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Author Topic: Simple proof that the Zapruder film is 100% Authentic!  (Read 25841 times)

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Simple proof that the Zapruder film is 100% Authentic!
« Reply #80 on: April 16, 2022, 04:18:05 AM »
I have to go with Jerry Freeman post on the roses!


The larger piece of skull seems to be a match to the Limo skull gif.

As the skull fragment tumbles down we can see the same long edge which has the same depth as a piece of skull with sun reflecting off it's shiny surface.


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Simple proof that the Zapruder film is 100% Authentic!
« Reply #80 on: April 16, 2022, 04:18:05 AM »

Offline Allan Fritzke

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Re: Simple proof that the Zapruder film is 100% Authentic!
« Reply #81 on: April 16, 2022, 07:01:49 PM »
Going through my collection I found some interesting graphics that prove all sorts of things.

This autopsy photo showing the irregular torn scalp matches the same injury as seen in the Moorman photo.

This forensic simulation using a replica ballistic head demonstrates a similar result to what is seen in Zapruder.

For any rational sane person the fact that the Nix film shows the exact same event from a completely different perspective proves the Zapruder film is 100% authentic!

The first eyewitnesses who saw the assassination from right up close ALL describe the exact same expulsion of matter as seen in the authenticated Zapruder Film.

In the centre frame in this Gif right next to Jackie's left shoulder, a piece of brain/skull is seen hurtling towards the floor.

The blood spray dissipation seen in this hunting video is replicated in the Zapruder film.


You have presented a very nice gif which does not match the autopsy picture.  According to the autopsy picture,  the scalp is hinged at the back and yet region covered with hair where it has come from!  It is not naturally rolling over the ear and down to the front, that requires a different hinge poitn.  When you look at the gif, the "scalp?" is falling towards the front and over the ear and not to the back where it appears to still be attached to on the autopsy picture.  Totally different hinge point from my perspective as to where it remains attached to the head.  Which do you choose as I fail to relate the images and find congruency.   The autopsy shows hair? across the region as well where the hinged piece is rolled back from.  Also curious where that excess hair is from across the wound?

If the autopsy is correct, it looks more like a storm gutter shot coming from street level, throwing the head back towards Jacqueline as the head moves in her direction.   This also would account for that hair you see moving up in the Nix Film flying towards Jacqueline when shot comes in.  I could argue the deposits on the seat between JFK and Jacqueline drop out from Z331 to Z337 (7 frames) just after the Z329/330  shot coming through the windshield. Obviously the windshield glass spray aberration across the black suited front passenger gets picked up by the light and becomes the meaningful tattletale in my conclusion.   Assuming same limo speed in both cases, 14 frames occurred before the rose disappears below the door frame.  Blood spots appear across Jacqueline's arm/dress background at Z330 and 7 frames later this material is below camera view door frame level.  Quite a difference in frames (7 vs 14) which leads me to believe you are looking at the roses in the first instance!

« Last Edit: April 16, 2022, 07:05:32 PM by Allan Fritzke »

Offline Steve Barber

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Re: Simple proof that the Zapruder film is 100% Authentic!
« Reply #82 on: April 17, 2022, 04:50:55 PM »
Doctoring of the Zapruder Film.  Here is a prime example. If they can do this here, where else can they do it and make it ingeniously blend in?  Note the flag and the waterspot just above it that turns to a fleshy color.  Was this a film spice, a license plate splice or cutting or an obscurement or movement of people in the scene? Maybe the feet in the scene should have been at the waterspot and match their shadow?

Maybe they were just obscuring the license plate numbers so you couldn't trace them!  Those definitely look like cut lines on Z225.  Again, the background figures are hideous.  They appear to be clapping.  Well that could be, but they are also in the right place to make a presidential interception when JFK is right behind the sign and the first shot comes in.  It would work great having everyone's attention fixed on Cuban and the umbrella man on the other side of the road!   To make matters worse, those figures don't appear to be following the car with their gaze and the figure at the front quickly puts his hand directly behind his back.  Must have had an itchy spot!    Not sure what these characters were doing and who they were.  Garry Unger's picks up some black in those frames.  Anything cut or modified?  Thanks to Garry Unger's Pictures!  The others don't show the shadows!  The stance doesn't match the body position either!

