Right wingers always try to falsely claim there is a "liberal media". They do that so they can always play the "victim" when they media reports on Republican corruption and scandals. In the last three days, brand new polling from major firms have President Biden ahead of Criminal Donald in every poll. And Biden's numbers are even higher than his 2020 election victory. Now if this was a "liberal media", these polls would be hyped constantly all over the media. And they are not. The only poll they hyped was a phony outlier poll that did not even include registered or likely voters showing Trump ahead. So much for the "liberal media". The media exists for only ratings and profits....period.
New Poll: The Republican polling firm WPA Intelligence has a new poll out today showing that President Biden would beat Trump by 7 points nationally (47% to 40%).
The poll also showed that independent voters back Biden by a whopping 14 percentage points, up from the 7 points by which he won independents in the 2020 election.
This is the second poll in as many days that show President Biden beating Trump by sizable margins — a story the mainstream media doesn't want to tell. If the media shows these polls, people will tune out and there goes their ratings and profits. So much for the "liberal media".