Your red arrows are pointing down at objects that are way out in the parking lot/railroad yard area. They are Not pointing at anything in close proximity to the Picket Fence. You are unfamiliar with this 1963 Dealey Plaza area.
The pictures posted by myself and James demonstrate there are no big piles of dirt in the area in front of the picket fence.
Around the perimeter of the picket fence are a series of bushes:

For you to imagine the bush picked out by the red arrow isn't in close proximity to the picket fence hints at a tenuous grasp of reality.
The photographic evidence proves there are no big dirt piles or anything else by the picket fence that someone can stand on.
The guy/kid is stood on one of the low walls pictured earlier in the thread:

Note, the bush next to the tree is the grown up bush picked out by the red arrow.
Arnold's dirt piles don't exist. The letter he wrote to his wife proves he wasn't there.
Get over it.