So how do you explain this in the Bookhout-Hosty interrogation report, which covers the same interrogation session?-----------------
"OSWALD claimed to be on the first floor when President JOHN F. KENNEDY passed this building"
And how do you explain this in Agent Hosty's draft report for the selfsame session?---------------

Via the phrase "At the time of the search...", Agent Bookhout's later solo report skirts around the relationship between Mr Oswald's claimed movements and the time of the assassination, and with good reason---------------the report is putting into the now dead Mr Oswald's mouth confirmation of a post-assassination lunchroom encounter invented by the 'investigating' authorities desperate to pin the shooting on Mr Oswald
Oswald is in the domino room having his lunch when Jarman and Norman enter the TSBD
Minutes later the assassination takes place while he is still in the domino room
Oswald goes up to the 2nd floor to get a Coke to have with his lunch
Has the encounter with Baker
Goes down to the domino room to finish off his lunch
Heads outside to watch the parade but misses it
That's why, when asked by Inspector Kelley if he'd actually seen the parade, Oswald answers that he didn't see it.
When he gets to the front lobby he talks with Bill Shelley
As a result of that conversation Oswald decides to leave the TSBD.
On his through the lobby Allman asks where the phone is
When he gets to the door an officer confronts him
Bill Shelley vouches for Oswald
Away he goes