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Author Topic: When Was JBC Hit?  (Read 50384 times)

Offline John Mytton

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Re: When Was JBC Hit?
« Reply #56 on: November 26, 2023, 03:07:38 AM »
Myers did it in the 1990s with less computer power than in most iPhones today. Thanks for the error spot!

Of course, we shouldn't expect a molecule-level match-up. The SketchUp program, for example, has no "pincushion" effect that the Zapruder camera lens had. So some elements on the far side of the car could be a bit off in a match-up. My model's side-mirror doesn't match but it's not important; there are multiple features that I'm more sure of that allow me to match the model to the frame. The mirror isn't on my priority list right now. Another thing is the resolution of the 8mm film and panning blur. In essence, even a relatively-sharp frame still means the figures and car can be moved an inch this way-or-than and still match.

That's like an allowable error margin of 5%. The Knotts SBT analysis is a lot more than 5%.

BTW, the critics are howling over a Knotts capture that they think shows the trajectory followed close to the path of the (oh dear) "official" version.

That's like an allowable error margin of 5%. The Knotts SBT analysis is a lot more than 5%.

To be fair and having an interest in Laser Scanning and photogrammetry I have been checking out Knott Lab's web site and what they do can be impressive on a coarse scale, like they recreated a slide out and positioning of a dirt car which resulted in the death of a driver, the struck driver was walking over the track which I believe puts him partly at fault but never the less the sliding out driver was playing silly buggers and he should have never relied on his inadequate abilities.
But in this dirt track case we are talking about broad brush strokes and not the intricate detail that was required in the accurate placing of the occupants in the Limo and as you point out Knott Labs margin of error seems to be far in excess of the tolerance required for an accurate recreation.
Placing cars into Laser scanned recreations is one thing but placing the occupants within these cars with millimetre needed precision is in a totally other league.
It would have been awesome if they collaborated with Dale Myers but alas they didn't and now they have imo a totally botched result.


JFK Assassination Forum

Re: When Was JBC Hit?
« Reply #56 on: November 26, 2023, 03:07:38 AM »

Offline Royell Storing

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Re: When Was JBC Hit?
« Reply #57 on: November 26, 2023, 04:09:36 AM »

    You guys giving your layman's opinions on Knott Lab Laser work is hilarious. But, where else can you go with everything now crashing down around you? The SBT is gone based on THE SCIENCE. Not opinion, which is all Specter ever proffered to begin with. And with RFK Jr now naming names, the conspiracy that you previously laughed at is front-and-center for all to see. And you laughed at The 3 Tramps? Not anymore! 

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: When Was JBC Hit?
« Reply #58 on: November 27, 2023, 12:51:21 AM »
Oh that's easy, Iacoletti sees the exact opposite of any evidence that convicts Oswald.

Silly remark. If the single bullet fantasy is true, Oswald may or may not have done it. If the single bullet fantasy is false, Oswald may or may not have done it.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: When Was JBC Hit?
« Reply #58 on: November 27, 2023, 12:51:21 AM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: When Was JBC Hit?
« Reply #59 on: November 27, 2023, 03:07:16 PM »
Iirc Dale Myers scientifically allowed any variations of 3D depth which concurred with the 2D images to fit his hypothesis whereas the opposite methodology of placing the models to achieve a predetermined outcome is the antithesis of science.

As if Myers didn’t place his models to achieve a predetermined outcome.

Online Andrew Mason

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Re: When Was JBC Hit?
« Reply #60 on: November 27, 2023, 05:27:21 PM »

I have done a serious amount of research on the specific topic of when the first shot was fired ["The First Shot" thread]
I have collected a mountain of evidence which demonstrates that the first shot was taken around z222/z223 and is the shot that caused JFK's arms to fly towards his throat as seen in the Z-film.
You should trust me on this one John.
You have collected a mountain of evidence that JFK is reacting to the first shot when he emerges from behind the Stemmons sign. 

When they emerge from behind the Stemmons sign, both men are reacting to the first shot, just as the evidence says they did 

The first bullet passed through JFK on a right to left path without deflecting a material amount and did not appear to strike the car so that is when JBC was first hit by a bullet (ie. when the first shot struck).

JBC was hit in the back on the second shot, according to the evidence.  There were only three shots.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: When Was JBC Hit?
« Reply #60 on: November 27, 2023, 05:27:21 PM »

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: When Was JBC Hit?
« Reply #61 on: November 27, 2023, 07:48:15 PM »
You have collected a mountain of evidence that JFK is reacting to the first shot when he emerges from behind the Stemmons sign. 

When they emerge from behind the Stemmons sign, both men are reacting to the first shot, just as the evidence says they did 

The first bullet passed through JFK on a right to left path without deflecting a material amount and did not appear to strike the car so that is when JBC was first hit by a bullet (ie. when the first shot struck).

JBC was hit in the back on the second shot, according to the evidence.  There were only three shots.
JBC's reactions/actions - the swift head move/turn to the right and then head going back to the center before they go behind the sign - AND his testimony on why he did this, i.e., he said he heard a shot, are explained how? Crowd noise?

