Come on Martin this is getting droll. I do believe the evidence that linked Oswald to the rifle and all of the other hard, physical, ballistic evidence. I find it very amusing how the CTers operate. When asked for physical, ballistic evidence, all they do is try and show any discrepancies in the real evidence and claim "it proves conspiracy", without ever producing any evidence, no rifle, no bullets, no fragments and no prints or anything at all to show a second gunman. But it does keep me laughing.
You seem to be complaining more about the way CTs operate then you are answering simple questions. Why is that?
I do believe the evidence that linked Oswald to the rifle and all of the other hard, physical, ballistic evidence.Of course you do, but such a blanket statement doesn't tell me much and you seem unable or unwilling to explain in more detail what you are talking about. I really would like to know what you consider to be "hard, physical, ballistic evidence". For me, solid (physical and/or ballistic) evidence is conclusive, persuasive and able to hold up to close scrutiny.
I think I have a good idea why you are so reluctant to answer my simple straight forward question, but I'll ask it again anyway;
What exactly do you think it means that Oswald was photographed with a rifle and a revolver in late March 1963?
A straight forward answer will do. I already know how you feel about CTs