Wrong, the physical evidence DOES support 3 shots, but you go ahead and believe that there are not three distinct sudden physical motions by both men in the limousine. Your credibilty is a stake.
Zapruder's camera doesn't lie. Zapruder wasn't counting the shots as they went off, and within hours of the assassination, he didn't know for sure that he heard 2 or 3 shots. Watch his interview with Jay Watson, WFAA-TV. "...[T]hen I heard another shot or two..." after having earlier seen the "president slump to the side-like this". Zapruder was a two or three shot witness.
Jiggle analysis shows Zapruder reacted to a shot he never heard?
There was a shot at Z155 when Zapruder clearly describes JFK was hit by the first shot?
Zapruder is wrong when he then clearly describes JFK has been struck in the head by the second shot.
Zapruder still maintained there were only two shots during his WC testimony.
Jay Watson is the problem. He told Bill Newman how many shots there were according to him as well as doing the same with Zapruder. This is exactly what the WC and HSCA meant when they stated "The media influenced the witnesses into inflating the number of shots"
Mr. ZAPRUDER - Well, as the car came in line almost--I believe it was almost in line. I was standing up here and I was shooting through a telephoto lens, which is a zoom lens and as it reached about--I imagine it was around here--
I heard the first shot and I saw the President lean over and grab himself like this (holding his left chest area). Mr. LIEBELER - Grab himself on the front of his chest?
Mr. ZAPRUDER - Right---something like that. In other words, he was sitting like this and waving and then after the shot he just went like that.
Mr. LIEBELER - He was sitting upright in the car and you heard the shot and you saw the President slump over?
Mr. ZAPRUDER - Leaning--leaning toward the side of Jacqueline. For a moment I thought it was, you know, like you say, "Oh, he got me," when you hear a shot--you've heard these expressions and then I saw---I don't believe the President is going to make jokes like this, but before I had a chance to organize my mind,
I heard a second shot and then I saw his head opened up and the blood and everything came out and I started--I can hardly talk about it [ the witness crying]. Mr. LIEBELER - That's all right, Mr. Zapruder, would you like a drink of water? Why don't you step out and have a drink of water?
Mr. ZAPRUDER - I'm sorry--I'm ashamed of myself really, but I couldn't help it.
Mr. LIEBELER - Nobody should ever be ashamed of feeling that way, Mr. Zapruder. I feel the same way myself. It was a terrible thing.
Let me go back now for just a moment and ask you how many shots you heard altogether.
Mr. ZAPRUDER - I thought I heard two, it could be three, because to my estimation I thought he was hit on the second--I really don't know. The whole thing that has been transpiring--it was very upsetting and as you see I got a little better all the time and this came up again and it to me looked like the second shot,
but I don't know. I never even heard a third shot.
There is no mistaking what Zapruder thought. Jiggle Analysis on a person who only heard two shots can only indicate there were two shots. If not, then question Jiggle Analysis not Zapruder.
The physical evidence clearly indicates there were only two shots. Creating a shot to validate earwitness testimony is not evidence. Especially when so many eyewitnesses describe a different shooting sequence.