He pulled it out and McDonald says that he had his hands on it and was trying to pull it away from him at the same time.
That's not what McDonald said at all.
"I was reaching for his waist and he struck me on the nose with his left hand. With his right hand, he reached to his waist and both
of our hands were on a pistol that was stuck in his belt under his shirt. We both fell into the seats struggling for the pistol. At this
time I yelled, "I've got him." Three uniformed officers came to my aid immediately. One on the suspect's left, one to the rear in the
row behind and one to the front, in the row directly in front of the suspect and I. I managed to get my right hand on the pistol over
the suspect's hand. I could feel his hand on the trigger. I then got a secure grip on the butt of the pistol. I jerked the pistol and as it
was clearing the suspect's clothing and grip I heard the snap of the hammer and the pistol crossed over my left check, causing a four
inch scratch."
The "pistol" didn't "clear the suspect's clothing" until McDonald jerked it out.
If you want to claim that he didn’t pull it out and call everyone who says otherwise a liar. Then you need to conclusively show that LHO didn’t intend to pull it out. Have at it…
No, because intending to do something (even if you could determine "intent") is not the same thing as actually doing it.