" I am trying to make a point (that, as far as the description of the man with the rifle, he got a lot of details right).”
“I don’t believe that I claimed to have proven anything. I am simply pointing out why I have a problem concluding that “he made everything up” when it appears to me that he got quite a bit of it right. And when it appears that he told others about it right away.”
“I disagree. I think his wife said that he sometimes exaggerates some things in order to make himself look smarter than he is. And I think that tendency of his affected his testimony. Some of the details that he claimed to remember were way more that anybody that I have ever known could have possibly remembered. And I have know some highly intelligent people, some of whom did have what would be called a “photographic memory.” And it is typical for those of us who are human (all of us) to misremember some things quite often.”
You mean like this from the original A Rowland 11/22 Sheriff’s Affidavit:
“It must have been 5 or 10 minutes later when we were just looking at the surroudding [sic] buildings when I looked up at the Texas Book [cross-out -- Suppository?] building and noticed that the second floor from the top had two adjoining windows which were open, and upon looking I saw what I thought was a man standing back about 15 feet from the windows and was holding in his arms what appeared to be a hi [sic] powered rifle because it looked like it had a scope on it. He appeared to be holding this at a parade rest sort of position. “
Arnold states the person with the rifle is 15 feet back, (not 4 feet,) from the window and holding the rifle both in his arms and then changes it to “at a Parade Rest position” in the next sentence.
The 3D Model is nothing more than an artist’s depiction of a man in the window, without regard for the description of the man and the rifle in the window, or the subsequent dimensions of the window.
Arnold states the person with the rifle is 15 feet back, (not 4 feet,) from the window and holding the rifle both in his arms and then changes it to “at a Parade Rest position” in the next sentence. Arnold's view from his position on the east side of Houston Street would make it difficult to accurately say exactly how far back from the window he was. Arnold did revise his original estimate in his WC testimony to 3'-5'. And I had to look up the names and related images of the military rifle positions. I imagine most folks who were not actively involved in the military and it's lingo would have to look the positions up also. I think that this is a good example of Arnold Rowland trying to make himself look smarter (thought he knew something, but didn't) than he really was.
The 3D Model is nothing more than an artist’s depiction of a man in the window, without regard for the description of the man and the rifle in the window, or the subsequent dimensions of the window.I don't think that you fully understand the utility or value of the 3D models. Here are some images from my model without the lighting effects of the position of the sun at 12:15 on 11/22/63.
First is a screen shot of the application-in-use that shows the sixth floor with the sniper's nest on the left corner and the man with the rifle standing about six feet back from the SW corner window. It is simple to move objects around and simple to move the "camera" around to see what things look like from various locations.
Next is an areal view from above that shows the seventh floor of the TSBD (no roof) and a portion of the Dealey Plaza area without all the structures, etc. I have drawn a red arrow to a figure that is at a position ~210' "south" and ~62' "east" of the SE corner of the TSBD. This is the approximate position of Arnold Rowland according to my measurements on the Don Roberdeau map. This figure is at the street level, about 61' below the window sill on the sixth floor of the TSBD. The windows on the TSBD are mostly generic but resized to the approximate size of the TSBD windows.
Here is what the camera view, of the (5'-9") man with the rifle at ~6' back from the window, looks like from the position of the Arnold Rowland character as I described above. The rifle is not a Carcano but is the same length as the Carcano model in evidence.
And a camera view, of the (5'-9") man with the rifle standing ~10' back from the window, from Arnold Rowland's viewpoint.
I hope that you can begin to see what a valuable tool the 3D models are. Mine is rather crude compared to James' and Jerry's. But it has served many purposes for me. The first purpose was for me to get an idea of what Howard Brenan could see. There have been many more. You might have noticed a compass in the first image that allows proper orientation of the building so that the various views can be seen at a particular time of day (ie: 11/22/63 @ 12:30 pm). The positions of the shadows cast, due to the correct position of the sun at any particular time, have helped determine the time of day of some photos taken that day. The models are valuable tools, take considerable time and effort to create, but worth it in my opinion.