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Author Topic: Is the French copy of Zapruder legit?  (Read 5437 times)

Online John Mytton

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Re: Is the French copy of Zapruder legit?
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2022, 03:16:00 AM »
The "French" version was created using a frame interpolation program, imo. The frame, call it 312a, that appears after 312 is a separate, independent and complete frame not a result of video aberrations. JFK's head moves to a halfway position between 312/313. So does the limo. Splitting the distance the limo went in one frame(312-313) into 312/312a/313 cut the limo speed in half for those two frames and creates the impression of a slowing limo.
  If you click the video and save as a"Watch later" under you own Youtube account you can adjust the settings to double the speed of the video which will be much closer to reality and the faked limo stop/slowing becomes obvious.
 Frame 350 has some artifacts that are probably a result of experimentation with the I.P. program. The curb in the French version of frame 350 looks to be from Z frame 349. Two indicators are Altgens missing shadow across the curb and the location of the yellow curb near Greer's side window. Both match Z frame 349. The yellow curb remains in the same location from 349 to 350. Then it jumps forward and catches up by frame 351.  Being that the addition of a frame 312a is obvious it is not a big surprise to see artifacts of other interpolation attempts.  Another clue in frame 350 is the vertical blurring of the curb in the French copy but not the real Z 350.  The bright horizontal curb almost doubles its vertical size from frame to frame due to a slight vertical camera jiggle. Compare Z frames 349 and 350 for an example. 349 is blurred and so the curb is much thicker than 350. But in the French version 350 is thick and matches Z frame 349. There also several other small blemishes on the curb and discolorations in the grass just above the curb that also, I think, prove the French frame 350 has elements morphed from frame 349.

The "French" version was created using a frame interpolation program, imo. The frame, call it 312a, that appears after 312 is a separate, independent and complete frame not a result of video aberrations. JFK's head moves to a halfway position between 312/313. So does the limo. Splitting the distance the limo went in one frame(312-313) into 312/312a/313 cut the limo speed in half for those two frames and creates the impression of a slowing limo.

Seriously? Frame interpolation takes two consecutive movie frames and examines the difference in every pixel and to suggest that this interpolation is just randomly centered on the first frame of Kennedy's head and not the changed perspective of the Limo seats, roll bar, Trunk and hand holds etc etc, is absurd and needs some explaining?

If you click the video and save as a"Watch later" under you own Youtube account you can adjust the settings to double the speed of the video which will be much closer to reality and the faked limo stop/slowing becomes obvious.

There is no doubt that the Limo slowed and how do you determine that this slowing was "faked"? In the following video we get a wider view of the Limo within Dealey Plaza and the slowing is plain as day. There is no alteration in any of the corroborated 8mm films on the 22nd and to keep insisting on tin foil fakery does the conspiracy movement no favours. Imo!


« Last Edit: April 01, 2022, 03:17:51 AM by John Mytton »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Is the French copy of Zapruder legit?
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2022, 03:16:00 AM »

Offline Chris Bristow

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Re: Is the French copy of Zapruder legit?
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2022, 07:01:03 AM »
John, because some of my analysis of CT claims supports the CT and other analysis debunks CT my posts are often mis understood by the lone nut people. I posted a response on this some years back and the moderator thought I was promoting a CT and rebuffed me.

""There is no doubt that the Limo slowed and how do you determine that this slowing was "faked"? In the following video we get a wider view of the Limo within Dealey Plaza and the slowing is plain as day. There is no alteration in any of the corroborated 8mm films on the 22nd and to keep insisting on tin foil fakery does the conspiracy movement no favours. Imo!"

 Yes the limo slowed. but in the French version the limo slows twice as much, measurably twice as much as the official Z film. It suddenly travels half the distance per frame as it does in the OFFICIAL Z film from 312 to 313.
 Let me painfully clear, I am NOT promoting an alteration theory I am DEBUNKING the supposed French version of the Z film as fakery!!.
 The 'French' version IS the CT version and is claimed to be the "original unaltered" Z film that showed the limo slowing more than the 'official Z film. I am debunking the CT claim and providing evidence that the "French" version is the result of interpolation software. ""how do you determine that this slowing was "faked"?"". If you measure the advance of the limo down Elm in the French version you will find the limo somehow cuts its speed in half from 312 to 312a but then doubles its speed back to normal from 313 to 314. That proves the French version is not the official real version. Or the official fake version depending on your view.

Looking at your previous post you have already isolated frame 312A. That is thelast  frame when JFK's head rocks forward but no bloody spray is seen. in the real film there is 312 then the head rocks forward to 313 but the blood is included. Your frame that shows JFK rock his head forward IS the fake frame. Measure how far the limo advanced in those two frames and you will see it cuts the limo speed in half, proof of fakery in the French version.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2022, 07:10:45 AM by Chris Bristow »

Offline Chris Bristow

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Re: Is the French copy of Zapruder legit?
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2022, 03:20:57 AM »
Yes and the strangeness  in frame 350 adds a lot to the theory that it is an IP program.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Is the French copy of Zapruder legit?
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2022, 03:20:57 AM »

Offline Chris Bristow

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Re: Is the French copy of Zapruder legit?
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2022, 01:01:02 AM »
I re-posted John Mytton's GIF below which shows some very clear and interesting aspects of the alteration. The movement of the grass across the screen in contrast to the static yellow curb next to Greer is unmistakable. Also the top of the shadow line is uneven and its shape is also static. If you look closely at the area of grass a few inches past/above the shadow you will see the demarcation. The variation in discoloration of the grass makes it easy to see that the grass just above the shadow is not moving with he grass above it. It is static just like the curb.
 The really interesting part is that the demarcation line is not level across the screen, it matches the angled curb line which is lower on the left side. Is the angled demarcation a result of a glitch in the program or did the perpetrators choose the demarcation line? I would have assumed that a program would work row by row across the screen in a level fashion.
  The image almost looks like it could be achieved with cutting and pasting by rotating JFK's head. But the background cannot be a cut and paste. You could cut the background and re-paste it a bit to the left and get most of the effect. You would have to take background from the left side of 313 and paste a slice of in to the right side of 312a to replace the missing section of the background from 312, But the images of the grass undulate from frame to frame so it might not match.
  What would be extremely difficult to just cut and paste would be Mary Moorman's position relative to and behind Hargis' windshield. That position is between 312 and 313 and happened when the shutter was closed. Mary Moorman's position is a creation of some sort. The question is how was it done?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Is the French copy of Zapruder legit?
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2022, 01:01:02 AM »