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Author Topic: That Is Not Officer Haygood = Conspiracy! Prove Me Wrong Challenge  (Read 10241 times)

Offline Royell Storing

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Re: That Is Not Officer Haygood = Conspiracy! Prove Me Wrong Challenge
« Reply #48 on: March 19, 2024, 02:34:25 PM »
   Time for me to take my VICTORY LAP!
   My Discovery stands as FACT due to being based on:  (1) Photo Evidence, (2) Film Evidence, and (3) Sworn Testimony. And make No mistake, the "1 Glove Cop" captured on the Darnell/Martin Films NOT being Officer Haygood is a Major Discovery due to: (1) PROVING a Conspiracy was orchestrated to assassinate JFK, and (2) ALL of this Evidence having been in plain sight for roughly 60 years. And believe me when I tell you that if the JFK Assassination Research Community could prove me wrong, they would have circled the wagons and been All over me like "white on rice". I have seen this same group sound their Clarion Horn whenever others have attempted to traverse this same path that I now travel down. These "researchers" come outta the woodwork to bury anyone that steps forward to prove them wrong. Today, I am proud to expose the Officer Haygood ID on the Darnell/Martin Films as being Dead Wrong! And the now Unknown "1 Glove Cop" proves that a Conspiracy was used to assassinate JFK. 
« Last Edit: March 19, 2024, 06:38:10 PM by Royell Storing »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: That Is Not Officer Haygood = Conspiracy! Prove Me Wrong Challenge
« Reply #48 on: March 19, 2024, 02:34:25 PM »

Offline Mitch Todd

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Re: That Is Not Officer Haygood = Conspiracy! Prove Me Wrong Challenge
« Reply #49 on: March 20, 2024, 01:57:42 AM »
     Officer Haygood came DOWN from standing atop the overpass and spoke with what he "presumed" to be a railroad detective. Based on Haygood's WC description of the railroad yard, "...going OVER Elm ST", he believed he was inside the railroad yard when he came down from standing atop the Triple Underpass. Take a good look at the Cancellare Photo of Haygood standing atop the Triple Underpass. In that photo to the (R) is a TREE BRANCH. That's your Landmark, you need to remember it. NOW, go to You Tube and search   "JFK: Conspiracy Exposed (Director's Cut)" 36:08 - 36:30. This snippet displays the interview that Mark Lane did with Skinny Holland. During this segment they begin walking down the Triple Underpass. They eventually turn (R) and as they walk forward the viewer can see that same Tree Branch in the upper (L) of the picture. That branch is stretching over the point of the Underpass where it turns into wood fencing. This is the spot where Haygood jumped down from the Triple Underpass and landed inside the railroad yard. That spot is very close to the picket fence/parking lot. It is also very close to the large drainage grate. This Spot is well away from the stretch of train cars that Darnell/Martin filmed the alleged DPD Motorcycle Cop walking in front of. This Haygood landing spot is even further away from the Elm St Ext and the TSBD Loading Dock which Darnell and Martin also filmed this same alleged DPD Cop WALKING toward/down. In Haygood's WC testimony he NEVER MENTIONS train cars, the Elm St Ext, or the TSBD Loading Dock prior to making his 12:35 radio transmission. In fact, when asked what he did, Haygood simply says "I went BACK TO MY MOTORCYCLE...". Haygood made a quick jump down into the railroad yard area close to the Picket Fence, spoke with a "presumed" railroad detective, (visible in the Cancellare Photo), and then climbed Back over the Triple Underpass, onto the grassy knoll and went back to his motorcycle. He spoke with 2 eyewitnesses down near his motorcycle, (1 of them being James Tague), and what they told him warranted his making his Documented 12:35 radio transmission. The DPD Motorcycle Cop we see on the Darnell/Martin films is NOT Officer Haygood. Haygood's WC Testimony proves this, as does the 5:00 minute window between the 12:30 Kill Shot and Haygood's Documented 12:35 radio transmission from his motorcycle. My mountain of Proof Stands Tall and the Challenge I have issued remains unmet. Such is the case when The Truth is brought forward.
You left off part of Haygood's description of the rail yard, and it's important. You relate it as "...going OVER Elm ST," but there's more to it than that. He actually says "the railroad yard would be located at the---it consists of going over Elm Street and back north of Elm Street." The italicized portion explicitly includes the yard north of the fence. This, in turn, kills your assertion that Haygood was only talking about the area on top of the triple overpass.

