It definitely appears to me to be a camera.
And it very well could be. I see nothing that resembles a purse in her hands, but she definitely has something in her hands. Also, for someone to shield the sun from their eyes, they would normally put their hands over their eyes. A purse would be rather awkward to hold onto, judging from their size at that time. On top of this, Gary, being the egomaniac that he was, has been proved wrong regarding his observations more times than not. For example, the acoustics, Badge Man, the identity of the woman on the grass between the Newman's and the Stemmons Freeway sign. He swore that her name is was Cheryl McKinnon. In 2013, the real identity came to light and her name is Doris Mumford. She was identified by her daughter Karen, who provided proof with many photographs of her mother and you can clearly see that it is Doris Muford, not Cheryl McKinnon. However, in typical Gary Mack form, he refused to admit he was wrong, just like he did with the other three observations by him. I knew Gary very personally. He was a snake in the grass.