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Author Topic: U.S. Politics  (Read 235605 times)

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #896 on: July 18, 2022, 07:30:33 AM »
President Biden @POTUS

Today, I met with Prime Minister Al-Kadhimi to recommit to the U.S.-Iraq Strategic Framework Agreement and reaffirm the importance of forming an Iraqi government responsive to the will of the Iraqi people and their respect for democracy and independence.

I look forward to another period of strong and growing cooperation between the U.S. and UAE under President Sheikh Mohammed's leadership. The opportunities and challenges we face today make it important as ever that we spend more time together.

Earlier today, I sat down with President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi to reaffirm our shared commitment to the U.S.-Egypt strategic partnership, and to discuss regional and global challenges. 

Every chance I get to work with Israel is a blessing. With my visit, I reaffirmed the United States' ironclad commitment to Israel’s security and launched new technology partnerships.
May Israel and the U.S. continue to prosper together for the benefit of the world.

We will continue to support Israel’s integration in the region and support efforts to negotiate a lasting peace between the State of Israel and the Palestinian people that allows both peoples to live side-by-side in peace and security.


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #896 on: July 18, 2022, 07:30:33 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #897 on: July 18, 2022, 09:01:10 AM »
There here have been 14 independent polls taken since Roe ended, and the in those polls Democrats now hold a 44.2 to 41.7 lead, 2.5 points.

That's a 4-5 point swing towards Democrats in recent weeks.

With gas prices down now almost 50 cents, there is a new opening for Democrats to broaden economic conversation beyond inflation and establish this basic contrast:

3 straight Democrat presidents have brought job/economic growth and lower deficits

3 straight Republicans have given us recessions and massive debt.

On Friday, July 8th, 2022, the July BLS jobs report was released, and it showed almost 400,000 jobs created in June, another incredibly strong month. The very strong recovery continues, despite Russia's aggression and the global inflation it has caused. The new updated Biden job numbers comes in at:

33.8 million jobs - 16 years of Clinton, Obama

9 million jobs - 17 months of Biden

1.9 million jobs - 16 years of Bush, Bush and Trump

Biden's 9 million jobs is 4 and a half times as many jobs as were created in the 16 years of the last 3 Republican Presidencies, combined. It is also millions more than were created in the entirety of any of their three individual Presidencies. Many millions more. Since 1989 and the end of the Cold War, the US has seen 44 million new jobs created. Remarkably 43 million of those 45 million were created under Democratic Presidents, 96%.

What this data tells us is that since this new age of globalization began in 1989, a modern and forward looking Democratic Party has repeatedly seen strong economic growth on its watch. Republican Presidents, on the other hand, have overseen three consecutive recessions - the last two, severe. The contrast in performance here is very stark, it is not a stretch to state that the GOP’s economic track record over the past 30 years has been among the worst in the history of the United States. 

GDP growth tells a similar story:

And look at the jobs created per month over these Presidencies - Republicans at just 10,000 per month over 16 years.  Biden is running at more than 50 times that so far.  Yes more than 50x, and twice as many jobs per day - 18k - as Republicans averaged PER MONTH over 16 years. Disastrous numbers for Republicans. Don't ever let anyone tell you a Republican is good for job creation.   

The bottom line is that Democratic policies have repeatedly been able to make globalization work for the American people in this new and challenging age. GOP policies have repeatedly failed to deliver, as a national party Republicans have repeatedly failed to do their part. For those looking for reasons why America has not made more progress in this era, reactionary Republican policies appear to be a very good place to start.   

Importantly, there is a growing recognition of both the very strong economic performance of the economy under Biden, and under the Democrats more broadly. On 2021 being one of the best economic years in recent decades, see these analyses by Rob Shapiro, Matthew Winkler, Paul Krugman and David Rothkopf in the links below. For the the bigger asymmetry in performance between the two parties see these smart pieces by David Leonhardt and Mike Tomasky in the links below.   

