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Author Topic: The Position of the Bolt on the MC  (Read 66680 times)

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: The Position of the Bolt on the MC
« Reply #320 on: August 28, 2022, 05:38:16 PM »
Yes, Martin. Exactly and beautifully said. I know I sometimes use comparisons of other crimes to make a point. But it'd be like Tim McVeigh parking the van full of explosives next to the building in OKC, then going into the actual building to buy a soft drink in there, drinking it, perhaps then go into the restroom to take a xxxx, and then KABOOM!

I'm joking, of course, but the logic for Oswald's so-called actions make no sense that day. Another one - the getting on the bus, getting out and starting to get into a cab but letting a lady take that cab first are not the actions of a so-called madman who supposedly just murdered the president.

And another one - as he returns to his rooming house and decides to go see a picture show, he somehow takes a very long roundabout way to the theater, where he supposedly runs into Tippit and murders him. All he'd have to have done is walk straight down the street from his rooming house and turn right to the movie house.

he returns to his rooming house and decides to go see a picture show, he somehow takes a very long roundabout way to the theater, where he supposedly runs into Tippit and murders him. All he'd have to have done is walk straight down the street from his rooming house and turn right to the movie house.

He seems to have had a bus transfer in his pocket when he left the rooming house, so he wouldn't have had to walk to the theater. He could have caught the bus and used that transfer ticket.  But perhaps the transfer was not valid for the Beckley Ave bus, so he simply paid the fare and rode the bus to the theater as he told captain Fritz .

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Position of the Bolt on the MC
« Reply #320 on: August 28, 2022, 05:38:16 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: The Position of the Bolt on the MC
« Reply #321 on: August 28, 2022, 06:32:18 PM »
What makes you think Oswald decided at the rooming house to go see a movie? Because Oswald said so? Even if so, why take his handgun with him and ditch his jacket before reaching the theater?

There's no evidence that he "took his handgun" or "ditched his jacket".

"Supposedly"? Absent Hollywood-quality film of the Tippit murder, what would it take to make you think it was Oswald?

Reliable, conclusive evidence rather than made-up stories and propaganda.

And if it's such a short walk from his rooming house to the theater, why does it take him such a long time to arrive at the theater?

Both Burroughs and Davis put him at the theater prior to 1:20.  That's not such a long time.

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: The Position of the Bolt on the MC
« Reply #322 on: August 28, 2022, 06:46:34 PM »
Then again, why not again wait for a city bus to take him home. Cheaper and he's supposedly in no hurry. Interesting he can't wait on the bus he was originally on. Why not? Oswald has lots of time and is no hurry.

What makes you think Oswald decided at the rooming house to go see a movie? Because Oswald said so? Even if so, why take his handgun with him and ditch his jacket before reaching the theater?

"Supposedly"? Absent Hollywood-quality film of the Tippit murder, what would it take to make you think it was Oswald? And if it's such a short walk from his rooming house to the theater, why does it take him such a long time to arrive at the theater?

Then again, why not again wait for a city bus to take him home. Cheaper and he's supposedly in no hurry. Interesting he can't wait on the bus he was originally on. Why not? Oswald has lots of time and is no hurry.

Duh, he supposedly was just on a bus that got stuck in traffic. If that happened to one bus, it will happen to others as well. A taxi is far more flexible. And, I know a big deal was made about Oswald never taking a taxi, but whoever told that story had no way of knowing that, unless he was with Oswald 24/7.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Position of the Bolt on the MC
« Reply #322 on: August 28, 2022, 06:46:34 PM »

Offline Michael Walton

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Re: The Position of the Bolt on the MC
« Reply #323 on: August 28, 2022, 07:58:05 PM »

he returns to his rooming house and decides to go see a picture show, he somehow takes a very long roundabout way to the theater, where he supposedly runs into Tippit and murders him. All he'd have to have done is walk straight down the street from his rooming house and turn right to the movie house.

He seems to have had a bus transfer in his pocket when he left the rooming house, so he wouldn't have had to walk to the theater. He could have caught the bus and used that transfer ticket.  But perhaps the transfer was not valid for the Beckley Ave bus, so he simply paid the fare and rode the bus to the theater as he told captain Fritz .

That's new to me about he told Fritz he took a bus to the movie. Interesting.

Offline Michael Walton

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Re: The Position of the Bolt on the MC
« Reply #324 on: August 28, 2022, 08:02:38 PM »

Then again, why not again wait for a city bus to take him home. Cheaper and he's supposedly in no hurry. Interesting he can't wait on the bus he was originally on. Why not? Oswald has lots of time and is no hurry.

Duh, he supposedly was just on a bus that got stuck in traffic. If that happened to one bus, it will happen to others as well. A taxi is far more flexible. And, I know a big deal was made about Oswald never taking a taxi, but whoever told that story had no way of knowing that, unless he was with Oswald 24/7.

