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Author Topic: The LHO Escape -- Panic and Shock  (Read 31300 times)

Offline Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: The LHO Escape -- Panic and Shock
« Reply #112 on: December 05, 2023, 02:11:57 AM »
Listen closely, Kleins couldn't even be bothered changing the item number for an item's slight change in size which clearly indicates how much value Kleins placed on this very cheap war surplus rifle.

You obviously don't understand how big business works!

As you know firsthand this is the classic conspiracy mindset you are trying to reason with. "What about this huh?" and "What about that?". They make incessant demands on evidence that are never required even in a court. Meanwhile every hair-brained cockamamie conspiracy claim dreamed of is uncritically accepted. Gordon Arnold anyone?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The LHO Escape -- Panic and Shock
« Reply #112 on: December 05, 2023, 02:11:57 AM »

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: The LHO Escape -- Panic and Shock
« Reply #113 on: December 05, 2023, 02:15:43 AM »
As you know firsthand this is the classic conspiracy mindset you are trying to reason with. "What about this huh?" and "What about that?". They make incessant demands on evidence that are never required even in a court. Meanwhile every hair-brained cockamamie conspiracy claim dreamed of is uncritically accepted. Gordon Arnold anyone?

Another LN diversion?

Offline John Mytton

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Re: The LHO Escape -- Panic and Shock
« Reply #114 on: December 05, 2023, 02:18:10 AM »
So, Klein's business records can't be relied on after all. Thank you for confirming that.

Are you insane? How do you derive that conclusion?

The Carcano rifles were assigned the item number of C20-T750 and Waldman had no trouble on the night following the assassination of searching Kleins business records and managed to locate Oswald's transaction from their microfilm records.

You keep trying to make a case for conspiracy but like always you keep failing miserably.

« Last Edit: December 05, 2023, 04:32:30 AM by John Mytton »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The LHO Escape -- Panic and Shock
« Reply #114 on: December 05, 2023, 02:18:10 AM »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: The LHO Escape -- Panic and Shock
« Reply #115 on: December 05, 2023, 02:40:04 AM »
As you know firsthand this is the classic conspiracy mindset you are trying to reason with. "What about this huh?" and "What about that?". They make incessant demands on evidence that are never required even in a court. Meanwhile every hair-brained cockamamie conspiracy claim dreamed of is uncritically accepted. Gordon Arnold anyone?

As you know firsthand this is the classic conspiracy mindset you are trying to reason with. "What about this huh?" and "What about that?". They make incessant demands on evidence that are never required even in a court. Meanwhile every hair-brained cockamamie conspiracy claim dreamed of is uncritically accepted.

Hi Steve, you're right, specifically here regarding Oswald ordering, receiving and possessing the rifle there is a literal Mountain of evidence yet Martin and his cronies keep trying to create doubt from isolated pieces of evidence while ignoring the Mountain of connected rock solid evidence.

Gordon Arnold anyone?

Royell really has a bug up his ass about Gordon Arnold and Royell thinks that Arnold's BS holds the key to this entire investigation?

I also find Royell's latest stance on "SCIENCE" absolutely astonishing, because the amount of science that is integral to this case comes from the LNer side which incidentally is beyond compare but Royell has so far ignored the Medical Experts, Forensic Specialists, Photographic Experts, Ballistics Experts, Handwriting Experts and etc etc all in favour of the scraps of pseudo science he collects from the gutter!

« Last Edit: December 05, 2023, 02:52:08 AM by John Mytton »

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: The LHO Escape -- Panic and Shock
« Reply #116 on: December 05, 2023, 04:00:24 AM »

If that MC had been fired at 12:30 Nov 23/63,  why wasn’t there any gunpowder residue in the rifle grooves or the breech or chamber of the rifle when they examined it within one hour after it had been fired?

How is that 7 people whom were given a paraffin test on their cheek after firing an MC rifle were ALL positive, while Oswald’s cheek test was negative?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The LHO Escape -- Panic and Shock
« Reply #116 on: December 05, 2023, 04:00:24 AM »

Offline John Mytton

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Re: The LHO Escape -- Panic and Shock
« Reply #117 on: December 05, 2023, 04:28:49 AM »
If that MC had been fired at 12:30 Nov 23/63,  why wasn’t there any gunpowder residue in the rifle grooves or the breech or chamber of the rifle when they examined it within one hour after it had been fired?

How is that 7 people whom were given a paraffin test on their cheek after firing an MC rifle were ALL positive, while Oswald’s cheek test was negative?

If that MC had been fired at 12:30 Nov 23/63,  why wasn’t there any gunpowder residue in the rifle grooves or the breech or chamber of the rifle when they examined it within one hour after it had been fired?

We know for a fact that Oswald's rifle on the 6th floor was fired because the shells on the floor of the snipers nest were an exclusive match. Now you may claim that at an earlier time that someone fired Oswald's rifle and dropped the shells on the floor of the sniper's nest, Which leads to some interesting questions?