The Washington Post has published a very good editorial talking about the significance of all these jobs being created, writing "The jobs recovery has been unusually strong.....More than 6.5 million jobs have come back in the past year, one of the greatest employment rebounds in U.S. history. Women and minorities have made especially large gains. For all the concerns about the "She-cession" early in the pandemic, women have come surging back into the workforce in recent months, especially as schools and day cares have reopened. Women’s labor force participation, especially for ages 25 to 54, has now recovered as much as men’s. And the share of African Americans working is almost back at a two-decade high."

It is a firm belief among many, that the current radicalization of the GOP is intimately linked to its repeated failure to handle the challenges of the post-Cold War era. The rigid ideological approach of the modern GOP has left it unable to govern in a time of rapid change; and those repeated failures have left many Republicans angry, reactionary and willing to do the unthinkable to stay in or regain power. The modern GOP has no answers for many of the most important challenges America faces today, and rather than modernizing, adapting, as all institutions must in a time of change, the GOP has decided to fight the future by rigging the system to remain in power while the country and its people drift from their narrow grasp.

It is why Democrats must fight so hard to prevent Republicans from once again cheating their way into power, and establishing a sustained period of minority rule. It is not just a betrayal of the great American experiment, but it will guarantee, as the data here strongly argues, a period of extended decline as much needed progress on the big challenges we face will be further delayed.

With Democrats things get better, but unfortunately we had 3 disastrous Republican presidents ruin our economy and a Democrat was left to clean up their mess. These charts, graphs, and data proves it.

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #898 on: July 18, 2022, 12:34:44 PM »
The Dollar is the strongest currency on Earth right now and is at it's strongest level in two decades.

The Dollar Is Surging

The US dollar is giving off Main Character Energy. The world’s most important currency, accounting for $6 trillion in daily economic activity pre-pandemic, is the strongest it’s been in 20 years. Just last week, USD hit 1:1 parity against the euro for the first time since 2002.

But as a mighty dollar ripples through the global economy in profound ways, its impacts are being felt unequally—for some, it’s a major boost; for others, a drag.

A stronger dollar means lower prices for imports into the US—which is key to the central bank’s goal of bringing down inflation. In the past year, prices of imports (excluding fuel) contributed to half of the increase in consumer prices, per WaPo. But in June, they dropped for the second straight month.

When the US dollar rises in value compared to foreign currencies, Americans get more bang for their buck when traveling abroad. Americans traveling abroad this summer will find that their money goes further. “One of the only ways an American can reap the rewards of a strong dollar is by going on holiday,” said Max Gokhman, the chief investment officer at AlphaTrAI, an asset management firm.

As central bankers around the world try to tame inflation by raising interest rates, the Federal Reserve is moving more quickly and more aggressively than most. As a result, rates are now markedly higher in the United States than they are in many other large economies, luring investors attracted by the higher returns on even relatively conservative investments such as Treasury bonds. As money has poured in, the value of the dollar has increased.

“It’s a very, very strong dollar,” said Mark Sobel, a former Treasury official who now serves as the US chair of the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum, a think tank. The currency has been stronger on only three occasions since the 1960s.

As the world’s most important currency, the dollar often rises in times of turmoil, in part because investors consider it to be relatively safe and stable. The dollar has gained in recent months as global inflation has soared, interest rates have increased and the worries over growth have worsened. “That’s a pretty tough mix,” said Kamakshya Trivedi, the co-head of a market research group at Goldman Sachs.

The main way to gauge the dollar’s strength is by indexing it against a basket of currencies of major trading partners like Japan and the eurozone. By that measure, the dollar is at a 20-year high, after gaining more than 10 per cent this year, a huge move for an index that typically shifts by tiny fractions each day.

Reflecting the drag, companies that generate most of their revenue in the United States have performed better than rivals with more international exposure, according to indexes compiled by S&P Dow Jones Indices.

Many companies and governments abroad borrow in dollars, and the currency’s strength is a big problem. This is particularly true for poorer countries attracted to dollar-denominated debt as an alternative to less developed local markets.


