It is difficult to gauge the credibility of Sitzman due to her being positioned inside the mysterious "Knoll Corridor". This "Corridor" extends East from the N-S section of the Picket Fence up to the Stemmons Sign. Sitzman was interviewed by Josiah Thompson for his "Six Seconds In Dallas" (1967)" blockbuster book. In this interview, Sitzman detailed that immediately after she climbed down from the Zapruder Perch, she then "Ran" down the Knoll and spoke with 2 G-Men. Then, she said she walked back Up the knoll and talked with 1 additional G-Man. NONE of Sitzman's alleged up-and-down the Knoll Adventure is corroborated by a single image from 11/22/63. DPD Motorcycle Officer Bobby Hargis gave WC Testimony regarding his running up to a, "little wall, brick wall". This would be the "little wall" that runs down from the Pergola Shelter that stood behind Zapruder. There are No 11/22/63 Images of Officer Hargis being anywhere near this "little wall, brick wall". This wall also sits inside the, "Knoll Corridor". Gordon Arnold claimed he was standing within feet of the N-S section of the Picket Fence when a shot from behind buzzed passed his (L) ear. It was at this point Arnold claimed to have been assaulted by a "No Hat" policeman. Gordon Arnold is yet another JFK Assassination Eyewitness whose story unfolded inside the "Knoll Corridor". And of course, there are No Images to corroborate it.