Is there any evidence that Oswald was ever arrested for the Walker shooting and/or that Bobby Kennedy shut the investigation down?
Of could this "article" in a German soldiers magazine be just the result of misinformation?
Hi Martin, I believe that you are fluent in German..... So my first question for you is: Is the article accurately translated?
Already you've provided info that I was unaware of.... I didn't know that the story appeared in a German soldiers magazine. It was reported that the story first appeared in some small weekly newspaper.
In my opinion this story did not originate with Hasso Thorsen. I'm sure the call was from Edwin Walker to Hasso Thorsen.... and not vice versa. Walker was in a panic because he was a key conspirator in the murder of JFK, and he realized that that there was a noose around his neck when Lee Oswald slipped away and was not killed in the TSBD. He was in a panic to get that noose off his neck and he thought that he could heap more BS on Lee Oswald and divert the attention away from himself by letting the public know that Oswald had tried to kill him ( which is BS) back in April.