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Author Topic: Colors of Blue and Gold  (Read 71458 times)

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Colors of Blue and Gold
« Reply #264 on: May 11, 2023, 12:26:05 AM »
What Richard Smith wants is a Neville Chamberlain for American. He believes that is what America needs. And Donald Trump can be that man.

In 1938, Britain found the man they were looking for. Someone who would force Hitler to promise to not attack any of his neighbors, after occupying the Sudetenland. And Chamberlain accomplished that for them. And he believes that Trump can accomplish that for us today. I think Richard is right. Trump can negotiate peace with Russia. And be just as effected as Neville Chamberlain.

For a relatively cheap price, compared to our billions of spending over 70 years to defend against Russia, we are giving Ukraine just enough support, to trash the Russian army. Which makes them less able to invade other counties. And this benefits Ukraine as well, since it prevents them from being ruled by Putin. A fate I would not wish on my worst enemies, except for, perhaps, the MAGA crowd, who, if they get there way, will Make Russia Great Again.

There is no evidence that Russia ever intended to invade any other country.  None.  Even if that were the intent, the inability to overrun even the pro-Russian regions of Ukraine confirms that they pose no real threat.  And you are always drawing incorrect analogies from history.  This regional conflict doesn't reflect the WWII situation.  It is more akin to the situation that existed at the beginning of WWI.  A regional conflict between people that no one ever heard of expanded to a global conflict based on a series of alliances and weak leaders.  They allowed a small conflict between regional factions to get out of hand and engulf the entire world.  A bitter lesson being repeated by Ukraine Joe.  This conflict should have been settled quickly.  It should never have started. "Minor incursion" Joe bungled it.   He has no plan for what to do next or how to end it.  Just "as long as it takes."  What does he mean by "it"?  No one knows.  Certainly not Joe.  The only people who are benefitting are the American military contractors and Pentagon war hawks.  The money flowing is endless.  This war just replaced Afghanistan.  The old war hawks from Dr. Strangelove are finally getting to fight Russia.  Same old story, just a different place.  America has been involved in such conflicts almost continuously now for 60 years.  It would be impossible to name a single positive result.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Colors of Blue and Gold
« Reply #264 on: May 11, 2023, 12:26:05 AM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Colors of Blue and Gold
« Reply #265 on: May 11, 2023, 06:22:54 AM »
Thanks to the strong effective leadership of President Biden rallying our allies together, Poland is now sending 10 fighter jets to Ukraine to defeat Putin.

It was President Biden who made Poland understand that air power is critical and decisive in modern warfare.

That's what a real leader does instead of a traitor like Criminal Donald selling America and our allies like Ukraine out to Putin.

Igor Sushko @igorsushko

The amazing Poland has transferred 10 Mig-29 fighter jets to Ukraine!


Online Richard Smith

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Re: Colors of Blue and Gold
« Reply #266 on: May 11, 2023, 01:15:47 PM »
Magnificent to hear Trump speak about the situation in Ukraine.  The idiotic CNN commentator kept asking him who he wanted to "win" the war.  And Trump kept noting that it was important to end the war and save lives of both Russians and Ukranians.  A stark contrast to Ukraine Joe and his "plan" to keep this war going for years. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Colors of Blue and Gold
« Reply #266 on: May 11, 2023, 01:15:47 PM »

Offline Jon Banks

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Re: Colors of Blue and Gold
« Reply #267 on: May 11, 2023, 06:54:08 PM »
Magnificent to hear Trump speak about the situation in Ukraine.  The idiotic CNN commentator kept asking him who he wanted to "win" the war.  And Trump kept noting that it was important to end the war and save lives of both Russians and Ukranians.  A stark contrast to Ukraine Joe and his "plan" to keep this war going for years.

Trump came away sounding more mature on the Ukraine war than most politicians.

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Colors of Blue and Gold
« Reply #268 on: May 11, 2023, 11:30:02 PM »
Trump came away sounding more mature on the Ukraine war than most politicians.

Yes, he gave a great answer.  What is needed is a plan to end the war.  Not endless war in which thousands of Ukranians continue to die for years.  The leftists want this to go on and on forever.   The idea that this war just goes on for "as long as it takes" is not a policy.  That is what happened in Vietnam and Afghanistan.  Is anyone better off for the years spent in those wars?  Trump also noted the supreme irony that the US and not "Europe" is once again bearing the cost of a war that we are told is being conducted to protect "Europe."  They don't seem too worried about the Russians, though, since they have all checked out.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Colors of Blue and Gold
« Reply #268 on: May 11, 2023, 11:30:02 PM »

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Colors of Blue and Gold
« Reply #269 on: May 12, 2023, 03:14:45 AM »
Donald Trump is an absolute joke. His failed policies destroyed America and made us less safe a a nation. World leaders would openly mock Donnie and they had no respect for him. Here is solid evidence of Trump being a laughing stock around the world.

World Leaders Caught on Camera Mocking Trump


Online Richard Smith

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Re: Colors of Blue and Gold
« Reply #270 on: May 12, 2023, 02:46:01 PM »
This is real simple.  Under Trump - no wars or invasions.  Under Ukraine Joe endless war.  No end in sight or even an articulated objective or plan to end it.  It will just go on "for as long as it takes."  What "it" is has not been articulated.  Tens of thousands have already died.  Countless more will die due to Old Joe's incompetency.

Offline Rick Plant

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Re: Colors of Blue and Gold
« Reply #271 on: May 13, 2023, 03:51:38 AM »
Glory to Ukraine! 

Russian Attempt to Cover Up Bakhmut Retreat Majorly Backfires

Wagner Group head Yevgeniy Prigozhin claimed Russia is fleeing on the back foot, not regrouping

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Colors of Blue and Gold
« Reply #271 on: May 13, 2023, 03:51:38 AM »