This is 100% fantasy.
You have completely made all of this up and there is zero/nil/no evidence to support this fantasy.
How is it possible to have a reasonable debate with someone who puts their own fantasy over the evidence?
This is the bottom line Walt - the rifle was found in an upright position, placed between boxes with another box overhanging it. As soon as it was discovered the area was sealed off and no-one touched the rifle. Tom Alyea began filming. He film Fritz walking into the enclosure, he filmed the rifle at Fritz's feet in the upright position. Photos were then taken by the crime lab of the rifle in situ, Alyea actually filmed Studebaker taking one of these photos. Day then slid the rifle out of it's hiding position and picked it up by the strap, again, filmed by Alyea.
That's it. That's what the evidence tells us.
Alyea was not part of the Warren Commission's biased investigation. He was completely independent. His film and his observations at the time, corroborate the testimony of Boone and Weitzman for the main details - location of rifle when discovered, DPD photos taken before rifle was moved etc.
Your "theory" is not a theory because it does not have one iota of support by any evidence - this is what makes it a fantasy. It is completely unsupported by the evidence. Not only that, it is completely refuted by the available evidence. As such, I have no further interest in discussing this particular aspect of the case.
Mr. WEITZMAN. That is correct, Boone and I, and as he was looking over the
rear section of the building, I would say the northwest corner, I was on the
floor looking under the flat at the same time he was looking on the top side and
we saw the gun, I would say, simultaneously and I said, “There it is” and he
started hollering, “We got it.” It was covered with boxes. It was well protected as far as the naked eye because I would venture to say eight or nine of
us stumbled over that gun a couple times before we thoroughly searched the
Mr. BALL. Did you touch it?
Mr. WEITZMAN. NO, sir; we m
I was on the floor looking under the flat at the same time he was looking on the top side and
we saw the gun, I would say, simultaneously and I said, “There it is” and he
started hollering, “We got it.” It was covered with boxes. It was well protected as far as the naked eye because I would venture to say eight or nine of us stumbled over that gun a couple times before we thoroughly searched the building
Could Weitzman have seen the rifle as he described if the rifle was sandwiched between the boxes as it is shown in the DPD insitu photo?