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Author Topic: U.S. Politics  (Read 224909 times)

Online Tom Graves

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #2400 on: March 03, 2025, 09:49:29 PM »
Not to get in between this food fight but I do find it odd that the same JFK conspiracy believers who say democracy was stolen in a fascist coup 60+ years ago in Dallas, a coup that's been covered up by major elements of the government including six administrations, are now deeply worried that Trump will steal democracy from us.

If I have their complaints right, Trump would be stealing it from the fascists who stole it from JFK? I know, it's JFK conspiracy world: it doesn't have to make sense.

I'm dismayed by the large number of Lone Gunman Advocates who support Trump.

Do you support Trump, Steven?
« Last Edit: March 03, 2025, 09:50:23 PM by Tom Graves »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #2400 on: March 03, 2025, 09:49:29 PM »

Offline Michael Capasse

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #2401 on: March 03, 2025, 09:57:46 PM »
Declining vaccination rates, decreasing trust in government and a political unwillingness to endorse vaccines is shaping Texas’ measles response.

Are 'Illegal Immigrants' to Blame for Measles Outbreaks Across the U.S.?

NEW REPORT: Misinformation Kills: RFK Jr’s Deadly Visit To Samoa
« Last Edit: March 03, 2025, 10:01:52 PM by Michael Capasse »

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #2402 on: March 03, 2025, 09:58:45 PM »
Not to get in between this food fight but I do find it odd that the same JFK conspiracy believers who say democracy was stolen in a fascist coup 60+ years ago in Dallas, a coup that's been covered up by major elements of the government including six administrations, are now deeply worried that Trump will steal democracy from us.

If I have their complaints right,  Trump would be stealing it from the fascists who stole it from JFK and have been holding it all of these years? Wouldn't they be *for* Trump doing this? I know, it's JFK conspiracy world: it doesn't have to make sense.

I do find it odd that the same JFK conspiracy believers who say democracy was stolen in a fascist coup 60+ years ago in Dallas

Can you name one JFK conspiracy believer who says that?

I'm just asking, because I have never met or spoken to anybody who made such a statement....

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #2402 on: March 03, 2025, 09:58:45 PM »

Offline Michael Capasse

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #2403 on: March 03, 2025, 10:00:59 PM »
Not to get in between this food fight but I do find it odd that the same JFK conspiracy believers who say democracy was stolen in a fascist coup 60+ years ago in Dallas, a coup that's been covered up by major elements of the government including six administrations, are now deeply worried that Trump will steal democracy from us.

If I have their complaints right,  Trump would be stealing it from the fascists who stole it from JFK and have been holding it all of these years? Wouldn't they be *for* Trump doing this? I know, it's JFK conspiracy world: it doesn't have to make sense.

is this a joke?

I do find it odd that the same JFK conspiracy believers who say democracy was stolen in a fascist coup..... 

When have I ever......

Online Tom Graves

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #2404 on: March 03, 2025, 10:22:46 PM »
Not to get in between this food fight but I do find it odd that the same JFK conspiracy believers who say democracy was stolen in a fascist coup 60+ years ago in Dallas, a coup that's been covered up by major elements of the government including six administrations, are now deeply worried that Trump will steal democracy from us.

If I have their complaints right, Trump would be stealing it from the fascists who stole it from JFK and have been holding it all of these years? Wouldn't they be *for* Trump doing this? I know, it's JFK conspiracy world: it doesn't have to make sense.

What happened in Dallas led directly to the fascist coup that's happening right xxxxxxx now in that the "The CIA DID It" / "THE FBI DID IT" / 'THE SECRET SERVICE DID IT" / "THE MILITARY DID IT" conspiracy theories that sprang up around the anomaly-replete assassination (can you say "STEMMONS FREEWAY SIGN" and "WHY DID RUBY KILL HIM" and "BACK AND TO THE LEFT" and "PRISTINE BULLET" and "CURTAIN RODS" and "I HEARD SIX SHOTS" ETC ETC ETC?) which, along with other conspiracy theories over the past sixty years, have made our body politic cynical, paranoiac, and apathetic.


Rhymes with,2006.0.html
« Last Edit: March 03, 2025, 10:24:25 PM by Tom Graves »

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #2404 on: March 03, 2025, 10:22:46 PM »

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #2405 on: March 03, 2025, 10:36:31 PM »
@Micheal C. As much as I often agree with you and other CTs about the JFK assassination , I have to disagree with you on RFK and Trump.
 @Tom Graves: I have been here on this forum long enough to have read lots of commentary from both Richard and Royell and I see no evidence to support a suspicion of either of them being Russian trolls.

I do find it amazing that the political divide here on this forum is a mix of CT and LN on both sides. Seems illogical to me but I’m just a typical average American citizen born here in 1960 and my perspectives are in part from life experience of watching the politicians since Nixon.

I have been fooled in the past by GHWB, Bill and Hill Clinton,  that Son of a Bush , and that Obama flip flopper, so it could very possible that Trump is fooling me too. But imo , the 1st term, Trump did mostly what imo was necessary except for being coerced by Fauci and the WHO to lock down people infringing severely on their Constitution rights and damaging the economy.

