I believe that this 'superintendent' was actually Bill Shelley.
Mr Truly was the building superintendent (Mr Holmes' testimony) and Mr Oswald's boss (Mr Holmes' interrogation report).
And, according to One--He was there. Two-- He did not want to be involved. Three---he lied about not seeing Oswald. Four--the janitor who mentions him regarded Shelley as a Supervisor.
Supervisor is not the same thing as building superintendent. Mr Truly was the building superintendent.
Mr Lovelady told Mr Jarman he saw Mr Oswald in an exchange at the front door with an officer and Mr Truly---------just as Mr Holmes has Mr Oswald saying. And just as DPD were telling the press 11/22:

Officer Baker did not in fact 'challenge' or 'confront' or 'stop' Mr Oswald-----------he was simply looking for someone who worked there to show him the way to the stairs. Mr Oswald confirmed he worked there. Had Mr Truly not come running up those front steps and volunteered to assist Officer Baker, the man who escorted Officer Baker to the rear stairs would have been-----------Mr Lee Harvey Oswald
Five--Truly was on the roof with Baker at the time. Additionally, the cop mentioned at the front door was Patrolman Welcome Barnett.
I'm afraid this doesn't work...............
Mr. LIEBELER - How long do you think it was from the time the last shot was fired until the time you were at the front door keeping people from going in and out?
Mr. BARNETT - It was around 2 1/2 minutes. Maybe between 2 1/2 or 3 minutes.
Mr. LIEBELER - From the time the last shot was fired until the time you were standing at that front door?
Mr. BARNETT - Yes.
Mr. LIEBELER - Did you let anybody out of the building after you got there?
Mr. BARNETT - No, sir; until they were authorized.
Mr. LIEBELER - Who was in a position to authorize people to come in and out?
Mr. BARNETT - Well, of course, for sometime no one left except city, county, and Federal officers, and then after the people in the building were took into the small room there and questioned, they were brought to the door by a lieutenant, which I don't remember his name, but that was sometime after, and he brought them to the door and told us to let them out.If Officer Barnett was already at the front entrance stopping non-authorized people go in or come out, how did
--------------a pressman get past him going in?
--------------Mr Oswald get past him going out?
Mr Oswald had his encounter with the pressman BEFORE Officer Barnett went to the front entrance in order to keep non-authorized people from going in or coming out. This happened within the window of time described by Officer Barnett here:
Mr. BARNETT - That was probably 2 1/2 minutes after the last shot was fired. About that time, my sergeant came up from this way, from the north of Houston Street and asked me to get the name of that building. I broke and ran to the front and got the name of it. There were people going in and out at that time. I ran back and told him the name of it, and about that time a construction worker ran from this southwest corner of the intersection up to me and said, "I was standing over there and saw the man in the window with the rifle." He and I and the sergeant all three broke and ran for the door.