Approximately what time do you imagine Frazier would've collected his vehicle from the railroad yard car park to give Bystander Ozzie an innocent lift home?
I honestly don't know, Mr O'Meara. Perhaps 12:45 or so?
But I am not convinced that Mr Frazier hung around the Depository like he said he did. Mr Bonnie Ray Williams told authorities he last saw Mr Frazier between 10am and 11am. As far as I know, not a single person mentions Mr Frazier as a figure in the Depository after the assassination. That's passing strange, given that Mr Frazier would have been the go-to guy for information on Mr Oswald's whereabouts---------------he was Mr Oswald's one and only friend in the place, as well as the man who gave him rides to and from work. And the co-workers knew it.
As well as that, of course, Mr Frazier's accounts of where he went after leaving Dealey Plaza are all over the place.
Perhaps he asked Mr Shelley or Mr Truly for permission to slip away to visit his stepfather, who was recovering from a heart attack? In which case he would have been gone but not 'missing' (in the sense of unaccounted for)
By the way! I have never claimed that Mr Oswald was necessarily an innocent bystander, or that his request for a ride off Mr Frazier (if it happened) was necessarily innocent. That he was not up on the sixth floor firing shots is however beyond doubt IMO