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Author Topic: Ron Paul Says Kennedy Was Murdered  (Read 7480 times)

Offline Jack Trojan

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Re: Ron Paul Says Kennedy Was Murdered
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2023, 10:45:37 PM »
I'm not sure what you are rambling about here.  Who said anything about "Q"?  If I had a conspiracy theory about Q, it would be that it is the creation of leftists to make Trump supporters look insane.  There are a few insane people of every political bent but the Q story is mostly leftist mass and social media driven to give the impression that any dissenter to the leftist cause is a lunatic.  I've never met or heard of anyone who believes in whatever "Q" is supposed to be.  Trump received 75 million or so votes.  Of those, there are a handful of such loons.  Certainly many less than those on the left who still believe in "russian collusion" and that police officers were killed on Jan. 6. 

If you say so. Heil TrumPutin! (4卐)

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Ron Paul Says Kennedy Was Murdered
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2023, 10:45:37 PM »

Offline Mitch Todd

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Re: Ron Paul Says Kennedy Was Murdered
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2023, 11:22:59 PM »
Former Texas Congressman Ron Paul said Kennedy was murdered.
I'm unaware of anyone who doesn't believe that JFK wasn't murdered?

If it turns out that JFK wasn't murdered that day, then the conspiracy must be better than we thought. Or Bubba Ho-Tep was a documentary

Offline Jon Banks

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Re: Ron Paul Says Kennedy Was Murdered
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2023, 12:54:42 AM »
This isn't just about whether a conspiracy theory is "plausible" but whether the evidence supports the theory.  In some instance, like Oswald's guilt there is overwhelming evidence to link him to the crime.

A conspiracy in the Kennedy assassination doesn't necessarily exonerate Oswald. If Oswald was a witting participant in the conspiracy, he'd still be guilty. The only way Oswald could've been innocent is if he was framed.

And most objective observers disagree that the evidence conclusively rules out the plausibility of a conspiracy. Even some LN'ers are open to the possibility that the Cubans were involved.

I would also take issue with the contention that it is "plausible" that any of the typical parties (e.g. CIA, FBI, LBJ) would go to the extreme risk of assassinating the President, covering it up, and framing Oswald.  And successfully get away with it. 

Never underestimate people who crave power. Many of them are sociopaths who feel that the ends justify the means. Plus many of those people hated Kennedy's guts in the early-60s. He had lots of enemies. 

And people can be pressured to keep quiet by threatening their careers or reputations. It happens in politics often times in situations that fall far short of political assassinations.

All the governmental conspiracies you mention eventually came to light through evidence. 

All those conspiracies that I mentioned were exposed accidentally via whistleblowers or people involved in the conspiracies getting caught reed-handed.

Also worth noting that the CIA and FBI turned their backs on Nixon during Watergate. Unlike the JFK assassination, the CIA and FBI didn't engage in a huge cover-up during Watergate. Instead, they threw Nixon under the bus. 

In the JFK assassination, there have been whistleblowers or people who claim to have inside knowledge of conspiracy plots but most of those people either have poor credibility or their stories lack corroboration. But that doesn't mean they lied.


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Ron Paul Says Kennedy Was Murdered
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2023, 12:54:42 AM »

Offline Jon Banks

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Re: Ron Paul Says Kennedy Was Murdered
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2023, 01:15:22 AM »
All exposed by "the government" or by the media.

That's totally false. All were exposed by whistleblowers, leakers, or people who got caught red-handed.

The news media covered it after the fact and the government admitted to it after the fact.

I can't think of a single scandal on that level that was exposed by the government or the news media.

In this case we're talking about planning the assassination of the president - in secret; everyone consulted went along - carrying it out - in secret, everyone went along - and then covering it up - in secret, everyone including people years/decades later, went along with the coverup. People decades later covered this up? Even today, right now?

The people who have made deathbed confessions have largely been ignored.

The people like RFK, LBJ, and Dr. George Burkley, who suspected that there was a conspiracy but expressed those opinions only in private have been ignored.

There are tons of stories like the above in the JFK assassination.

Careers and political aspirations might've prevented others from coming forward when they couldn't prove that there was a conspiracy. After all, if you come forward with a bold claim like that but don't have rock solid proof, you could nuke your own career and political aspirations. I believe that was RFK's logic in his decision not to express his doubts about the Lone-assassin narrative publicly. He was running for President when he was murdered of course...

Let's take the Nordstream bombing as an example. Imagine that over the next 50+ years the government and media conduct multiple investigations into the bombing. Democrats and Republicans in Congress, several generations of reporters in the media, historians and investigative journalists all investigating this.