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #898 on: July 18, 2022, 12:34:44 PM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #899 on: July 19, 2022, 07:58:04 AM »
Forced birth for women and forced payments for men, the GOP is all about controlling every aspect of your life based on their extreme religious beliefs. That's fascism folks!

In Idaho, if the woman's life is in danger because of her pregnancy, Republicans say the woman should be left to die under their "no exception abortion" law. So, these fake "Pro Life" Republicans are going to let women die. These are the barbaric relgious laws Republicans are enforcing in right wing red states. If the GOP ever controls Congress again, they will make the "no exception abortion law" a federal law where women all across America will be dying. This is third world country stuff.             

Idaho GOP’s anti-abortion platform makes no exception for saving a mother’s life

Idaho Republicans declare abortion is murder from fertilization as anti-abortion lawmakers across US push severe restrictions after end of Roe v Wade

Republicans have declared abortion is “murder from the moment of fertilization” and would make no exceptions even to save the life of the mother, according to the state party’s platform.

Republicans at the state’s GOP convention this weekend rejected an amendment to their official party platform that would have provided an exception for a pregnant person to save their life. The platform also makes no exceptions for rape or incest.

Delegates voted against the amendment in the platform – which is used to direct policy within the state’s GOP-controlled legislature – by a vote of 412-164.

The state’s so-called “trigger” law, which passed in 2020 and is designed to take effect after the US Supreme Court struck down the constitutional right to abortion, would outlaw nearly all abortions, with exceptions for pregnancies from rape or incest only if such crimes were reported to law enforcement.

Planned Parenthood Great Northwest, Hawai’i, Alaska, Indiana, Kentucky and an abortion provider in the state have sued to block the law. A hearing in that case is set for 3 August.

Scott Herndon, a Republican candidate running for a state Senate seat, argued against the exception, telling delegates that “for the last 49 years we have essentially lost the argument in the culture because we have focused on abortion as the termination of a pregnancy and not the termination of a living human being.”

“We will never win this human rights issue, the greatest of our time, if we make allowances for the intentional killing of another human being,” he said, according to the Idaho Capital Sun.

In a Facebook video following the Supreme Court’s ruling in Dobbs v Jackson Women’ss Health Organization, Mr Herndon criticised rape and incest exemptions in the state’s anti-abortion law, saying that “you don’t put to death the innocent child for the crime of its father, but that’s what this law would allow.”

At least nine states – Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, West Virginia, and Wisconsin – have outlawed abortion entirely in nearly all instances following the Supreme Court’s decision on 24 June to strike down the half-century precedent in Roe v Wade.

As many as 26 states could outlaw abortion without protections affirmed under Roe. Republican-led state legislatures are poised to draft more-restrictive laws in the coming weeks and months.

Anti-abortion laws in at least 10 states – Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee and Texas – make no exceptions for pregnancies from rape or incest.

Rubio pushes bill mandating men pay child support from moment of conception

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) is sponsoring legislation that would require anyone whose sperm is used to fertilize an egg to begin paying child support from the moment of conception, upon the mother's request.

The Florida Republican Senator's bill also advances the GOP goal of legally claiming that life begins at conception, and that fertilized eggs are "persons" with all the rights of a human being.

“We should do everything we can to support American mothers and their children. This bill would allow expecting mothers to prepare and support their babies before they are born.” Sen. Rubio said in a statement.

"The bill itself makes a specific change to current federal regulations regarding child support," WFLA reports. "Under the proposed legislation, the government would require that states 'establish and enforce child support obligations of the biological father of an unborn child (and subsequent to the birth of the child) to the mother of such child' at the mother’s request."

Senator Rubio is ranked among the most far-right GOP Senators, according to analysis by GovTrack. The bill is supported by some of the most far-right Senators and organizations in the U.S., including the Family Research Council and Concerned Women for America, along with GOP Senators James Lankford and Marsha Blackburn.

