They haven't read a single page of the book, looked at a single argument he's made, but they immediately dismiss it. Just wave it away. Every part of it. Not some of it or most. Does he have some things right? It doesn't matter, they don't care. They just reject all of it.
Yet they say they are here to discuss the evidence.
Another strawman. Next?
But every lone-nut oriented book just regurgitates all the same misinformation and conjecture -- they don't actually objectively analyze the evidence. From what has been posted here, there's no reason to think this one is any different.
Based on the review, it also smacks of special pleading, given how much the official narrative is filled with hackneyed fallacies, factoids, and fundamental contradictions. It's the oft repeated argument:
Look at these crazy conspiracy theories. Aren't they crazy? Therefore Oswald did it.