And, as we have known since 2019, Mr Hosty is lying in his book about what Mr Oswald actually said.
We have it in Mr Hosty's own handwriting:

Mr Oswald did not claim to have been eating his lunch in the domino room at the time of the P. Parade. He did, however, claim to have been doing so when he saw Messrs Jarman & Norman passing through shortly before the P. Parade.
I've never given much thought to What Lee told Fritz regarding his movements after the encounter with Baker and Truly in the 2nd floor lunchroom.... But the official tale says that Lee walked through the office area with a Coca Cola in his hand after the encounter.

In his reply to Fritz apparently Lee never specified the route that he took when he returned to the Domino Room to finish his lunch at about 12:33. I now doubt that Lee walked through the office area after leaving the 2nd floor lunchroom. If he had walked across the office area and used the front stairs to return to the Domino room he would have encountered many of the employees who were returning to the building after the shooting. BUT NOBODY reported seeing Lee Oswald.... AND Lee certainly would have seen the mayhem on the street outside of the TSBD so he would have known that there was no P. Parade to watch.....
Thus, He probably returned to the Domino Room by way of the stairs in the NW corner of the building....