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Author Topic: Reasons for Continued Coverup?  (Read 6824 times)

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Reasons for Continued Coverup?
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2024, 06:20:43 AM »
Operation Mongoose was run out of the Kennedy White House. It was pushed by the Kennedys, especially RFK, after the failed Bay of Pigs invasion. This was no "Deep State" rogue operation; it was undertaken on orders of the President. There are entire books written on it; it's been exposed for decades. In any case, I don't know what this has to do with this supposed coverup of the assassination of JFK but it's your call (covert acts ordered by a President against a hostile foreign government during a "Cold War" is not in any way similar to the treasonous murder of your *own* president and then a half century coverup).

Once again: the assassination is the most investigated event/crime in US history. Multiple generations of Americans in government and in the media investigated it directly and indirectly. And multiple generations of Americans have served in the various agencies over the past 60 years such as the CIA, the FBI and the Pentagon. The idea that you could keep the conspiracy quiet after all of this, all of these investigations, all of these men and women going into and out of the government is preposterous.

Finally, I have no idea how pointing to other government conspiracies that we know about is evidence that there was a conspiracy in the assassination that has been covered up. How does pointing out *other* exposed/revealed conspiracies, like Operation Mongoose, show that the JFK conspiracy has been hidden? In fact, it shows the opposite. All of these other revelations show how impossible it would be to suppress a conspiracy in the assassination of JFK. People talk, investigations uncover it, documents are found. That's what happens.

     You miss the point. The issue was whether the GOVT would ever work in concert with the MAFIA. It's obviously been done before.
     If you do Not believe a JFK Assassination Conspiracy could have been kept under wraps for so long, tell me what DPD Motorcycle Cop we are seeing on the Darnell and Martin Films. Without a doubt, that is NOT Officer Haygood. The Haygood documented 12:35 radio transmission from his motorcycle DQ's his being that cop. I am waiting on you to ID that DPD motorcycle cop.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2024, 06:30:38 AM by Royell Storing »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Reasons for Continued Coverup?
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2024, 06:20:43 AM »

Online Richard Smith

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Re: Reasons for Continued Coverup?
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2024, 03:35:13 PM »
     You miss the point. The issue was whether the GOVT would ever work in concert with the MAFIA. It's obviously been done before.
     If you do Not believe a JFK Assassination Conspiracy could have been kept under wraps for so long, tell me what DPD Motorcycle Cop we are seeing on the Darnell and Martin Films. Without a doubt, that is NOT Officer Haygood. The Haygood documented 12:35 radio transmission from his motorcycle DQ's his being that cop. I am waiting on you to ID that DPD motorcycle cop.

Just because the government has done bad things is not evidence that they were involved in a conspiracy to kill JFK.  After six decades there is no credible evidence of such.  Steve's point is a good one.  Many other government conspiracies were quickly exposed including arguably very simple ones like the Watergate break in and cover up.  If the sitting president couldn't cover up Watergate involving a handful of numbskulls, then there is no possibility that an ongoing cover up of complex conspiracy to assassinate JFK continues.  And why would current governmental officials perpetuate any such cover up?  It's laughable.  The cover up claim is just an excuse for those who have been unable to provide credible evidence of the involvement of anyone other than LHO in this crime.  They need a cover up to explain why there is no evidence.

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Reasons for Continued Coverup?
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2024, 04:25:13 PM »
Just because the government has done bad things is not evidence that they were involved in a conspiracy to kill JFK.  After six decades there is no credible evidence of such.  Steve's point is a good one.  Many other government conspiracies were quickly exposed including arguably very simple ones like the Watergate break in and cover up.  If the sitting president couldn't cover up Watergate involving a handful of numbskulls, then there is no possibility that an ongoing cover up of complex conspiracy to assassinate JFK continues.  And why would current governmental officials perpetuate any such cover up?  It's laughable.  The cover up claim is just an excuse for those who have been unable to provide credible evidence of the involvement of anyone other than LHO in this crime.  They need a cover up to explain why there is no evidence.