It would be interesting to see a gif zoomed on these characters!

  Here's something that will help you.  The film has never been "doctored" by anyone.  It is what it is and was when Zapruder made the film on 11/22/1963..  Copies of the film were made on the day of the assassination at the time the film was developed.  Two copies were given to the Secret Service, and Zapruder retained one copy for himself--only because it contained a lot of family film before it reached 11/22/1963.   Robert Groden released a video in 1996 titled "The Assassination Films" on VHS.  Within the video is the undamaged copy of the film, with no frames missing, no mold spots (Which is what is seen in the original), just a clean copy of the film.  Naturally, it isn't AS clear and sharp as the original, but it is clear enough.  I believe the DVD release of the video is under the title The Assassination Files" now. However, the DVD is inferior to the VHS copy, due to Groden having copied the VHS version onto DVD, where a LOT of clarity and sharpness is lost compared to the VHS, which is no longer in circulation, and is extremely hard to find.  Stupidly, I sold my copy of the VHS to a gentleman who is/was a member of this forum within the last few years because he said he needed it for a project, and not knowing that the VHS was out of circulation and out of print-I let it go fo a mere $20.00.  He, meanwhile, told me that he would send me a sample of what his project was.  He left the forum and I never saw what he was working on.  It was then that I realized that I should never have sold my VHS copy of the video.  At least you can still find the DVD version on Amazon. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Simple proof that the Zapruder film is 100% Authentic!
« Reply #82 on: April 17, 2022, 04:50:55 PM »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: Simple proof that the Zapruder film is 100% Authentic!
« Reply #83 on: May 24, 2022, 12:59:08 AM »
Over at the Ed Forum they are jizzing over this Zapruder frame(the insert) showing the back of Kennedy's head which looks to have a black patch and this image has supposedly been logarithmically colour corrected from a iirc a third generational copy but the colours and contrast have been favourably enhanced to exaggerate this patch, for instance the grass and basically everything else has a red tinge.
Kennedy's hair was short and appeared dark at the back and on the sides, and was longer and lighter on top.


Offline Michael T. Griffith

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Re: Simple proof that the Zapruder film is 100% Authentic!
« Reply #84 on: May 30, 2022, 04:59:05 PM »
Look, until someone comes up with some rational, plausible explanations for the physical impossibilities that the current Z film contains, no one can credibly claim that the film has been proved authentic.

When you point out some of these impossibilities to the film's defenders, they usually claim that they just don't see them in the first place, such as the impossibly fast movement of Brehm's son.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Simple proof that the Zapruder film is 100% Authentic!
« Reply #84 on: May 30, 2022, 04:59:05 PM »

Offline Paul J Cummings

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Re: Simple proof that the Zapruder film is 100% Authentic!
« Reply #85 on: May 30, 2022, 08:41:58 PM »
Hopefully some day technology will allow to see where the direction of the bullets came from. TBH I'm about done with the Zapruder film unless some known experts retake a look at it with new tech to see things.

Offline Tom Scully

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Re: Simple proof that the Zapruder film is 100% Authentic!
« Reply #86 on: June 06, 2022, 11:52:13 PM »
John Mytton seems to come on routinely as the chief cook and bottle washer around here.
Dan Rather was among the privileged few press correspondents that were given a private showing of the film back when it was solely in the hands of the Time-Life outfit. Few know what he reported..."Upon viewing the president's head shot---JFK could be seen slumping forward." Is that what we see in that film? Maybe he saw a different copy? ???

There is an interview transcript of Dan Rather that, if it is verifiable, makes a strong case for there being no incontrovertible
chain of custody of the Zapruder Film in between its removal from Zapruder's camera to Richard Stolley taking possession
of it.

