… OR if the explanation is NOT due to Weitzman failure to remember he changed his position, and he is absoltuteky certain that when Boone saw the rifle , Weitzman AT THAT INSTANT was “lookimg UNDER a flat”
THEN there is choice left but to conclude must have been inside the pallet for Weitzman to see it.
However, then how could Boone have seen it, since the east west rilunningb 2x4 on that North edge of the pallet would block Boones LOS.
There must have been small portion of the butt of the rifle that was flush with he WEST side of the pallet that would enable Boone to have a LOS
I propose “”flush with” the west side because of the logic that pre planting the rifle , the conspirator would not want it to be inadvertently discovered in the interim of time (possibly several hours) between rifle planted and shooter in place firing shots.from his profession an rifle that he escaped with after the fact.