    Now we are getting into the "News" Media being complicit in a Cover-up.
    And while we are on the subject of a Cover-up, I have recently discovered that the DPD Motorcycle Cop seen Walking across the entire railroad yard and then Down the Elm St Ext toward the TSBD is NOT DPD Motorcycle Officer Haygood as has been rubber stamped for the last 60+years. It is a FACT that Officer Haygood made a Documented 12:35 police radio transmission from his motorcycle on the Elm St curb. With 12:30 being the time of the Kill Shot, 5:00 is  is Not enough time for Haygood to have: (1) rode his motorcycle down Elm St, *Darnell/Wiegman films*,  (2) Dump his motorcycle at the Elm St curb, * Couch film* (3) Struggle to stand his motorcycle upright, *Couch Film*, (4) Run UP and ACROSS the grassy knoll, *Bell Film*, (5) Stop and then Stand atop the Triple Underpass, *Cabluck & Cancellare photos*, (6) WALK across the entire train yard, *Darnell and Martin Films*, (7) WALK down the Elm St Ext toward the TSBD, *Darnell and Martin Films* and then make his 12:35 radio transmission. This 12:35 transmission was Documented during the WC questioning of Haygood along with Haygood corroborating having made that same call. It is physically impossible for Haygood to do ALL of the above and be back at his motorcycle to make his 12:35 transmission. Which begs the question as to WHO is that alleged DPD Motorcycle Cop WALKING across the train yard and then making a (R) hand turn and WALKING down the Elm St Ext toward the TSBD. To date, there is NO DPD Cop known to have been inside that train yard less than 5 minutes after the Kill Shot. Plus, exactly Where is this Unknown DPD Cop's Motorcycle?  For something like this to stand Unquestioned and Now Unanswered for 60 yrs is proof of a cover-up. That alleged Unknown DPD Motorcycle Cop is only a small piece of a much, much larger story.     
« Last Edit: March 07, 2024, 04:27:29 PM by Royell Storing »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Reasons for Continued Coverup?
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2024, 04:25:13 PM »

Offline Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: Reasons for Continued Coverup?
« Reply #11 on: March 07, 2024, 09:31:40 PM »
     You miss the point. The issue was whether the GOVT would ever work in concert with the MAFIA. It's obviously been done before.
     If you do Not believe a JFK Assassination Conspiracy could have been kept under wraps for so long, tell me what DPD Motorcycle Cop we are seeing on the Darnell and Martin Films. Without a doubt, that is NOT Officer Haygood. The Haygood documented 12:35 radio transmission from his motorcycle DQ's his being that cop. I am waiting on you to ID that DPD motorcycle cop.
Yes, Royell, I think we all know that governments - not just the US - sometimes work with unsavory people out of perceived national security interest/concerns. In WWII, the FDR Administration worked with the Mob (Lucky Luciano's group) to protect US ports and facilities from Nazi sabotage. Hell, in WWII we worked with the mass murderer Josef Stalin, a person who made the mob look like Boy Scouts, in our interests. And then after WWII we allowed Nazi and Japanese war criminals, including Emperor Hirohito, to go unpunished out of national interest. It's a nasty world out there.

But none of this has anything to do with any coverup of the assassination over the past 60 years. The fact that "the government" did bad things "A" and "B" does not show they did bad thing "C" and "D". This is one of the basic problems with the conspiracy believers; they think exposing things like Operation Northwoods or Mongoose somehow is evidence of a government conspiracy behind the assassination. It simply doesn't.  I can cite the horrible things that Castro did. Executing his opponents, suppressing his people. Would that be evidence he was behind the assassination? Of course not.

What does whether Haygood is on the film or not or the person on the radio have to do with a half century old coverup? You think your points proves that multiple generations of people in the government and outside could cover this up? They all would be silent? Nobody talked? After all of these investigations?
« Last Edit: March 08, 2024, 04:51:12 PM by Steve M. Galbraith »

