I could use some assistance on this if anyone can help. I am looking at a photo, by Stuart Reed I think, that allegedly shows the bus that LHO reportedly boarded after he left the TSBD. It appears to be sitting in traffic at an intersection (which I think is Griffin). Here is McWatters’ testimony regarding what happened there:
Mr. BALL - Well then, do you remember picking up a passenger at a place other than at a bus stop as you went down Elm?
Mr. McWATTERS - Yes, sir.
As I left Field Street, I pulled out into the, in other words, the first lane of traffic and traffic was beginning to back up then; in other words, it was blocked further down the street, and after I pulled out in it for a short distance there I come to a complete stop, and when I did, someone come up and beat on the door of the bus, and that is about even with Griffin Street.
In other words, it is a street that dead ends into Elm Street which there is no bus stop at this street, because I stopped across Field Street in the middle of the intersection and it is just a short distance onto Griffin Street, and that is when someone, a man, came up and knocked on the door of the bus, and I opened the door of the bus and he got on.
Mr. BALL - You were beyond Field and before you got to Griffin?
Mr. McWATTERS - That is right. It was along about even with Griffin Street before I was stopped in the traffic. And here is the photo:

I drew a blue arrow pointing to what appears to me to be LHO beating on the door of the bus. I would appreciate any help regarding this theory. Finding the best possible copy of the photo would be a good start. Thanks!