In 2012, after claiming he would draft legislation similar to the DREAM Act to protect those he called "blameless" children, and promised to include many GOP sponsors, the Florida Republican Senator filed a bill that excluded low-income immigrant families with undocumented parents from receiving a child tax credit.

He called attempts to provide these needy families with the same support other families were eligible for a "scam."

Just last year Sen. Rubio again opposed a child tax credit, this time claiming it "has been called a ‘child allowance,’ paid out as a universal basic income to all parents.

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GOP passed forced-birth laws for minors. Now they pretend it isn't happening.

When The Indianapolis Star reported that a 10-year-old rape victim had to travel to Indiana for an abortion because of the abortion ban in her home state of Ohio, it sounded like the kind of worst-case scenario that abortion-rights advocates had warned would come with the fall of Roe v. Wade. It sounded so much like it, in fact, that right-wing media, congressional conservatives and even Ohio’s top prosecutor declared it a bogus story. Then the 27-year-old alleged rapist was arrested.

Even without such vivid confirmation arising so quickly, common sense dictates that this hellish dilemma for women and girls is a real one in the post-Roe world. Those who intentionally created that dilemma are disingenuous to pretend now that it isn’t happening.

It’s not surprising that this story was initially hard to corroborate. Privacy laws are strict regarding medical records and juveniles. But anti-choice voices were remarkably quick to declare the lack of information as being proof of a “hoax,” as one Fox News pundit called it. Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, tweeted that the story was a “lie,” then quietly deleted the tweet after it turned out to be true. A headline on a Wall Street Journal editorial declared it “An Abortion Story Too Good to Confirm.”

After the alleged rapist’s arrest, the Journal, to its credit, ran a follow-up editorial essentially acknowledging they got it wrong. Most others haven’t.

But why were anti-choice forces so eager to debunk the story in the first place? This outcome — inhibiting virtually all abortion services, even for child rape victims — is the stated goal of these laws across red-state America. Yes, the girl’s age was shocking, but would it be more palatable had the victim been 13, or 16? In their backlash against the story, the supporters of these laws seemed to be suggesting that the very proposition that minors could be impregnated by rapists and then denied abortion services is somehow unbelievable.

It’s not only believable, it’s inevitable. And most of the time, the public won’t even know about it. Given those aforementioned privacy laws, there’s no reason to suppose that other cases like this aren’t unfolding below the media radar right now. Now Indiana’s Republican attorney general says he’s investigating the doctor who performed the girl’s abortion, as if to add a bizarre new political twist to this sordid tale.

Denying any woman the right to control her own body is egregious. But denying that right to a child who has been raped is positively dystopian. The desperate attempts to discredit and politicize this story indicate that, at some level, even many in the anti-choice movement understand that. If legislators in Missouri and other red states aren’t willing to own the prospect of forced birth by already-traumatized children as the unavoidable result of their anti-choice absolutism, they have an obligation to carve out exceptions for rape victims and for minors.

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #900 on: July 19, 2022, 08:16:36 AM »
Dem Gov. Pritzker: FL’s DeSantis is Trump in a mask and GOP likes white extremism

Illinois' Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker delivered a blistering speech in Tampa SaPersonay equating Florida’s Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis with former president Donald Trump and condemning him for doing more to “protect” Floridians from LGBTQ children and immigrants than from white nationalism and gun violence.

As keynote speaker at the Florida Democratic Party’s annual leadership conference, Pritzker urged Democrats to call out white nationalism and gun violence as domestic terrorism and to campaign against Republican candidates — including DeSantis — who do not.

“This pattern is a clear domestic terrorism threat,” Pritzker said. “He is happy to pick on LGBTQ kids and immigrants, but God forbid he calls out what the FBI refers to as our most pressing security threat: the rise of white extremism.

“Ditch cautious rhetoric and even more cautious electoral strategy, and start speaking honestly … about the dangers democracy is facing from the MAGA Republican party,” Pritzker said, prompting a standing ovation from the audience, estimated at 2,000 at the sold-out event.