Do you think the act would have been kept secret? Why would people in the Pentagon or CIA 50 years from now cover it up? For what purpose? For what benefit? There is none.

Does it benefit the US to admit that we played a role in destroying a major ally's infrastructure? Of course not. And that's why the US will never do it's own investigation. You don't ask questions that you don't want to know the answer to.

As for the Europeans, even they admit that it's probably better not to know "who" did it given the political consequences:

Is there any interest from the authorities to come out and say who did this? There are strategic reasons for not revealing who did it,” said Jens Wenzel Kristoffersen, a Danish naval commander and military expert at the University of Copenhagen. “As long as they don’t come out with anything substantial, then we are left in the dark on all this — as it should be.”

Since no country is yet ruled out from having carried out the attack, officials said they were loath to share suspicions that could accidentally anger a friendly government that might have had a hand in bombing Nord Stream.

In the absence of concrete clues, an awkward silence has prevailed.
 “It’s like a corpse at a family gathering,” the European diplomat said, reaching for a grim analogy. Everyone can see there’s a body lying there, but pretends things are normal. “It’s better not to know.”

The very same logic applies in the JFK assassination. Some didn't want to know if there was a conspiracy due to the potential consequences. LBJ notably feared a hot war with the Soviets. Others might've feared that JFK's domestic enemies were involved.

So the motives for coverups don't necessarily apply only to those who were involved in the conspiracy. Sometimes there are political motives for others who weren't involved choosing to engage in coverups.

Sometimes you come across as very naive about how politics and power work...
« Last Edit: April 14, 2023, 03:18:20 AM by Jon Banks »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Ron Paul Says Kennedy Was Murdered
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2023, 05:50:21 PM »
Lots of people believe things that are not true because it fits their desired narrative.

Exactly.  You are testament to that.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Ron Paul Says Kennedy Was Murdered
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2023, 05:50:21 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Ron Paul Says Kennedy Was Murdered
« Reply #13 on: April 14, 2023, 05:53:32 PM »
A conspiracy in the Kennedy assassination doesn't necessarily exonerate Oswald. If Oswald was a witting participant in the conspiracy, he'd still be guilty. The only way Oswald could've been innocent is if he was framed.

No, he could have been innocent merely by not doing it.

Offline Jack Trojan

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Re: Ron Paul Says Kennedy Was Murdered
« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2023, 02:59:48 AM »
No, he could have been innocent merely by not doing it.
Yes, if Oswald was the patsy the conspirators would never have relied on him to use a crap rifle with a misaligned scope to take out the POTUS. No way. The MC was the patsy rifle which was already planted on the 6th floor by the DPD. But Oswald never took a shot or he would have had prints all over the rifle and the boxes and gunshot residue on his face.

The capper is that there wasn't a valid trajectory from the 6th floor of the TSBD, into JFK's back and out his throat. For that trajectory to work, the 2nd shot would have had to come from the 2nd floor of the DalTex building with the Mauser.  I suppose Oswald could have rushed from the DalTex building to the 2nd floor of the TSBD in 90 seconds, with Mauser in tow. So I concede it still could have been Oswald or perhaps Colonel Mustard did it in the Conservatory with a revolver!
« Last Edit: April 15, 2023, 03:51:25 AM by Jack Trojan »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Ron Paul Says Kennedy Was Murdered
« Reply #15 on: April 15, 2023, 02:42:20 PM »
Yes, if Oswald was the patsy the conspirators would never have relied on him to use a crap rifle with a misaligned scope to take out the POTUS. No way. The MC was the patsy rifle which was already planted on the 6th floor by the DPD. But Oswald never took a shot or he would have had prints all over the rifle and the boxes and gunshot residue on his face.

The capper is that there wasn't a valid trajectory from the 6th floor of the TSBD, into JFK's back and out his throat. For that trajectory to work, the 2nd shot would have had to come from the 2nd floor of the DalTex building with the Mauser.  I suppose Oswald could have rushed from the DalTex building to the 2nd floor of the TSBD in 90 seconds, with Mauser in tow. So I concede it still could have been Oswald or perhaps Colonel Mustard did it in the Conservatory with a revolver!

Why do you keep insisting that the scope was "misaligned" when the condition of that scope at the moment Oswald fired the shots can't be known?  Oswald's prints WERE on the rifle.  How many criminals are in jail because they left an identifiable print at the crime scene or on the murder weapon?  LOL.  Baseless claims like there should have been MORE of his prints on the rifle are laughable as a defense.   If you are suggesting the print found was the product of fakery to frame Oswald, then why didn't the authorities just claim they found a dozen such prints. 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Ron Paul Says Kennedy Was Murdered
« Reply #15 on: April 15, 2023, 02:42:20 PM »