If theres any agreement that Z224 was the 1st shot , then there was about 4.8 secs for 2nd shot head shot followed 1-2 sec later by a 3rd shot that missed high and struck the curb near Tague.
That would certainly preserve the 1….2..3 spacing as majority heard by witness.
The other alternative .. a missed 1st shot that precedes the Z224 2nd shot, is difficult to fit in between Betzner Z186 and Willis Z205 which is the approx Z195 -200 range, because that’s 1.5 sec between 1st and 2nd Z224 shot , therefore not likely both shots to be fired by the same MC rifle.
Now maybe Charles could be on the right track to suggest a shot that was very close just after the Z313 head shot .
A 3rd MC rifle shot not aimed, just loaded fast as possible and fired high, perhaps in 2.0 secs?
It could be the same phenomenon of memory that witness could hear 2 shots spaced only 2 secs apart as “back to back” because of the longer preceding gap of silence of 4.8 secs between Z224 and Z313.
My pet (CT) theory is a solitary shooter used a semi auto rifle and that after he waited the 4.8 secs after shooting 1st shot at Z224 , he intended to shoot shots 2&3 as rapid final shots and that 2nd shot at Z313 hit while the 3rd shot about 0.5-1 sec later, went high due to muzzle rise effect when firing a semi auto rapidly.
From a CT perspective, this resolves the reason for the chain of custody issues and insignificant deformation of CE 399 because the bullet witness saw on the stretcher, WAS a pointed bullet and NOT the ball nosed 6.5 mm MC bullet. That bullet went to FBI and was switched with CE 399 later after a false report made attributed to FBI agent Odum because the witness did NOT identify CE 399.
It’s kind of same thing the WC did with V.Adams and Lovelady/Shelley, changing things a bit to make their theory fit.