The current kerfluffle began when you decided, for reasons known to only you and God, to presume that:
1.) Edgewood had produced a report in early 1964
2.) It was shown to Specter before Olivier's and Dziemian's deposition
3.) And Specter saw that it contradicted his SBT
4.) So Specter suppressed it somehow
But you have been unable to provide a single shred of evidence that your presumption are anything but your own presumptions. Just a few spastic stabs of wharrrrgarbl that mean nothing.
Yet you chide me for "want[ing] to have a discussion based on pure speculation, which you can not support.
Well, ain't that rich!!
Was Dolce "simply a consultant?" Yes! He said so himself: "Chief Consultant for the US Army in wound ballistics." A "chief consultant" is still a consultant. Again, Olivier was "Chief of the Wound Ballistics Branch." Comparing the two titles, it's not hard to figure out who is the bigger dog in the pack here, even if we don't have the org chart in front of us. Further, as I've already noted, Dolce's own statements deal almost exclusively with the wrist tests, but not the skull, goat meat, or goat rib tests. This strongly implies unfamiliarity with these other tests, which in turn indicates that he wasn't involved in these tests, just the cadaver wrist ones.
Now, your evidence to support the notion that Dolce was anything other than a "consultant" to Olivier who was only involved in the wrist tests is.......?
1.) Edgewood had produced a report in early 1964Where did I say that?
2.) It was shown to Specter before Olivier's and Dziemian's depositionWhere did I say that?
What is absolutely true is that Specter screened all the medical and ballistic witnesses before anybody testified. Dolce was questioned by Specter on April 21st, 1964. One can only wonder why Specter talked to Dolce on that day, if he was merely a consultant. Also, during that conversation, at least some of the test results must have been known, don't you think? Otherwise they would have had nothing to talk about, right? According to Dolce, it was only after this meeting that Specter decided not to call him to testify and turned to Olivier and Dziemian. Again, one can only wonder why!
3.) And Specter saw that it contradicted his SBTWell, let's see... During Olivier's testimony, Specter started with a lie;
Mr. SPECTER. I now hand you Commission Exhibit 399, which has been heretofore in Commission proceedings identified as the bullet found on the stretcher of Governor Connally,CE399 was never identified as the bullet found on Connally's stretcher!
Although it is true that Specter never asked Olivier directly if CE399 was the bullet that went through Kennedy and Connally, it is beyond obvious that if CE399 caused the wound on Connally's wrist, it must be the bullet that went through the two men. Why? Because (1) if it was any other bullet there would be no SBT and (2) no other bullet except CE399 was ever identified in relation to Connally's wrist wound.
In other words; when Specter asked Olivier;
Mr. SPECTER. Do you have an opinion as to whether, in fact, bullet 399 did cause the wound on the Governor's wrist, assuming if you will that it was the missile found on the Governor's stretcher at Parkland Hospital?
Dr. OLIVIER. I believe that it was. That is my feeling. he clearly was actually asking him if CE399 is the single bullet that went through Kennedy and Connally and in doing so injured Connally's wrist.
That wasn't a finding of the Edgewood tests! But that didn't stop Specter from claiming that it was;
In chapter 3 of the Warren Report it says;
Additional experiments by the Army Wound Ballistics Branch further suggested that the same bullet probably passed through both President Kennedy and Governor Connally. (See app. X, pp. 582-585. ) Correlation of a test simulating the Governor's chest wound with the neck and wrist experiments.' indicated that course. After reviewing the Parkland Hospital medical records and X-rays of the Governor and discussing his chest injury with the attending surgeon, the Army ballistics experts virtually duplicated the wound using the assassination weapon and animal flesh covered by cloth.and
Arsenal, Drs. Olivier and Arthur J. Dziemian, chief of the Army Wound Ballistics Branch, who had spent 17 years in that area of specialization, concluded that it was probable that the same bullet passed through the President's neck and then inflicted all the wounds on the Governor.317 Referring to the President's neck wound and all the Governor's wounds, Dr. Dziemian testified: "I think the probability is very good that it is, that all the wounds were caused by one bullet."What other bullet than CE399 (which can't even be authenticated) is the bullet they were talking about? And where in their test results is their conclusion supported?
Btw, I don't think the date of March 1965 on the report is of major significance. Although I can not explain why that date is there to begin with, the actual report states that the work was started in April 1964 and ended in October 1964. But more importantly, I found two other Edgewood reports that are similar. One was written by Dr. Light and covered work started in March 1951 and completed in January 1961. The date on that report was September 1965 and December 1965 respectively. The other report was written by Janice Mendelson and dated August 1966. Her report states that the actual work was done between July 1963 and October 1965.