You mean the same Frazier who was arrested later that day for possible complicity and who Fritz demanded he'd sign a pre-written confession, despite the fact that he was standing on the steps and appears in films and photos?
Until this day nobody has ever positively identified the person they now call PM. He was clearly there, so why did nobody confirm who it was? Could it be they were all focused on other things and simply didn't observe him? Many people simply do not notice things or people that are close to them and many also simply do not recollect information.
Exactly, Mr Weidmann!

I believe that Mr Oswald went through a similar experience in interrogation as Mr Frazier: he was told 'We know you weren't the shooter, because we know you were on the steps. But...'
Mr Frazier was threatened with a charge of conspiracy in the assassination. Mr Oswald thought that's what he was being accused of. He had
no idea they were seriously trying to make a triggerman charge stick.
If Mr Frazier, "out in the hall" at DPD HQ, had been asked by a press reporter, "Did you shoot the President?", he would have taken this to mean, "Were you part of the plot?" And he would have said, 'No', and made no effort to proclaim his front-steps alibi. Either that, or he would have thought the idea of his actually having personally fired the shots as too ridiculous to dignify with a detailed response. Again, he would have felt zero need to proclaim his front-steps alibi.
Same goes for Mr Oswald. He was kept in the dark, precisely so that he WOULDN'T try to vindicate himself in front of the press by stating his location at the time of the shooting. He did not know this was even an issue------------or at issue.
Captain Fritz played him, but good.
And this is why the coming to light in 2019 of the Agent Hosty draft interrogation report was and is of such explosive significance. It allowed us to hear, for the very first time, what Mr Oswald WOULD have screamed to the press had he known what he was really being accused of:

This case has, since 2019, come down to a fight between two rival claims as to Mr Oswald's whereabouts:
a) Front steps (Mr Oswald)
b) Sixth-floor window (WC)
Whether or not Mr Oswald is indeed Prayer Man,
claim a) is, in a stunning reversal of fortune, winning