There is something else to consider, but it's not obvious. In fact, it's kind of hidden. In the "official" transcript, there is this exchange at 12:38:

22: Get some men up here to cover this school depository building. It's believed the shot came from, as you see it on Elm Street, it would be upper right hand corner, second window from the end.

Dispatcher: 10-4. How many do you have there?

22: I have one guy that was possibly hit by a ricochet from the bullet off the concrete and another one saw the President slump.

Dispatcher: 10-4.

The transcript attributes this to unit (really, patrol district) 22, a Patrolman named L.L. Hill. The problem is that Hill was a patrol division officer, and was assigned area was in far West Dallas, a few miles away from Dealey Plaza. As a patrol division officer, he would have been tuned into channel 1, not channel 2. In fact, when he chimes in at 12:47, it's on channel one. It's difficult to believe that he would have been tuned to channel 2, and dispatched himself to Dealey Plaza on his own as soon as the first reports of the shooting came in.

However, listening to the channel 2 recording tells a different story. While the officer responsible for the transmission calls in, it does indeed sound like he announces himself as "22." However, this "22" sounds exactly the voice behind Haygood's 12:35 transmission, including the odd halting speech pattern. The channel 1 22 has a voice pitched about a third higher than the channel 2 one as well. I figure that Haygood was a little slow on the transmit button in the second transmission, which caused the first part of his number, "142," to get cut off. It's interesting how well the contents of the second transmission match Haygood's testimony.

Offline Dan O'meara

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Re: That Is Not Officer Haygood = Conspiracy! Prove Me Wrong Challenge
« Reply #50 on: March 20, 2024, 09:02:48 AM »
You left off part of Haygood's description of the rail yard, and it's important. You relate it as "...going OVER Elm ST," but there's more to it than that. He actually says "the railroad yard would be located at the---it consists of going over Elm Street and back north of Elm Street." The italicized portion explicitly includes the yard north of the fence. This, in turn, kills your assertion that Haygood was only talking about the area on top of the triple overpass.

There is something else to consider, but it's not obvious. In fact, it's kind of hidden. In the "official" transcript, there is this exchange at 12:38:

22: Get some men up here to cover this school depository building. It's believed the shot came from, as you see it on Elm Street, it would be upper right hand corner, second window from the end.

Dispatcher: 10-4. How many do you have there?

22: I have one guy that was possibly hit by a ricochet from the bullet off the concrete and another one saw the President slump.

Dispatcher: 10-4.

The transcript attributes this to unit (really, patrol district) 22, a Patrolman named L.L. Hill. The problem is that Hill was a patrol division officer, and was assigned area was in far West Dallas, a few miles away from Dealey Plaza. As a patrol division officer, he would have been tuned into channel 1, not channel 2. In fact, when he chimes in at 12:47, it's on channel one. It's difficult to believe that he would have been tuned to channel 2, and dispatched himself to Dealey Plaza on his own as soon as the first reports of the shooting came in.

However, listening to the channel 2 recording tells a different story. While the officer responsible for the transmission calls in, it does indeed sound like he announces himself as "22." However, this "22" sounds exactly the voice behind Haygood's 12:35 transmission, including the odd halting speech pattern. The channel 1 22 has a voice pitched about a third higher than the channel 2 one as well. I figure that Haygood was a little slow on the transmit button in the second transmission, which caused the first part of his number, "142," to get cut off. It's interesting how well the contents of the second transmission match Haygood's testimony.

It was quite cruel of you to trip Royell up while he was taking his victory lap.
Interesting spot about the "22" transmission, this must surely be Haygood.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: That Is Not Officer Haygood = Conspiracy! Prove Me Wrong Challenge
« Reply #50 on: March 20, 2024, 09:02:48 AM »

Offline Royell Storing

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Re: That Is Not Officer Haygood = Conspiracy! Prove Me Wrong Challenge
« Reply #51 on: March 20, 2024, 03:21:36 PM »
You left off part of Haygood's description of the rail yard, and it's important. You relate it as "...going OVER Elm ST," but there's more to it than that. He actually says "the railroad yard would be located at the---it consists of going over Elm Street and back north of Elm Street." The italicized portion explicitly includes the yard north of the fence. This, in turn, kills your assertion that Haygood was only talking about the area on top of the triple overpass.

