It’s truly sad that some people actually do believe that this was an intentional suicidal act by the helicopter pilot. When we really start thinking about it, the helicopter was in a blind spot of the plane turning left. And the plane was probably in a blind spot of the helicopter pilot if he was sitting on the right side of the cockpit like most helicopter pilots do. I was wondering if ATC specified (to the helicopter) which runway that the plane was landing on. It seems that they did. So it does look like the helicopter pilot is going to be at fault. But I think that there will be some changes to ATC procedures etc as well.
There's a helicopter corridor/path they are supposed to follow as they fly over the Potomac. If you look at the path that copter took before even getting to the Reagan Airport, that copter was frequently Outside of this corridor. Coupled with the copter flying far too high, we need to know what specifically was going on inside that Black Hawk Copter.