So, do you have any record of Shanklin interviewing either one of them?
And, I am only asking, where was CE399 during “the latter part of November”? Did it happen to be in Washington at that time?
Who is asking questions now?
Still desperately looking for a way out, I see...... Were you able to squeeze the Odum/Tomlinson/Wright interview in there somehow?
So, do you have any record of Shanklin interviewing either one of them?Never really looked for it. I'm not sure if a SAC actually files reports, but I'll see if I can find something. Btw, are you suggesting that Tomlinson lied to the WC?
And, I am only asking, where was CE399 during “the latter part of November”? Did it happen to be in Washington at that time? First of all, are you talking about the bullet Tomlinson and Wright actually saw on 11/22/63 or the one we now know as CE399 for which Arlen Specter could not provide any proof of authenticy?
But you've pointed out another problem regarding CE 399. There is no way of knowing where it was, because there is no chain of custody. Not even close... and it isn't the only piece of evidence that has this problem.
Todd gave Frazier a bullet he said he had received from Rowley, but what happened after that is anybody's guess. How is that for "sound investigatory work" in the highest profile case of the decade?
But let's get back to basics....
Have you figured out already why Tomlinson would say twice that he was only shown a bullet once, which he did identify, and that was by Shanklin in late November 1963 (I said December 1963 earlier, .. my bad)?