And who does Mr O'Meara think was the man Officer Baker caught walking away from the rear stairway several floors up?
I think this is a slightly garbled memory of an encounter with Oswald.
Ignoring your assassination team nonsense, the only other white male who might be on the upper floors in the immediate aftermath of the shooting is Jack Dougherty, a possibility that cannot be ruled out if someone is inclined to go down the "everything is a hoax" path.
The actual evidence----------Officer Baker's same-day affidavit, during the writing of which Mr Oswald was brought in in front of Officer Baker---------tells us that Officer Baker did not make any firm connection between the man caught walking away from the rear stairway and the suspect just brought in.
Yes Alan, the actual evidence.
In his report, Marvin Johnson states that Baker immediately identified Oswald. Get over it.
Why wasn't Oswald in Baker's affidavit? In the same report Johnson tells us he took Baker's affidavit and it was only 'later' he identified Oswald:
"Officer Baker
later identified Lee Harvey Oswald as the man he had seen on the 4th floor of the Texas Book Depository."
This makes sense of why Baker didn't put this identification of Oswald in his affidavit. The confusion arises from this passage in Johnson's report:
"When Patrolman M. L. Baker identified Lee Harvey Oswald as the man he stopped in the Texas School Book Depository, patrolman Baker was in the Homicide Bureau giving an affidavit and Oswald was brought into the room to talk to some Secret Service men. When Baker saw Oswald he stated, "That is the man I stopped on the 4th floor of the School Book Depository."
This gives the distinct impression that it is at the same time as Baker is actually giving the affidavit that he identifies Oswald. This is in distinct contrast with Johnson's earlier observation that Baker had given his affidavit and it was 'later' that Baker identified Oswald. So, which is it? The fact Oswald isn't mentioned in Baker's affidavit supports the latter assertion, that Baker identified Oswald 'later'.
To resolve this point it would be helpful to know what time Oswald was taken in to talk to the Secret Service men.
The fact that Officer Baker was not brought to a lineup only makes things worse for your silly claim!
I'm not aware of any law enforcement official being called into a line-up. I was under the impression this was something civilians did
No, during-the-fact corroboration would do the trick-----------------if Officer Baker confidently identified the suspect just brought in as the man he caught walking away from the rear stairway, Det. Johnson would have made sure this all-important fact made it into the affidavit. At the very, very least, Officer Baker would have been brought to a lineup. None of this happened
See above regarding your confusion on this issue.