There is something else to consider, but it's not obvious. In fact, it's kind of hidden. In the "official" transcript, there is this exchange at 12:38:

22: Get some men up here to cover this school depository building. It's believed the shot came from, as you see it on Elm Street, it would be upper right hand corner, second window from the end.

Dispatcher: 10-4. How many do you have there?

22: I have one guy that was possibly hit by a ricochet from the bullet off the concrete and another one saw the President slump.

Dispatcher: 10-4.

The transcript attributes this to unit (really, patrol district) 22, a Patrolman named L.L. Hill. The problem is that Hill was a patrol division officer, and was assigned area was in far West Dallas, a few miles away from Dealey Plaza. As a patrol division officer, he would have been tuned into channel 1, not channel 2. In fact, when he chimes in at 12:47, it's on channel one. It's difficult to believe that he would have been tuned to channel 2, and dispatched himself to Dealey Plaza on his own as soon as the first reports of the shooting came in.

However, listening to the channel 2 recording tells a different story. While the officer responsible for the transmission calls in, it does indeed sound like he announces himself as "22." However, this "22" sounds exactly the voice behind Haygood's 12:35 transmission, including the odd halting speech pattern. The channel 1 22 has a voice pitched about a third higher than the channel 2 one as well. I figure that Haygood was a little slow on the transmit button in the second transmission, which caused the first part of his number, "142," to get cut off. It's interesting how well the contents of the second transmission match Haygood's testimony.

      Generally, whether it be back in 1964 when Haygood gave his WC Testimony or Now, the Dealey Plaza "train yard" is automatically accepted as being the area (N) of Elm St behind the Pergola and stretching back behind the TSBD. Haygood went out of his way to include, "...going over Elm St" in his geographic description of the Train Yard. Why did he do this? He did this to Specifically designate his physical position on 11/22/63 after he jumped down from the Triple Underpass. (As pictured on the Cancellare Photo). Haygood was Inside the train yard as soon as he hit the ground. During his WC Testimony he then detailed talking with a "presumed" rail road detective. (Also pictured in the Cancellare Photo). At no point does Haygood mention his checking out a Caboose, train cars, boxcars, or even a string of railroad passenger cars as we see the "No Glove Cop" doing on the Darnell/Martin Films. Haygood also makes no mention of WALKING down the Elm St Ext or being within spitting distance of the TSBD Loading Dock (as filmed by Darnell/Martin), during this same time span. Why does Haygood Fail to mention any of this? Because that "No Glove Cop" we see on the Darnell/Martin Films doing ALL of this is NOT Officer Haygood. This "No Glove Cop" Not being Officer Haygood is a Major Discovery. This means we Now have: (1) An Unknown DPD Motorcycle Cop being inside the train yard Less than 5 minutes following the Kill Shot, or (2) An Imposture = A Conspiracy being employed to assassinate JFK. 
      During his WC Testimony, Officer Haygood confirmed his having made the Documented Police Radio Log calls at 12:35 and 12:37  from his motorcycle. That stands until dis-proven.     
« Last Edit: March 20, 2024, 07:11:19 PM by Royell Storing »

