Q: Tell me, how was Lee Harvey Oswald carrying this package you described
as he was walking in front of you?

A: Parallel to his side, up and down. Like you stick it up under your armpit and
the other part cupped in his hand.

Q: Did you determine whether it was in his armpit or were you close enough to
see that?

A: No, sir, I was not close enough to see. I didn't pay attention to it particularly,
but as he was walking along in front of me naturally I looked in his direction
and that is what it appeared to be from what I saw.
Q: Where was this package in the automobile?
A: Lying on the back seat on the side he sat on.
Q: How much of the back seat did the package occupy?
A: I would say roughly around two feet, give or take a few inches.
Q: When you say "give or take a few inches," could you approximate how many inches to give or take?
A: Like I said, the package was roughly around two feet.