Interesting comments from the "Transcript of HSCA Critics' Conference of 17 Sep 1977"
(My comment: It is almost as if Henry Wade cooperated in the "lockdown" of the Zapruder Film by avoiding subpoenaing it into evidence)
...Dallas Police were legally the investigating agency of a state crime, murder, but were not provided with a copy of the Zapruder Film, evidence somehow controlled by a private company, Time-Life. Thompson contradicts Mary Ferrell's opinion that the Zapruder film was developed by Jamieson Film Labs, mention is made of Dan Rather's unique claims in his then new book, conflicting with Forest Sorrel's WC testimony, Ms. Ferrell shares that "an old Chrysler Vice-President" she hosted in 1968, recalled visiting Jamieson in late 1963 because his sister worked there and viewing a copy of the Zapruder film. His sister had a copy, "all of them had copies of it." :

By Linda Minor - May 28, 2022
"...Is it not a strange coincidence that Herskowitz, chosen to write Dan's book, The Camera Never Blinks, which was published in 1976, would later work for the Bush family? Perhaps not, considering the closeness of Prescott Bush to the CBS founder, William S. Paley. Consider this small detail from IMDb's biography of George H. W. Bush:
Prescott Bush (Yale 1917) made his fortune and name as an investment banker on Wall St., eventually becoming a partner of the white shoe brokerage Brown Bros. Harriman. He was a member of the Yale Corp., the principal governing body of Yale University, from 1944 to 1956 and was on the board of directors of the Columbia Broadcasting System (C.B.S.), after having been introduced to C.B.S. Chairman William Paley in 1932 by his friend and business partner [in investment bank, Brown Brothers Harriman] Averell Harriman, a major Democratic party power-broker.

C.D. Jackson, who headed Time, Inc., which owned Life magazine, had handled intelligence and propaganda assignments during WWII. In 1943 he was in Turkey for the State Department and Board of Economic Warfare before going to the Office of War Information with his friend William Paley. They were both assigned to Eisenhower’s command in Europe to operate the Psychological Warfare Branch of the Army.

After the 1952 election Jackson became Eisenhower’s special assistant for cold war planning and, while on leave from Fortune, a Luce publication, he handled clandestine propaganda operations in Eastern Europe within the National Committee for a Free Europe. He also participated in the report prepared by William Harding Jackson (no relation), which resulted in reorganizing Truman’s Psychological Strategy Board into a new “Operations Coordinating Board” within the National Security Council. [See Michael S. Mayer, The Eisenhower Years (2009).]

Walter Cronkite had been placed in charge of the CBS Evening News in 1962. Also a Texan, Cronkite had graduated from San Jacinto High School in Houston in 1933 before attending the University of Texas for just over two years, dropping out in 1935. ...

As recently as 18 years ago, Dan Rather was on record claiming to have had sole custody of the original, preprocessed
Zapruder film as well as immediately after it was processed, to the extent he claimed to have passed up the opportunity to make a copy for himself / CBS, as well as to view the processed film before it went into the post processed possession of Zapruder. Rather's excuses were that it would have been illegal and unethical.,3500.0.html
« Last Edit: June 07, 2022, 12:40:38 AM by Tom Scully »

Offline Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: Simple proof that the Zapruder film is 100% Authentic!
« Reply #87 on: June 07, 2022, 01:08:59 AM »

The larger piece of skull seems to be a match to the Limo skull gif.

This is the first time that i have seen any mention that the Zapruder footage shows that chunk of spinning skull. Made my day. Good job.
I guess that the chunk shows up very well koz it bounced offa Connally's seat (& praps the limo) & then hung in the air for a while.
Has there been any mention that the small circled area possibly shows the damage/hole made by the exiting remnant of Hickey's AR15 slug?
The slug veered say 6 deg inside the skull & then made a spider crack in the windshield glass just left of the mirror.
After which the slug probly bounced backwards out of the limo & out onto the street, & was never found.
Or, it was found inside the limo, & was kept secret.

Silly me. I was starting to think that the chunk of skull would surely have been found by Hicky when he was picking up his say 6 smelly hot empty casings offa the floor on that side of the limo, & then i realized that he was in the Queen Mary not the jfklimo. Silly me. I am getting old.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2022, 01:16:20 AM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Simple proof that the Zapruder film is 100% Authentic!
« Reply #87 on: June 07, 2022, 01:08:59 AM »