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Author Topic: How many JFKA CT's also endorse other conspiracies, like 9/11, OJ, Moon etc.?  (Read 9961 times)

Offline Fergus O'Brien

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Hilarious, you people seriously think that your posts about a sixty year old event are so damn important that the cover up still needs to be going on! WOW!

Time to wake up Fergus, your irrelevant rants are absolutely worthless and this mistaken belief that you are a self appointed seeker of Truth and Justice, shows the World just how delusional you really are!


to deny A certain amount of cover up of truth and facts in this case took place is beyond idiotic . even tho you are an LN i gave you the respect of putting you above that level based on your knowledge of this case . however if you dont accept that there has been any level of cover up of truth and fact at all in this case well then sadly you have lowered YOURSELF to that level . but i will give you an opportunity to answer and tell us exactly what your stance is in regard the question of cover up .

rants ? lol , i never rant , i am as cool as the proverbial cucumber . i say what i feel i need to say , i call a spade a spade , but i never rant , never get angry and never insult or abuse . but as we can see from just your writings here on this thread the same most certainly cannot be said of you .

justice ? well justice is not my domain . i leave justice to those best suited to attempting to get it . on the other hand we should ALL want and seek the truth even if that truth may prove that we were wrong . i have yet to meet the LN in all my years who was so willing as to allow the truth to dissuade them from the BS they were pushing .

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Offline Martin Weidmann

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Another mean spirited post from the Forum's excessively aggressive nasty little man.

But thanks for giving me even more "ammunition"! Thumb1: Thumb1: Thumb1:


Another mean spirited post from the Forum's excessively aggressive nasty little man.

Says the selfproclaimed life long "complementing nice guy" who claims to have trouble insulting people. Hilarious!
And you actually think that anybody who reads your BS posts will believe that?

But thanks for giving me even more "ammunition"!

Why do you need "even more ammunition"?

Offline Michael Capasse

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Another mean spirited post from the Forum's excessively aggressive nasty little man.

Says the selfproclaimed life long "complementing nice guy" who claims to have trouble insulting people. Hilarious!
And you actually think that anybody who reads your BS posts will believe that?

 Thumb1: No one believes that and one glance thru his history quickly exposes the fraud.

« Last Edit: January 28, 2024, 03:21:08 PM by Michael Capasse »

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Jim Hawthorn

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Thanks, for the advice!

Because this section should be reserved for the most logical and totally well thought out threads, like that absolutely brilliant thread that postulates that at the same day and date that Oswald took his rifle to work, and planned on shooting the ground, yes shoot the ground, you know to only scare people!, that someone else and their team who were totally unrelated, and who by chance just randomly picked the exact same time and exact same location, and very cleverly decided to set up a triangulation of snipers to also kill the President!!

So yes Jim, this section is truly deserving of the most scholarly threads that obviously have a lot of intellect invested in them!



Ho ho.
There was no "random picking" of a location. Dealey Plaza was obviously perfect. There is nothing at all far-fetched about separate people acting on that opportune moment.
The hole in the back of Kennedy's head and the entry wound at his throat prove that he wasn't the only one shooting that day (irrespective of whether Oswald's intention was a stunt or a real attempt to kill).

Online John Mytton

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Ho ho.
There was no "random picking" of a location. Dealey Plaza was obviously perfect. There is nothing at all far-fetched about separate people acting on that opportune moment.
The hole in the back of Kennedy's head and the entry wound at his throat prove that he wasn't the only one shooting that day (irrespective of whether Oswald's intention was a stunt or a real attempt to kill).

There was no "random picking" of a location. Dealey Plaza was obviously perfect. There is nothing at all far-fetched about separate people acting on that opportune moment.

Kennedy's Limo Parades went through many American cities and covered miles and miles and miles of road but for some reason another team of snipers picked the exact location and time that Oswald decided to shoot the ground? You can't be serious, but what boggles the mind is that you actually are!

The hole in the back of Kennedy's head and the entry wound at his throat prove that he wasn't the only one shooting that day (irrespective of whether Oswald's intention was a stunt or a real attempt to kill).

Yes there was a bullet entrance hole on the back of Kennedy's head and the bullet exit hole on the front of Kennedy's neck was cause by a FMJ bullet which is designed to pass through human flesh and not expand and cause excessive internal damage. And you do know that 94% of the earwitnesses said ALL the shots came from only 1 direction meaning that there was no cross fire, and since we can confirm that both Kennedy were shot from behind therefore ALL shots came from behind.
Besides why on Earth would you have a sniper in front when your Patsy was high and behind, have you thought this through?

The configuration of Dealey Plaza made predicting an exact shot location difficult but shots from different directions is immediately clear.


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Online John Mytton

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Thumb1: No one believes that and one glance thru his history quickly exposes the fraud.

Geez, you Kooks are so sensitive, a little well intentioned ribbing is hardly a mean spirited insult.


Online John Mytton

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Why do you need "even more ammunition"?

Wow, the irony is obviously lost on you, but this relentless harassment from you is the very epitome of bombarding me with your off topic "ammunition", at least I use the evidence in the JFK case whereas you are just a nasty little man who scrapes the gutters to try to gain any advantage.

« Last Edit: January 28, 2024, 10:17:04 PM by John Mytton »

Offline Jim Hawthorn

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Besides why on Earth would you have a sniper in front when your Patsy was high and behind, have you thought this through?

Oswald wasn't the "patsy" at that stage at all. As I said, this theory suggests that Oswald had no connection whatsoever to the conspiracy cell. They were completely unaware of him until his shots rang out. Oswald was framed for the murder after the fact. The WC knew that there was a conspiracy but had to pin it on the LN.
As President Ford told President Giscard D'Estaing in the 70s: “We first concluded that it was not an isolated crime, it was something organized. We were sure that it was organized. But we were unable to find out by who it was organized’

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