That's what I thought happened - stuck in traffic. And I'd like to think he was not a complete idiot. If he'd already been on a bus that was backed up, I'd think he'd try another mode of transportation, which is what he said he did.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Position of the Bolt on the MC
« Reply #324 on: August 28, 2022, 08:02:38 PM »

Offline Michael Walton

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Re: The Position of the Bolt on the MC
« Reply #325 on: August 28, 2022, 09:38:47 PM »
So Oswald has lots of time and is no hurry, but he can't wait on a bus, like everyone else did? Oswald's not even interested in returning to the epicentre of world attention to find out more about what happened. Oswald's down to about $15, with no pay check for another week (was rent due?) and spends almost $1 on a cab ride. Remember he's in no hurry and he has lots of time and he should be economizing.

How many people in America with access to a TV, breaking news of such a monumental event, that afternoon would pass that up to go to a movie? How many people where such a huge incident happened at their workplace would have no interest in what happened there or if his coworkers were involved or killed?

$15 bucks was worth about $150 bucks today. You could buy a week's worth of groceries for about $25 bucks.

You're kind of missing my point about the hurried manner I mentioned. If he did all of the things I mentioned above, it seems highly unlikely if he did them all and made it down to get his soft drink in time. Unless, of course, he was never involved in the first place. And as Martin mentions, if he was hurried, why not just zip on out of the building to make his grand escape? He didn't though. None of it makes sense.

It's important to not look at Oswald as just some nobody who was constantly broke. There's some evidence that he may have been a lowly paid informant and was making a little bit of cash on the side. But yeah, he did pay $1 a buck for the cab, just like he paid whatever it was he paid for the rifle, for the pistol [but no record to date of any ammunition for the rife. Hmm, I wonder how he pulled that off?]. Yet, he was also worried about his daughter getting new shoes.

My hunch is that he was told to go to the theater. This is why he later said he was nothing but a patsy. He knew that as he was arrested and brought down to DPD, it was slowly dawning on him. If he was a madman, he would have said something at the midnight conference. He says absolutely nothing about either murder.

Walt Cakebread has a theory that he was down in Mexico cavorting with the Russian assassin. I don't think he was ever down there, which is why we've never seen any photo of him down there, despite that being a real Commie hotspot.

I don't think he was "rushing" to go to the theater, but that's where he was heading. Hence, the bus, giving up on that and taking the cab. The roundabout way through that neighborhood makes no sense at all.

I have no answers about why he didn't want to stick around at the building wondering what was going on. If he was the designated patsy, it makes sense for them to clear him out of the area, to send him back to Irving as if he's making a grand escape by "hiding out" in the theater. Further, that's why it makes no sense for him to have taken the roundabout way to it. Which, to me, makes sense that they wanted to get him for the cop killing first. It's almost as if they were laying breadcrumbs:

Theater - Tippit - rooming house - TSBD - assassin

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: The Position of the Bolt on the MC
« Reply #326 on: August 28, 2022, 09:48:24 PM »
$15 bucks was worth about $150 bucks today. You could buy a week's worth of groceries for about $25 bucks.

You're kind of missing my point about the hurried manner I mentioned. If he did all of the things I mentioned above, it seems highly unlikely if he did them all and made it down to get his soft drink in time. Unless, of course, he was never involved in the first place. And as Martin mentions, if he was hurried, why not just zip on out of the building to make his grand escape? He didn't though. None of it makes sense.

It's important to not look at Oswald as just some nobody who was constantly broke. There's some evidence that he may have been a lowly paid informant and was making a little bit of cash on the side. But yeah, he did pay $1 a buck for the cab, just like he paid whatever it was he paid for the rifle, for the pistol [but no record to date of any ammunition for the rife. Hmm, I wonder how he pulled that off?]. Yet, he was also worried about his daughter getting new shoes.

My hunch is that he was told to go to the theater. This is why he later said he was nothing but a patsy. He knew that as he was arrested and brought down to DPD, it was slowly dawning on him. If he was a madman, he would have said something at the midnight conference. He says absolutely nothing about either murder.

Walt Cakebread has a theory that he was down in Mexico cavorting with the Russian assassin. I don't think he was ever down there, which is why we've never seen any photo of him down there, despite that being a real Commie hotspot.

I don't think he was "rushing" to go to the theater, but that's where he was heading. Hence, the bus, giving up on that and taking the cab. The roundabout way through that neighborhood makes no sense at all.

I have no answers about why he didn't want to stick around at the building wondering what was going on. If he was the designated patsy, it makes sense for them to clear him out of the area, to send him back to Irving as if he's making a grand escape by "hiding out" in the theater. Further, that's why it makes no sense for him to have taken the roundabout way to it. Which, to me, makes sense that they wanted to get him for the cop killing first. It's almost as if they were laying breadcrumbs:

Theater - Tippit - rooming house - TSBD - assassin

Walt Cakebread has a theory that he was down in Mexico cavorting with the Russian assassin.

I have no such theory.     I do believe that he was sent to Mexico City to seek a Visa to Cuba....  The plotters wanted it to appear that Lee Oswald was in cahoots with Castro and then use that as a pretext for attacking Cuba after they murdered JFK and set Lee Oswald up as the assassin. 

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: The Position of the Bolt on the MC
« Reply #327 on: August 28, 2022, 10:27:42 PM »
Another guy, another building, another staircase.


No Oswald


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Position of the Bolt on the MC
« Reply #327 on: August 28, 2022, 10:27:42 PM »