Pritzker, governor of the state where a gunman murdered seven people and wounded scores more on July 4 at a parade in Highland Park, on the North Shore of Chicago, said it is true that preventing violence crime requires investments in intervention programs, mental health, and law enforcement, but he said those are not enough.

“Make no mistake, dealing with crime also involves getting guns off the streets. Ultimately, we need a federal assault weapons ban,” the governor said, also calling for national attention to “an epidemic of young men enamored with white nationalism” killing people in mass with assault weapons.”

Pritzker said the national Republican Party is “obsessed” with MAGA politics and weakening support for Democrats by ginning up fury and fear over problems that pale in comparison with gun violence and loss of abortion rights.

“Here is where the Republican game plan is the most audacious: They want to distract you into believing that gay marriage, black history, Disney World and library books are more of a threat to our children than AR-15s,” Pritzker said, and the audience rose to its feet in applause. “Don’t tell us that a 10-year-old is too young to learn about the history of slavery but not too young to run active-shooter drills when she learns how to play dead.”

Citing the U.S. Supreme Court ruling striking down abortion rights in place for nearly 50 years under Roe v. Wade, Pritzker called the Republican Party hypocritical for seeking that outcome in the name of “pro-life.”

“No part of the Republican agenda is about life. Give me one example of the Republican Party showing up for life in this country,” Pritzker said, arguing that it is the Democratic Party that supports life by expanding health care, supporting reproductive freedom, supporting humane immigration policies, and promoting diversity in American society.

“Get ready, because the next thing on their to-do list is a nationwide abortion ban,” Pritzker said.

To stop the “GOP insanity” of the MAGA agenda, he said, Democrats such as he, Stacey Abrams of Georgia, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and President Joe Biden should stand firm for Democratic principles and elect more Democrats, especially to the U.S. Senate and the presidency.

“Floridians, you can stop national Republicans in their tracks if you elect Val Demings to the U.S. Senate,” Pritzker said, and the room burst into cheers, sign-waving and noise-making.

Democratic U.S. Rep. Demings, an Orlando Democrat challenging Republican Sen. Marco Rubio, also delivered a rousing speech, citing Trump’s “big lie” about election fraud to attack voting rights, the Supreme Court’s anti-abortion ruling after Trump appointed three conservatives to the bench, and Rubio’s record of opposing abortion rights and gun-violence prevention.

“Ours is the only party fighting for the Constitution, rule of law, and our democracy,” Demings said, brandishing a fist.

Demings, former police chief in Orlando, was on the House Democratic team that impeached President Trump in 2019 for using his role as U.S. president to pressure the president of Ukraine for political favors. (The Republican-led Senate did not concur in the impeachment). She said those are “tough jobs” that she chose to do and of which she is proud.

“We’re not going back. We’re not shutting up. We’re going to fight,” she said.

OK Republican bought up to $30,000 in defense stocks while pushing for more military spending

On Monday, Business Insider reported that a prominent House Republican on a budget task force bought up to $30,000 in stocks for two major defense contractors — as he pushed for an increase to the federal military budget.

"Rep. Kevin Hern of Oklahoma and his wife invested up to $15,000 in Raytheon Technologies and up to $15,000 in Lockheed Martin, according to a recently filed federal financial disclosure. Members of Congress are only required to disclose the value of their investments in broad ranges," reported Madison Hall. "Raytheon Technologies is a defense contractor that creates drones, guided missiles, air defense systems, and other weapons platforms. Lockheed Martin similarly produces missiles and aerospace vehicles used in military operations."