Online Andrew Mason

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Re: When Was JBC Hit?
« Reply #62 on: November 27, 2023, 08:50:43 PM »
JBC's reactions/actions - the swift head move/turn to the right and then head going back to the center before they go behind the sign - AND his testimony on why he did this, i.e., he said he heard a shot, are explained how? Crowd noise?
JBC's head turn to the right is from z164-171 and follows JFK turning his head in the same direction from z159-168. Neither turns would appear to be unusual.  The explanation for those turns was provided by Mary Woodward who said that JFK and Jackie were turned to the left so she waved and shouted to them as they approached.  JFK appears to be looking at her as he goes past the lamp post just to the left of Woodward.   JBC continues looking and turned to the right as he disappears behind the Stemmons sign.  Mary Woodward said that this turn and the subsequent smile and hand wave occurred before the first "horrible, ear-shattering noise".  Many others said the same thing.  She also said that she and her friends were the last people that JFK ever acknowledged.  So that has to be the turn that she is describing.

The turn that JBC described was a turn in response to the first shot, which he recognized as a rifle shot and immediately feared an assassination was taking place.  He said he turned to the right to try to see the President.  That turn begins about z230.  That is the only time he turns around to make any effort to look in the President's direction. 
« Last Edit: November 27, 2023, 08:56:43 PM by Andrew Mason »

Online Marjan Rynkiewicz

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Re: When Was JBC Hit?
« Reply #63 on: November 27, 2023, 10:13:28 PM »
JBC's head turn to the right is from z164-171 and follows JFK turning his head in the same direction from z159-168. Neither turns would appear to be unusual.  The explanation for those turns was provided by Mary Woodward who said that JFK and Jackie were turned to the left so she waved and shouted to them as they approached.  JFK appears to be looking at her as he goes past the lamp post just to the left of Woodward.   JBC continues looking and turned to the right as he disappears behind the Stemmons sign.  Mary Woodward said that this turn and the subsequent smile and hand wave occurred before the first "horrible, ear-shattering noise".  Many others said the same thing.  She also said that she and her friends were the last people that JFK ever acknowledged.  So that has to be the turn that she is describing.

The turn that JBC described was a turn in response to the first shot, which he recognized as a rifle shot and immediately feared an assassination was taking place.  He said he turned to the right to try to see the President.  That turn begins about z230.  That is the only time he turns around to make any effort to look in the President's direction.
Mary Woodward & friends were on the north side of Elm St, she was 3rd after Millican.
JFK is looking to his right (at Woodward) & then as he disappears behind the sign (Z206) we can see that he has already quickly turned his head hard left
towards an african american family (of dad mum & boy)(on south side of Elm) who appear in Z217.
Previous to the african american family on the south side we saw the Willis girl, who has now stopped running (she is last seen in Z223).
That family are the last gawkers on the south side of Elm St (they appear for final time in Z255), until we see Brehm & Brehm boy in Z275, with Beverley Oliver behind Brehm, & then Jean Hill in Z287.
And we know that Oswald's shot-2 was at Z218.
And then when jfk appears from behind the sign (Z225) jfk's head is not turned left nor right.
I am thinking that jfk probly waved to the african american family. In which case they were the last. We dont know their names.

Mr. JACK FRANZEN, 10572, [sic] Cromwell Circle, telephone FL 7-3717, who is employed by the Fox and Jacob Construction Company, 9106 Soverign [sic] Row, was contacted in response to a telephone call received from him at 1900 Main Street.

Mr. FRANZEN advised he and his wife and small son were standing in the grass area west of Houston Street and south of Elm Street at the time the President's motorcade arrived at that location at approximately 12:30 PM on November 22, 1963. He said he heard the sound of an explosion which appeared to him to come from the President's car and noticed small fragments flying inside the President's car and immediately assumed that someone had tossed a firecracker inside the automobile. He heard a second and third and possibly a fourth explosion and recognized these sounds as being shots fired from some firearm. At the same time he noticed blood appearing at the top and sides of the head of President Kennedy.

He noticed a colored family consisting of a man, woman and small child nearby and at the sound of these shots the man picked up the small boy and ran with the woman west on Elm Street toward the overpass.

During the ensuing confusion he remembers looking at the side of the building occupied by the Texas School Book Depository, located across Elm Street from his position but does not remember seeing anything of a suspicious nature with regard to that building. He noticed the men, who were presumed to be Secret Service Agents, riding in the car directly behind the President's car, unloading from the car, some with firearms in their hands, and noticed police officers and these plain clothesmen [sic] running up the grassy slope across Elm Street from his location and toward a wooded and bushy area located across Elm Street from him.

Because of this activity he presumed the shots which were fired came from the shrubbery or bushes toward which these officers appeared to be running.

He looked over the crowd which had assembled along both sides of Elm Street in this block but noticed nothing which appeared unusual among these spectators.

« Last Edit: December 05, 2023, 04:05:21 AM by Marjan Rynkiewicz »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: When Was JBC Hit?
« Reply #63 on: November 27, 2023, 10:13:28 PM »