" is the reason that keeps me coming back, so if any of you "critical thinkers" is reading this please, please, please keep it up. Hehehe.