"Raytheon and Lockheed Martin's products have also been used in the war in Ukraine. In May, Insider identified 20 lawmakers who are invested in the two companies and were set to profit from the $40 billion Ukraine aid package that was later signed into action by President Joe Biden," said the report. "Hern is a member of the Republican Study Committee, a caucus of GOP House representatives that 'provides the tools and research that members of Congress need to craft and advance policies,' according to the committee's site. As the chair of the committee's Budget and Spending Task Force, Hern and the committee released an alternative budget for the 2023 fiscal year that vows to cut $16.6 trillion in spending over 10 years while increasing defense funding by 5% to $845 billion."

All of this comes amid a new wave of controversy over how members of Congress in both parties buy and sell individual stocks while legislating policy on the companies in question. As the report noted, "Only about a dozen members of Congress — Hern is not among them — have reported using what's known as a qualified blind trust, a formal arrangement, requiring congressional approval, in which a lawmaker officially transfers management of their financial assets to an independent trustee."

Officially, the STOCK Act of 2012 is designed to curb insider trading in Congress by requiring members to disclose their investments publicly, but in practice, many members don't even comply with this requirement.

The scope of the ongoing misconduct has prompted calls to ban members of Congress and their immediate families from trading individual stocks altogether — a proposal that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) originally viewed with skepticism but eventually endorsed.

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Manchin directed millions in federal funds to wildlife area near his condo: report

After refusing to support a stripped-down version of the reconciliation package to invest billions of dollars in federal funds to combat climate change and obstructing other federal efforts to protect the environment, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and his wife, Gayle Manchin, have directed millions of federal dollars to a region in West Virginia where the couple owns a condo, The Intercept reports.

"Hundreds of miles north of the coal communities decimated by the mountaintop removal mining that Manchin fostered in the state, the Manchins’ Canaan Valley residence sits in an unadulterated watershed, surrounded by the Dolly Sods Wilderness, the Canaan Valley National Wildlife Refuge, and Blackwater Falls State Park," The Intercept's Daniel Boguslaw writes.

According to Boguslaw, Manchin "used his spot on the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee" to secure $7 million in funds to rebuild the visitor center at the refuge, which is less than a mile from his condo. But despite his continued efforts to preserve the region, Boguslaw says that the West Virginia Senator has been "holding federal climate legislation hostage."

Gayle Manchin, who was appointe to head the Appalachian Regional Commission last year, recently secured another $25,000 in funding for source water analysis in the valley and a $1.2 million “POWER” grant to connect and improve trails in the area.

Boguslaw writes that Gayle Manchin "has directed millions of dollars in federal grants to projects tied to her personal investments," adding that Manchin has supported "some of the most environmentally catastrophic fossil fuel extraction projects in the country while launching attacks on the federal government’s ability to pursue environmental regulation as the chair of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources."

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JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #900 on: July 19, 2022, 08:16:36 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #901 on: July 19, 2022, 08:36:31 AM »
GOP's Doug Mastriano purged over a dozen of his Facebook rants after becoming PA governor nominee

On Monday, The Philadelphia Inquirer reported that Doug Mastriano, the Republican nominee for governor of Pennsylvania, has deleted over a dozen Facebook videos from his page in recent weeks as he begins his general election campaign -- many of them espousing conspiracy theories or controversial views.

"The removed videos include freewheeling discussions in which Mastriano predicts that this November’s election will be marred by Democratic voter fraud; accuses Republicans who don’t support him of looking down on veterans; and calls the fight against abortion 'the most important issue of our lifetime,'" reported William Bender. In another video, Mastriano called climate change "ridiculous" and just a "theory" based on "pop science."

"Before this latest batch of deletions, Mastriano removed potentially problematic or controversial posts, including tweets promoting the Qanon conspiracy theory, as well as videos in which he called local faith leaders 'cowards'; acknowledged his COVID diagnosis while visiting the White House; and feuded with GOP lawmakers in Harrisburg," said the report. "Mastriano’s Senate website has also been scrubbed of a plan he pitched during the early days of the pandemic to lift medical privacy restrictions so the government could disclose the names and locations of people infected with COVID-19."