How long after a rifle is fired can you expect to detect "gunpowder residue in the rifle grooves or the breech or chamber of the rifle"? Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years?
Who did this investigation?
What qualifications did he/she have?
What kind of test did this investigator employ, was it by eyeball, smell or what exactly?
Was the investigator familiar with military weapons, the Carcano specifically?
Can you forensically state that this test is valid?
Is there any forensic evidence of Oswald's rifle being later tested that supports your claim?

How is that 7 people whom were given a paraffin test on their cheek after firing an MC rifle were ALL positive, while Oswald’s cheek test was negative?

Who did the test and did they use the actual rifle that Oswald used because if not your results are null and void!

Testing with the actual weapon that Oswald owned and used!

Mr. EISENBERG. Did you make a test with the exhibit, with the rifle, 139, to determine whether that left a powder residue on the right cheek?
Mr. EISENBERG. Will you describe that test?
Mr. CUNNINGHAM. Yes; this time we ran a control. We were interested in running a control to find out just what the possibility was of getting a positive reaction after a person has thoroughly washed their hands. Mr. Killion used green soap and washed his hands, and we ran a control, both of the right cheek and of both hands.
We got many reactions on both the right hand and the left hand, and he had not fired a gun that day.
Mr. EISENBERG. This was before firing the rifle?
Mr. CUNNINGHAM. Yes, sir. That was before firing the rifle. We got no reaction on the cheek.
Mr. EISENBERG. Also before firing the rifle?
Mr. CUNNINGHAM. Yes. We fired the rifle. Mr. Killion fired it three times rapidly, using similar ammunition to that used in the assassination. We reran the tests both on the cheek and both hands. This time we got a negative reaction on all casts.
Mr. EISENBERG. So to recapitulate, after firing the rifle rapid-fire no residues of any nitrate were picked off Mr. Killion's cheek?
Mr. CUNNINGHAM. That is correct
, and there were none on the hands. We cleaned off the rifle again with dilute HCl. I loaded it for him. He held it in one of the cleaned areas and I pushed the clip in so he would not have to get his hands near the chamber--in other words, so he wouldn't pick up residues, from it, or from the action, or from the receiver. When we ran the casts, we got no reaction on either hand or on his cheek. On the controls, when he hadn't fired a gun all day, we got numerous reactions.

And again!

Mr. EISENBERG. So to recapitulate, after firing the rifle rapid-fire no residues of any nitrate were picked off Mr. Killion's cheek?
Mr. CUNNINGHAM. That is correct
« Last Edit: December 05, 2023, 06:01:23 AM by John Mytton »

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: The LHO Escape -- Panic and Shock
« Reply #118 on: December 05, 2023, 11:33:04 AM »
Are you insane? How do you derive that conclusion?

The Carcano rifles were assigned the item number of C20-T750 and Waldman had no trouble on the night following the assassination of searching Kleins business records and managed to locate Oswald's transaction from their microfilm records.

You keep trying to make a case for conspiracy but like always you keep failing miserably.


Only a delusional fool would argue that if a 36" MC rifle is ordered (as it was) and Klein's ships a 40" MC rifle that the client has received what he has ordered!
« Last Edit: December 05, 2023, 11:43:51 AM by Martin Weidmann »

Offline Fergus O'Brien

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Re: The LHO Escape -- Panic and Shock
« Reply #119 on: December 05, 2023, 02:24:07 PM »
"by the way, my name is Mytton with a capital "M", not mytton, please be more vigilant in the future! " John Mytton

I am aware of the shall we say protocol of duncans forum , the preferred manner in which duncan would like members to post and act .And duncan mentioned this to me in a very courteous and respectful manner which i really do appreciate . And i will attempt my very best to adhere to that and to all forum rules . To that end i have been attempting to post as i was asked , i see that even tho i thought i had done as i was asked i can see i misunderstood slightly what Duncan asked and i erred , in that regard Duncan has my apology  . However (and it is no way any criticism of Duncan or his forum at all , i respect Duncan and his forum greatly and i have happily visited here for many years )  i do take exception to what i feel is a rather juvenile complaint by you , and a rather hypocritical demand for respect when you go around attacking people on this forum in the manner that you do and have done . I have always believed and asserted that respect is a two way street , and ones respect is earned , it is not an automatic right , especially if that individual seemingly demanding some level of respect does not always  care to afford others the same level of respect they them selves now seemingly demand .

For the record you can spell or misspell my name in any manner that you deem appropriate , you will receive no complaint from me what so ever . I would not lower myself to your level , that is the level to which many LN of my previous acquaintance have lowered them selves .that is in attacking ones grammar or lack there of often while using that as a method of ignoring facts that had been provided . For my self it is of no import what so ever how a person types (or writes ) , whether they have grammatical error or not . And after all not every person will speak or even write in fluent english , so in that sense i personally dont care about grammatical issues .  What is most important to me is what one says when they do write  is honest , reliable and credible , accurate , unbiased and as truthful as is humanly possible . but i will endeavor to always try to ensure to type your name correctly going forward , so as not to insult your delicate sensibilities by failing to use a  capital letter .
« Last Edit: December 05, 2023, 02:47:12 PM by Fergus O'brien »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The LHO Escape -- Panic and Shock
« Reply #119 on: December 05, 2023, 02:24:07 PM »