Garner reports seeing Truly and a policeman coming up the stairs but she says nothing about a confrontation because it didn't happen.
She also says nothing about the arrival on four shortly thereafter of Messrs Norman, Jarman & Williams. Does that mean
that never happened? Of course not. The issue, as she understood it, involved Ms Adams, Mr Truly and Officer Baker, and she helpfully spoke to her sightings of those three people.
If Ms Garner saw the officer challenge a casually dressed man, and if she heard Mr Truly tell the officer this man was ok,
he was an employee, and if she saw the officer
let the man go and then continue on up to the next floor, then she would have given the incident no further thought----------for it was to all appearances an event of zero real significance. A complete nothing burger. It wouldn't have even crossed her mind that a) this man was NOT in fact a manual worker and therefore b) Mr Truly was lying. The presence there of a bona fide employee (who was not Mr Oswald, the man everyone was saying shot JFK) would have been no more worthy of mention later than the arrival on four shortly thereafter of Messrs Norman, Jarman & Williams, manual employees who had also been on a higher floor.
However! She was quite categorical to Mr Ernest in 2011 on one point: she did NOT see Mr Oswald
Bottom line: it is perfectly possible that Officer Baker's confrontation with a man other than Mr Oswald happened by the rear stairway on the fourth floor. And despite the impression you tried to create, there is NOTHING in any of Ms Garner's statements that disallows that possibility. If she had been called to appear before the Warren Commission and had--------in response to the question 'Was there anyone else near the stairway when the officer and Mr Truly came up onto the fourth floor?'--------said: 'No, absolutely no one', then you would have an argument.
I suggest therefore that you engage the 5% of your brain that is not hopelessly Warren-Gullible, Mr O'Meara------------doing so will help you will realize the silliness of your non sequitur above!
Q: What independent corroboration is there for Baker's insinuation the encounter happened on the 4th floor?
A: Why, Bakers testimony
-CT makes claim X
-LNer: 'There is no evidence for claim X!'
-CT shows LNer evidence
-LNer: 'But I don't like that evidence! Therefore there is no evidence for claim X!'