Offline Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: Reasons for Continued Coverup?
« Reply #12 on: March 07, 2024, 09:42:02 PM »
Just because the government has done bad things is not evidence that they were involved in a conspiracy to kill JFK.  After six decades there is no credible evidence of such.  Steve's point is a good one.  Many other government conspiracies were quickly exposed including arguably very simple ones like the Watergate break in and cover up.  If the sitting president couldn't cover up Watergate involving a handful of numbskulls, then there is no possibility that an ongoing cover up of complex conspiracy to assassinate JFK continues.  And why would current governmental officials perpetuate any such cover up?  It's laughable.  The cover up claim is just an excuse for those who have been unable to provide credible evidence of the involvement of anyone other than LHO in this crime.  They need a cover up to explain why there is no evidence.
If you visit the conspiracy sites you'll quickly see they are filled with posts about such ugly/nasty thing, real or imagined, the government did. Mongoose, Northwoods, MK-Ultra, this or that bad guy that was connected to the CIA or government. It's endless. They seem to think that if they can prove how horrible things were, how such evil people were around, that that is evidence they murdered JFK. And JFK was going to end all of that nastiness but was stopped before he could. They did bad thing "A" and "B" so they did bad thing "C", murdering JFK.

As I said above, I can prove that Castro and his government did bad things too. Execute political dissenters, torture and arrest opponents, support bloody dictators like Mengistu. Is that evidence that he was behind the assassination? Of course not. The conspiracists who say the CIA did it would dismiss it out of hand. Rightly so.

As to coverup claims: It simply can't be done. And pointing to other conspiracies - which were exposed - is contradicting the conspiracy claim that this conspiracy - far more complex and extensive - was somehow the one that was kept secret.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2024, 09:50:22 PM by Steve M. Galbraith »

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Re: Reasons for Continued Coverup?
« Reply #12 on: March 07, 2024, 09:42:02 PM »

Online Royell Storing

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Re: Reasons for Continued Coverup?
« Reply #13 on: March 07, 2024, 10:14:13 PM »
Yes Royell, I think we all know that governments - not just the US - sometimes work with unsavory people out of perceived national security interest/concerns. In WWII the FDR Administration worked with the Mob (Lucky Luciano's group) to protect US ports and facilities from Nazi sabotage. Hell, in WWII we worked with the mass murderer Josef Stalin in our interests. And after WWII we allowed Nazi and Japanese war criminals, including Emperor Hirohito, to go unpunished out of national interest. It's a nasty world out there.

But none of this has anything to do with any coverup of the assassination over the past 60 years. The fact that "the government" did bad things "A" and "B" does not show they did bad thing "C" and "D". This is one of the basic problems with the conspiracy believers; they think exposing things like Operation Northwoods or Mongoose somehow is evidence of a government conspiracy behind the assassination. It simply doesn't.  I can cite the horrible things that Castro did. Executing his opponents, suppressing his people. Would that be evidence he was behind the assassination? Of course not.

What does whether Haygood is on the film or not or the person on the radio have to do with a half century old coverup? You think your points proves that multiple generations of people in the government and outside could cover this up? They all would be silent? Nobody talked? After all of these investigations?

       My revelation regarding this NOT being DPD Motorcycle Haygood screams for an explanation. Is that really a different DPD Motocycle Cop? If this individual is Not a legit DPD Motorcycle Cop, we have a Conspiracy. If he is a real DPD Motorcycle Cop, how did he get deep inside the railroad yard within minutes after the Kill Shot? There were reports of a Motorcycle racing UP the Knoll immediately following the Kill Shot. Could this Cop be connected to that? Or, is he an imposture = Conspiracy? This Unknown DPD Motorcycle Cop is a very serious issue.   
« Last Edit: March 07, 2024, 10:15:59 PM by Royell Storing »

