And once again we have a witness who, according to the LNs, can be mistaken about the moment she left the window (when she clearly states she left immediately after the last shot and is backed up by Dorothy Garner), but she can't be mistaken about when exactly she did see Lovelady and Shelley.Too bad that Belin didn't take her up on her offer of using a stopwatch to time her actual movements. He must have had his reasons for leaving here, as the only one, out of the reconstructions.
Nutters will tell you they are mistaken even when witnesses themselves insist they were not.
Must be a couple of terminal bachelors to not know this, but immediately in the female sense is not the same as immediately in the male sense. They encountered police with watches who gave a different version of this worn out story.
but immediately in the female sense is not the same as immediately in the male senseIt's only the first day of the new year and we've already surpassed the lowest level of most pathetic LN arguments. Must be a record!
It’s very telling when the naysayers express doubts that LHO could get to the second floor in about 90-seconds. But in the same breath express no doubt that Vicky could be on the first floor in no more than a minute.
A terminal bachelor it is. I am not surprised you do not know this about women. It was a somewhat cold and windy day. You obviously could care less how scroungy, disheveled, and frumpy you look but women do care.