This abuse of illegal aliens to work underpaid in some businesses will have to end. It may come to an end via Trumps admin stopping the influx rate and by deportation , but it may also end if Elon Musks robots get a lot cheaper.
But if they start using robots then it will still be the same problem of jobs that citizens could do, being given to new cheaper labor force of robots.
This could upset the whole work ethic entirely could it not?
Year 2045: Having successfully averted WW3 in 2025, and stopping the Globalist Kill Humans and Cows to save Earth plan , the NEW NWO of Planet Musk ( Earth renamed in his honor) is a world of total leisure, lazy fairest of them all economy and vacation trips to Moon and Mars by Super IQ humans (with the Musk chips in their brains) and with improved physiques from Alex Jones and RFKs dietary supplements.
But for old guys like me who kind of prefer the conventional work ethic of the Amish in an agrarian society (absent human slave labor of course) , hopefully there will an option by the Musk Space Force Corporation to allow for us lesser inferior humans to live peacefully until our natural death and then ascend to the after life to join our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.