So I’m going to “wait and see” as Michael C. put it, before I jump to any conclusions. So far I think Elon Musk has the right idea to streamline the government and to eliminate the waste and fraud, and that includes the Pentagon, and DOD which has been bloated for decades.

I do not quite understand the Putin bad Zalinsky good argument because this war got started (from I’ve read) by the hypocrisy of the Ukrainian government in denying Crimea and other 70% majority Russian states referendums requesting to return to the Russian Federation as far back as 2014. Why was it ok for Ukrainian states to declare independence from Russia but it’ was not ok for some Ukrainian states who became unhappy with the new Ukrainian govt to seek to return to their former country, especially if their population was majority Russian and they voted to return?

This is the conflict as I see it: Individual Ukrainian pro Russian States voting in referendum to return to Russia being denied  by the  other Ukrainian anti Russian states of Ukraine.

The other part , which provoked Putin , was Ukraine demanding to become a NATO member which is totally unwarranted and is not sustainable logistically.
The USA cannot afford this extra expense nor is it in the interest of the USA to have a large NATO state on the very border of Russia that could trigger USA to be obligated by treaty to go full war against Russia which only result the end of all humanity.

So let’s just wait and see if Trump can negotiate a peaceful end to this war before going into psychotic paranoid mode predicting Putin  is going to invade all of Europe.

Offline Michael Capasse

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #2406 on: March 03, 2025, 11:23:24 PM »
So far I think Elon Musk has the right idea to streamline the government and to eliminate the waste and fraud, and that includes the Pentagon, and DOD which has been bloated for decades.

I am all for cutting waste and fraud - It is absolutely ghastly and unnecessary to do it with a sledge hammer.
Park Rangers? really? Why cut consumer protection agencies and watchdogs? Or an immediate STOP to food and medicine.
Financial audit and cost analysis should be done by accountants - not programmers. 

Not to mention, without public disclosure of what parameters were used to determine waste. They can tag it to anything.
Musk called Social Security a Ponzi scheme and told Joe Rogan he will dismantle it - I am all for cutting waste and fraud.

What does that even mean?  SS runs at a 0.84% error margin. It is weighted down, because it was borrowed against and never paid back.

I do not quite understand the Putin bad Zalinsky good argument because this war got started (from I’ve read) by the hypocrisy of the Ukrainian government in denying Crimea and other 70% majority Russian states referendums requesting to return to the Russian Federation as far back as 2014.

Actually it goes back to 1994, when Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons (which they had, thanks to the Soviet Union collapsing and leaving them in place,) and took the word of the United States, the UK and Russia, that they would be guaranteed their independence if they gave up those weapons, in favor of reducing the nuclear threat. 

But you do understand "Putin bad" right?

The other part , which provoked Putin , was Ukraine demanding to become a NATO member which is totally unwarranted and is not sustainable logistically.

I see it as an essential guarantee to Ukraine's security.  Putin cannot be trusted.

So let’s just wait and see if Trump can negotiate a peaceful end to this war before going into psychotic paranoid mode predicting Putin is going to invade all of Europe.

If Trump has a true peace at heart, he would ask his "friend Vladimir" for an immediate cease fire and set up negotiations.
Instead, the guy that has been fighting to keep his country alive for the 3 last years was greeted with,
“You’re either gonna make a deal or we are out, and if we’re out, you’ll fight it out. I don’t think it’s gonna be pretty, but you’ll fight it out."

Did you see Vladimir just said, that he was pleased US foreign is now in line with Russia? - imagine that.
« Last Edit: Today at 12:15:56 AM by Michael Capasse »

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #2407 on: Today at 12:37:37 AM »
Well, Martin, you always have good arguments vs the WC especially when you shoot down John Myttons “facts” :)

And you may eventually persuade me that Trump is disingenuous about a peaceful settlement ( but not just yet ).

The problem is if this battle can remain a conventional war of attrition without escalating to a full blown nuclear exchange. I think it is too dangerous a bet to make but even if it could just remain conventional, Putin potentially has the advantage of millions of Chinese soldiers to throw in to this meat grinder WW1 similar war.

It seems to me suicide for the EU to be advocating masses of European young men being conscripted to be sent to this battlefield even if it remains conventional. It’s going be a lot of death if Chinese 1.4 billion population and a Communist government gets involved.

I doubt seriously that Britain can influence India to Tap their 1.2 billion population to send Indian young men to this grinder and it’s not in Indias interest to get into war with China either.

A United Nations resolution will get vetoed by Russia and China so that is not a viable option.

Freezing Russian assets and or sanctions on Russia  is not likely to work because of the vast resources of the Russian territory.

So I really see any other option than Trump trying to work this out with Putin 1st because they each have the nuclear arsenal. Zelensky is in no position to be demanding anything because the American people are fed up with foreign countries dragging us into war.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #2407 on: Today at 12:37:37 AM »