Offline Fergus O'Brien

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Re: Reasons for Continued Coverup?
« Reply #14 on: March 08, 2024, 04:19:15 PM »
There never was a conspiracy because the evidence demonstrates beyond doubt that Oswald by his lonesome is the guilty party.  A conspiracy narrative becomes necessary only when the proponent of a theory lacks any credible evidence to support their theory.  For example, UFO believers have to argue that men in black are forever covering up discoveries of aliens to explain why no credible evidence exists to prove their theory that we are visited by green men from Mars.  A government conspiracy is their answer.  Same deal with the JFK assassination.  CTers can't prove the involvement of others.  They blame this on a conspiracy to frame Oswald and cover up the evidence.  An endless cycle in which the inability to prove their theory is due to the cover up.  They go hand in hand.  Some governmental agencies contribute to this cycle of lunacy with their culture of secrecy.  The CIA, FBI, and other government agencies have nothing to gain by being transparent.  They always land on the side of nondisclosure.  Arguably, there may still be informants in organized crime, Cuba, and Russia who were contacted for any information on Oswald and his possible connections to foreign governments or organized crime.   The identity of those informants and their families could place them at risk even decades later.  Nevertheless, you do pose a good question.  Why do the CTers who go on and on and on here claiming they have solid "evidence" or arguments based on the record that cast doubt on Oswald's guilt never present those claims to current day law enforcement or media outlets?  If they really believed that they had evidence in the homicide of the president of the United States, wouldn't they want to make their case to the authorities?  But no.  They forever hide on Internet forums.  That lends a psychological insight that they may not really believe their own nonsense.  They are caught up in some type of compulsion disorder that they can exercise on Internet forums without consequences such as being exposed as a potential mental case.  It can be amusing, however, because they take their "evidence" very seriously and claim it can't be refuted but never accept the offer to reach out to the Dallas Police or other law enforcement agency.  The contrast between their arrogance and insecurity is more interesting than their often idiotic theories.

"There never was a conspiracy because the evidence demonstrates beyond doubt that Oswald by his lonesome is the guilty party"

let us just for a moment say that you are correct . ok . now please explain the following .

the deceptions and lies of the Warren Commission . IE Specter and his SBT starting with an entry wound location on the right side (of the rear ) of JFKs neck that he knew was a lie . he knew it was a lie because BY HIS OWN ADMISSION he admitted seeing atleast one autopsy photo that showed the wound in question several inches below and to the left ON THE BACK .why did they set out to ignore some witnesses for example Tague ? , Bill newman ? , Brehm ? .why did they set out to discredit other witnesses such as Vicky adams ? .

the deceptions and lies of the clark panel . they said that JFKs head entry wound was some 4 to 5 inches HIGHER up than where it was located at autopsy (the said it was in the crown of the head where a man has a bald spot ) , at autopsy the 3 pathologists said the entry wound was near the EOP , just above and to the right of it . this would roughly be at the level of the top of ones ears (depending on the size of ones ears of course) and at the center rear of the head .clark put the entry wound 4 to 5 inches above this position DESPITE the fact that autopsy photos show a wound at the EOP and show NO entry wound 4 to 5 inches higher up .and despite the vehement protestations of humes that there was never any entry wound in the crown area .

the deceptions and lies of the HSCA . they had witnesses including FBI agents , and bethesda witnesses (not called by the commission ) who told them that JFK had a large wound in the right rear of the head which corroborated the parkland witnesses . yet the HSCA report states that ALL these witnesses contradicted the parkland witnesses when we now know from their statements , depositions or testimonies that they did not contradict them at all . so that was a blatant lie .

so if it was simply a lone nut nobody ALL ON HIS HIS OWN , a schmuk who just got lucky , why would the above deceptions and lies be required ? .

Offline Jim Hawthorn

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Re: Reasons for Continued Coverup?
« Reply #15 on: March 09, 2024, 07:40:44 PM »
I do not believe that LHO was the lone assassin of JFK.  However, I can't understand why anyone in the government present day, would think it was necessary to keep the truth hidden.  Anyone who was in a position of authority from when the plot was executed in 1963, has most likely passed.  I know that the Government wants to keep everyone believing that they would never participate in something like this. Still, in today's age of whistleblowing, I think there would be more benefit to the politicians today to release the facts.  They could say "See, they were bad, we are good."  What are your opinions?

1. The conspiracy involved a very small circle of powerful people and NOT the "government.
2. It isn't clear if Oswald was part of that conspiracy or acting alone by pure coincidence.
3. The government knew that there had been a conspiracy but realised that they had to turn the evidence to point at a lone gunman. They proceeded with the cover up (which had nothing to do with the conspiracy).
4. The government didn't know who the conspirators were.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Reasons for Continued Coverup?
« Reply #15 on: March 09, 2024, 07:40:44 PM »