You are treated in a manner reflecting the manner with which you represent yourself on this forum. 100% pompous bluster with zero knowledge. It would not be possible to not talk down to you.
It appears you are all talk and no action. I guess you won't admit you were wrong so I will help you. You could not be more wrong.
Officer Barnett stayed at the back of the building for three minutes.
DPD Officer Welcome Barnett: Barnett was on foot patrol at the corner of Elm and Houston, directly in front of the TSBD main entrance. At about 12:20 PM he looked up at the windows of the TSBD and saw nothing unusual. At 12:30 PM he heard shots, and he says that he suspected that the shots came from the top of the TSBD, and that the shooter would run down the fire escape, so he ran up Houston street to the back of the TSBD, and carefully watched the back door and the fire escape for signs of anybody climbing down. About three minutes later, Sergeant Howard ordered him to the front of the building to get its name; so, he did.
No mention of seeing anyone emerge out of the back of the TSBD.
I don't know where you got this quote from (if it is indeed a quote and you didn't make it up yourself) but it isn't from his WC testimony. Better check that before you embarrass yourself any further.
I'll do you one better. Here's the relevant part of his testimony;
Mr. LIEBELER - What did you do when you concluded that the shots were coming from that building?
Mr. BARNETT - I ran to the back of the building.
Mr. LIEBELER - Ran down Houston Street?
Mr. BARNETT - Yes, sir.
Mr. LIEBELER - There is a door in the back of the Texas School Book Depository. Does it face on Houston or around the corner?
Mr. BARNETT - It is around the corner from Houston Street.
Mr. LIEBELER - Did you go in the building?
Mr. BARNETT - No, sir; I didn't get close to it, because I was watching for a fire escape. If the man was on top, he would have to come down, and I was looking for a fire escape, and I didn't pay much attention to the door. I was still watching the top of the building, and so far as I could see, the fire escape on the east side was the only escape down.
Mr. LIEBELER - Since you surmised that the shots had come from the building, you looked up and you didn't see any windows open. You thought they had been fired from the top of the building?
Mr. BARNETT - That's right.
Mr. LIEBELER - So you ran around here on Houston Street immediately to the east of the Texas School Book Depository Building and watched the fire escape?
Mr. BARNETT - I went 20 foot past the building still on Houston, looking up. I could see the whole back of the building and also the east side of the building.
Mr. LIEBELER - Did you see anybody coming off the fire escape up there, or any movement on top of the building?
Mr. BARNETT - Not a thing.
Mr. LIEBELER - What did you do after you went around behind the building?
Mr. BARNETT - I went looked behind the building and I saw officers searching the railroad cars. I looked around in front towards the front of the building and I saw officers going west.
Mr. LIEBELER - Going west down the little street there in front of the School Book Depository Building?
Mr. BARNETT - Yes; but there was no sign they were going into the building or watching the building, so I decided I was the only one watching the building. So since this was the only fire escape and there were officers down here watching the this back door, I returned back around to the front to watch the front of the building and the fire escape. Then I decided maybe I had been wrong, so I saw the officers down here searching.
Initially, Barnett didn't get any further, on Houston, than about 20 foot from the front corner of the building, where he was when the motorcade passed by. Only later did he go to the back of the building but by then other officers were already there.
Barnett also did not stay at the back of the building for 3 minutes. He testified that he was at the location marked "9" on CE 354 when he heard the shots. then ran about 20 foot down Houston and watched the fire escape. On some point he went to the back of the building (still staying on Houston) and saw cops there, so he ran back up Houston to his original location ("9"). From there he ran along the street in front of the TSBD towards to railway yard. He then returned to the location marked "8" on the map. He estimated that all of that took him 2 1/2 minutes, which means that he could not have been at the back of the building for more than a few seconds.
And this part of the testimony shows conclusively that either Barnett's time estimate is wrong or he couldn't have done his run between 12:30 and 12:33, because the front door of the TSBD wasn't sealed off until after 12:36.
Mr. LIEBELER - Do you think it was as quickly as 2 1/2 minutes from the time the last shot was fired until the time you got to the front door? Do you think it was that quick?
Mr. BARNETT - I believe it was 2 1/2 minute probably from the time I ran from the back to the front. That was probably 2 1/2 minutes. Then it took me 20 or 30 seconds more before I got to the front there.
Mr. LIEBELER - So you recollection is that it was fairly short order that you got to the front door?
Mr. BARNETT - Three minutes at the most.
Mr. LIEBELER - Now who was the one sergeant who instructed you to post yourself there at the door, or was it somebody else?
Mr. BARNETT - Sergeant Howard.
Mr. LIEBELER - You remained there at the door for how long?
Mr. BARNETT - Until 3 o'clock. Close to 11:30 to 3 - close to 12:30 to 3.
And finally, to debunk your misrepresentation completely, Barnett did not carefully watch the back door, as you claim. He actually testified that
he didn't pay much attention to the door, so even if he was there within a minute of the shots (which he wasn't) it is still possible that he didn't see anybody coming out of the back door simply because he wasn't looking.
I see you still have no explanation for Dorothy Garner saying the girls went down the stairs before Baker and Truly came up. Now, there's a surprise....

The fragments were matched to the rifle independently by three different FBI Experts.
Mr. EISENBERG - Mr. Frazier, did any other firearms experts in the FBI laboratory examine the three cartridge cases, the bullet, and the two bullet fragments which you have testified as to today?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, all of the actual firearms comparisons were also made by Charles Killion and Cortlandt Cunningham. These examinations were made separately, that is, they made their examination individually and separately from mine, and there was no association between their examination and mine until both were finished.
Mr. EISENBERG - Did the three of you come to the conclusions which you have given us today as your own conclusions?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir.
Mr. EISENBERG - Did anyone in the FBI laboratory who examined the evidence come to a different conclusion as to any of the evidence you have discussed today?
Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir
You still don't get it. Pfff... Oh well, I can't fix stupid
There is no problem with the evidence and how it was gathered.
Frazier examined the car that had been under continual Secret Service guard.
Mr. FRAZIER - I examined the car to determine whether or not there were any bullet fragments present in it, embedded in the upholstery of the back of the front seat, or whether there were any impact areas which indicated that bullets or bullet fragments struck the inside of the car.
Mr. SPECTER - With respect to the fragments first, what did your examination disclose?
Mr. FRAZIER - We found three small lead particles lying on the rug in the rear seat area. These particles were located underneath or in the area which would be underneath the left jump seat.
Yes, Frazier examined the car
after others had already been through it. Frazier did not find the fragments, you were talking about earlier, himself. They were given to him. Only in your fairyland is that not an evidentiary problem.
LHO's rifle which had been discovered on the 6th floor was independently matched to the bullet fragments by no less than three different FBI experts. Is this where you finally admit you were wrong?
There's nothing to admit. You jump to conclusions, misrepresent the evidence and make assumptions. You do all that, but you can't answer a simple question;
Where did Frazier or any other expert say
when the bullets were fired by that rifle?
Perhaps if you watch some more cops shows you might find an answer.