Collins and I recently worked together on the carton box sizes. And before that, the palm-print size on the rifle barrel. But not without pages of rabbit-hole distraction. Just a sub-Forum for "LNers" versus hundreds of pro-CT Forums and blogs; this Forum's lead Topic for years is Alan Ford's "Then went outside to watch P. parade ( Parts 1 & 2 )" about Lovelady being Oswald.
You & your buddies are in a panic at having completely lost control of the narrative. All you can do at this point is gaslight, distract, run away------------and then misrepresent what it was you ran away from. But, without Prof. McAdams' biased 'moderation' to protect you, all you do is reveal yourselves, to the many smart folks reading, for what you are: shameless peddlers of misinformation.
Your beloved cause is toast, Mr. Organ. You lost. Bye!