It is the endless Catch 22 of lunacy. A CTer makes a baseless and absurd claim. When this is pointed out to them, they request evidence to rebut their claim. When that is provided, they reject the evidence as faked (without providing a scintilla of evidence that it is faked much less who and how it was faked). Even if the evidence preexisted the assassination by years or even decades it is deemed suspect. The baseless claim is then repeated impervious to facts, common sense, evidence, or logical inference.
Common sense!..... Something you lack.
Sean provided a photo taken in March 1962 that shows the red rings in the TSBD windows. Common sense (not to mention our own eyes) therefore confirms these red rings were not placed there on 11.22 as a "signal" to anyone. A person interested in an honest discussion of the case (who also had common sense) would now acknowledge that there is no validity to that claim. Instead of meaningless babble, do you have a photo of the TSBD taken prior to 11.22 that does not show the red rings in these windows or anything to support your otherwise baseless and bizarre theory?
Who has proof that there were red rings in the windows of the TSBD in March of 62??Honestly I can't see any rings in the windows..... And photos are very easy to alter.
The red rings on the 7th floor are clearly visible. The fact that photos can be altered is not evidence that they were altered. Again, though, do you have photos of the TSBD taken before 11.22 that do not show the rings or not?