You were caught out being deceitful and, as usual, are going to lie your way out of it.
Explain how JFK's back is in line with the end of the lane markers.
Explain how the two images you posted are of the same moment.
Dan, this seems to be your
modus operandi. When you misunderstand something you accuse others of trying to deceive you. When your error is revealed you feel you have to double down on on the accusation that you have been deliberately deceived rather than admitting the error. It appears to be a habit you have.
If you need an explanation for the camera used, it is all set out in CE875. The movie (film) camera had three lenses that could be used, one at a time, one of which had the telescopic sight connected to it: they wanted to use the long range lens, as in the left hand photo I presented, they used one of the two lenses that does NOT have the telescopic sight. When they wanted to show what it looked like through the telescopic sight, they rotated the lenses so that the telescopic sight was in place and had the car make another pass. Is that clear now?
They did have a still camera that is shown in the bottom of the page and took some photos with the telescopic sight as the movie camera was rolling, but these were at irregular intervals, not for every frame.
The lane markers are on the road. To see where the lane marker ends are in relation to JFK one has to drop a line from JFK straight down to the road. When you do that, that line and the end of the lane markers intersect:
The position of the JFK stand-in relative to the tree leaves is the same in both. Assuming the tree had not moved between takes, I suggest they are in the same position relative to the road in both.
If you disagree with any of this, show us your analysis.