Mastriano, who won a decisive primary victory against a crowded field, has attracted scrutiny for his presence at the Capitol on January 6, as well as his ties to a cult-like church known as the "Rod of Iron Ministries" that believes the AR-15 is sacred.

In recent weeks, the GOP has seen divides over whether to even support him, with some Pennsylvania Republicans even forming a PAC to support Democratic opponent Josh Shapiro.

"Two Facebook Live videos he recorded in April and May — both since deleted — would probably not further his goal of building new relationships with Republican leaders," noted the report. "In them, Mastriano repeatedly lashes out at a 'corrupt' GOP establishment, and puts forth a novel theory: that Republicans in Pennsylvania were working against him in the primary because they hate veterans."

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Kentucky GOP group faces furious backlash over shocking antisemitic statement

A social media post from a Kentucky Republican group is the subject of backlash due to its antisemitic language, WVLT reports.

The since-deleted post, shared to Facebook by the Bracken County Republican Party, referred to Steve Dettelbach -- the new director of the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives -- as part of the “Jewish junta.”

In a post to the party's Facebook page, Bracken County GOP chair Karin Kirkendol declared that the post "does not represent the values of the Bracken County Republican Party."

"It was incredibly insensitive. We will investigate how this occurred and we commit to tighter oversight of our social media going forward," Kirkendol said.

But the chair of the Kentucky Jewish Council, Rabbi Shlomo Litvin , isn't buying the apology.

“Regardless of where it came from, it was posted on their page. They now have a responsibility to stand with anyone who can read and say the idea that Jews are running the government is a fake antisemitic trope that has no basis in reality,” said Litvin.

“From the attempted assassination of a member of the Jewish community running for mayor in Louisville, to cries of ‘Jew them down’ in the state, to an op-ed in the Courier-Journal saying that the Jews are faking antisemitism...and now this. An accusation from a local republican party that Jews are running the government,” he continued.

According to The Informant journalist Nick Martin, the statement was copied from a post made by neo-Nazi activist Joseph Jordan. "Neo-Nazi Joseph Jordan (aka 'Eric Striker') and his friends are now bragging over the ordeal," Martin noted.

State Sen. Karen Berg, a Democrat representing Louisville and the only Jewish member of the state legislature, also denounced the statement.

She told the Cincinnati Enquirer that the fact a GOP county representative "felt emboldened enough to post this on social media is a sign of a rise in extremism and hatred that has dangerous repercussions for our society."

"I am so tired of this," Berg added.

Watch WVLT News Segment Here:

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #902 on: July 19, 2022, 10:03:58 PM »
House 394-18 vote expressing support for Finland & Sweden's applications to join NATO.

All 18 No votes came from Republicans: 18 Republicans said NO to NATO and YES to Putin.

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Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #903 on: July 20, 2022, 01:18:16 AM »
Democrats' new policy package to include prescription drug cost controls and Obamacare fix

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said on Tuesday that prescription drug cost controls and an Obamacare fix are the components Democrats will seek for now in a fast-track domestic policy bill.

"The two things we want to do in reconciliation, that we're going to do in reconciliation, are prescription drugs and a two-year extension of ACA," Schumer told reporters.

"ACA" refers to the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare.

Democrats are seeking to keep in place increased financial assistance for people who qualify for subsidized health insurance under ACA. The premium relief was offered as part of the American Rescue Plan enacted in 2021, but is set to expire this year, which would result in stark premium increases for millions of people unless Congress acts.

The prescription drug plan would allow Medicare, the government's health plan for senior citizens and the disabled, to negotiate lower prices.

"Reconciliation" refers to an exclusive number of bills that can move through the Senate with a simple majority of support in the 100-member chamber, instead of the 60 votes usually needed.

So far, Democratic Senator Joe Manchin has opposed a major climate change initiative and tax increases on some corporations as part of such legislation. Without every one of the 50 Democratic caucus members, Schumer does not have the votes to pass bills given solid Republican opposition.


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: U.S. Politics
« Reply #903 on: July 20, 2022, 01:18:16 AM »