The lapel flip was caused by the strong breeze that was blowing in Dealey Plaza during the motorcade. It has nothing to do with Connally's chest exit wound. In fact, the lapel flip is nowhere near Connally's chest exit wound. The bullet that exited Connally's chest created a small hole in Connally's coat, so it was not tumbling or traveling sideways.
Me myself i too used to think that a backdraft must have caused the lapel flip – until i heard of the Lattimer tests.
The 1994 hole looks to me to be in the same location as the 1963 hole (relative to the overall limits of the jacket). However the 1994 lapel is very long, much longer than the 1963 lapel.
In fact the 1994 lapel flip starts very early, koz it starts at the bottom, & then sortov whiplashes its way to the top, & when the flip at the top of the lapel is at a max the flip at the bottom has already reduced to near zero.
So, i am thinking that the 1994 flip (of the upper flap) is stronger & earlier than the 1963 flip (due to whiplash effect).
So, i am thinking that my estimate of Z218 for Oswald's shot-2 might be korrekt afterall.
We karnt see a cloud of debris in front of Connally's 1963 jacket koz Connally is behind the roadsign at Z218 Z219 Z220 Z221.
And in Z222 Z223 Z224 Z225 Z226 the hole in the jacket is below the level of the door &or is obstructed by the divider/rollbar &or the hat, &or the frame is blurred etc.
And Lattimer tells me that the jacket bulge & the lapel flip in 1963 should all start soon after Z218 & should all be back at zero at Z228, but the early Z frames & the later Z frames are of zero value in establishing any of that.