It seems to me that Andrew Mason and others who don't believe that JBC and JFK were struck with the same bullet--and/or other reasons because of JBC's reactions--are either unaware, have forgotten about, or just don't know that Governor Connally did STRANGE, unreal things after being shot, that appear in both the Nix and Zapruder films. Although difficult to see in the Orville Nix film after the fatal shot was fired, according to the Zappruder film, plus Mrs. JBC's testimony JBC falls or is pulled to his left by his wife, and stayed low for only a second before he raised back up and turned to look to the rear into the back seat as we lose him behind the foliage from the pyracantha bush bwtween Zapruder and the limousine. After two seconds pass, he comes back into view once again, just before the limousine disappears beneath the underpass.
I first wrote about this in 1999 titled which John McAdams published on his Website. Years later, a researcher named Gerda Dunckel released a video on YouTube titled " Zapruder Stabilized JFK Or Connally?", in which she stabillized the Zapruder film beginning with frame 221 and continuing until the final frame of the film, with her focus on John Connally by placing "Crosshairs" over his image in the film, and asking the question about who is sitting erect-JFK or the governor-as the limousine approaches the underpass. View the video here:
Did the governor ever once mention rising back up in his seat? No. Not until the car reached Parkland Hospital, when he said he "Heaved himself up" to get out of the way of the people trying to reach JFK. Obviously, the governor went into some type of shock upon being struck by the bullet he received. Why else would he never mention sitting completely erect in his seat as the limousine entered the triple underpass, or again, as early as while Mrs. Kennedy is rising from the back seat to exit the limousine? People suffering with being in shock have been known to do very unusual and dangerous things. Mrs. Kennedy's actions captured in both the Zapruder and Nix films after the fatal shot is a prime example, and so is what the governor did. He knew someone was shooting at the occupants of the limousine, yet he did not make an attempt to get himself out of harms way.
In a nutshell, I think it's impossible to rely strictly on Governor Connally's description of the shooting, when the Zapruder film shows
some of the opposite of what he said he did.
The first sudden reaction seen by JBC upon entering Elm Street is his head turn from right to left. Then, within 1/4 of a second, snap his head back to his right, where he remained transfixed the rest of the way down the street until he emrges from behind the Stemmons Freeway sign, when his shoulders hunch twice in rapid succession as the second shot/bullet strikes him in the back after exiting JFK's throat. Both men can be seen reacting violently and simultaneously in the Zapruder film, meaning one bullet struck both men.