Ugh. No boxes were moved. The pictures are taken from slightly different perspectives. But the truly humorous part is that there is no conceivable reason for anyone to move boxes just after assassinating the president. None. But CTers thrive in a fantasy world in which everything is potentially sinister. Even if it makes absolutely no sense from a conspiracy perspective. So again, why would anyone hang around moving boxes in the SN in the moments after the assassination? Can anyone articulate a reasonable explanation? If there is none, doesn't that further confirm it didn't happen?
If this is some kind of response to my recent posts you need to read through them again.
In Reply#114 I dismiss the notion of boxes being removed in the immediate aftermath of the assassination.
The close-up of the Powell pic I posted shows the stack of boxes behind the Sniper's Perch, the stack to the far right [east] is taller than the others and there are at least two more shorter stacks to the left [west] of this tall stack. But when it comes to the photos taken as part of the investigation the stack furthest to the west is missing.
I don't view it as part of any conspiracy, just another example of the quite staggering incompetence of the investigation that took place on the 6th floor.