I fail to see any explanation as to the absence of a third spent round.
Mr Brown...Mr Mytton....Mr Smith....anyone?
Please notice that on November 22, 1963 FBI Agent Doyle Williams did NOT know that the rifle was called a Mannlicher Carcano thus when the carcano was turned over to the FBI on November 22 1963 it was described as a 6.5 caliber 1940 model rifle made in Italy , Serial number C2766, bearing a 4X18 coated scope.
That's all the authorities knew about the rifle as of midnight.....And thus any document that listed the rifle as Doyle described it was written on 11/22/63. On SaPersonay 11/23/63 they learned that the rifle was called a Mannlicher Carcano carbine and thus documents that were written after 11/22/63 describe the rifle as a carcano carbine.
Why is this so important you ask? Because.... The original evidence inventory list which was created on 11/22/63 also has the "palm print off the under side of the barrel" listed as item #14. The authorities have always said that detective Day didn't turn over that "palm print" along with all of the other evidence. nor did detective Day tell the FBI that he had found that print on 11/22/63. This is a blatant lie.....As verified by the FACT that the index card with the cellophane tape "lift of the palm print"Is clearly listed on the list that was created and released to the FBI on 11/22/63.