Offline Mitch Todd

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Re: That Is Not Officer Haygood = Conspiracy! Prove Me Wrong Challenge
« Reply #52 on: March 20, 2024, 11:24:49 PM »
      Generally, whether it be back in 1964 when Haygood gave his WC Testimony or Now, the Dealey Plaza "train yard" is automatically accepted as being the area (N) of Elm St behind the Pergola and stretching back behind the TSBD. Haygood went out of his way to include, "...going over Elm St" in his geographic description of the Train Yard. Why did he do this? He did this to Specifically designate his physical position on 11/22/63 after he jumped down from the Triple Underpass. (As pictured on the Cancellare Photo). Haygood was Inside the train yard as soon as he hit the ground. During his WC Testimony he then detailed talking with a "presumed" rail road detective. (Also pictured in the Cancellare Photo). At no point does Haygood mention his checking out a Caboose, train cars, boxcars, or even a string of railroad passenger cars as we see the "No Glove Cop" doing on the Darnell/Martin Films. Haygood also makes no mention of WALKING down the Elm St Ext or being within spitting distance of the TSBD Loading Dock (as filmed by Darnell/Martin), during this same time span. Why does Haygood Fail to mention any of this? Because that "No Glove Cop" we see on the Darnell/Martin Films doing ALL of this is NOT Officer Haygood. This "No Glove Cop" Not being Officer Haygood is a Major Discovery. This means we Now have: (1) An Unknown DPD Motorcycle Cop being inside the train yard Less than 5 minutes following the Kill Shot, or (2) An Imposture = A Conspiracy being employed to assassinate JFK. 
      During his WC Testimony, Officer Haygood confirmed his having made the Documented Police Radio Log calls at 12:35 and 12:37  from his motorcycle. That stands until dis-proven.   
Generally, whether it be back in 1964 when Haygood gave his WC Testimony or Now, the Dealey Plaza "train yard" is automatically accepted as being the area

This statement is simply not true. The rail yards extended well south of the triple overpass, and the deck on top of the TOP is part of the rail yard: even a cursory view of aerial photos of the area plainly shows the network of shunts and switches on top of the overpass. They wouldn't be there if it wasn't part of the yard.

Haygood went out of his way to include, "...going over Elm St" in his geographic description of the Train Yard. Why did he do this? He did this to Specifically designate his physical position on 11/22/63 after he jumped down from the Triple Underpass.

You may be right, but this doesn't preclude him from heading north immediately afterward.

a "presumed" rail road detective. Also pictured in the Cancellare Photo

I don't see an RR dick in the Cancellare photo with Haygood on the TOP ballusters. If you look closely at the photo, there are two men on top of the overpass in front of Haygood. One is a DPD officer, the other is wearing the hat of an RR laborer. 

At no point does Haygood mention his checking out a Caboose, train cars, boxcars,

At no point does he deny doing so, either, so this proves nothing. You're expecting an unrealistic level of detail in his testimony.

Haygood also makes no mention of WALKING down the Elm St Ext or being within spitting distance of the TSBD Loading Dock

That's good, because the MC officer walking in the Darnell film is neither walking down the "Elm St extension" or is within "spitting distance" of the TSBD docks. The Darnell film shows the guy crossing the westernmost of the three railroad spurs west of the Depository, which would put him as far from the west corner of the TSBD annex as the west corner of the TSBD annex is from the SE corner of the building. That's quite a bit more than "spitting distance." And, as I've earlier noted, the sub of Elm street in front of the Depository ends at the Pergola. West of that point --that is, where the officer is seen-- is the RR yards.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: That Is Not Officer Haygood = Conspiracy! Prove Me Wrong Challenge
« Reply #52 on: March 20, 2024, 11:24:49 PM »

Offline Royell Storing

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Re: That Is Not Officer Haygood = Conspiracy! Prove Me Wrong Challenge
« Reply #53 on: March 21, 2024, 03:14:18 PM »
Generally, whether it be back in 1964 when Haygood gave his WC Testimony or Now, the Dealey Plaza "train yard" is automatically accepted as being the area

This statement is simply not true. The rail yards extended well south of the triple overpass, and the deck on top of the TOP is part of the rail yard: even a cursory view of aerial photos of the area plainly shows the network of shunts and switches on top of the overpass. They wouldn't be there if it wasn't part of the yard.

Haygood went out of his way to include, "...going over Elm St" in his geographic description of the Train Yard. Why did he do this? He did this to Specifically designate his physical position on 11/22/63 after he jumped down from the Triple Underpass.

You may be right, but this doesn't preclude him from heading north immediately afterward.

a "presumed" rail road detective. Also pictured in the Cancellare Photo

I don't see an RR dick in the Cancellare photo with Haygood on the TOP ballusters. If you look closely at the photo, there are two men on top of the overpass in front of Haygood. One is a DPD officer, the other is wearing the hat of an RR laborer. 

At no point does Haygood mention his checking out a Caboose, train cars, boxcars,

At no point does he deny doing so, either, so this proves nothing. You're expecting an unrealistic level of detail in his testimony.

Haygood also makes no mention of WALKING down the Elm St Ext or being within spitting distance of the TSBD Loading Dock

That's good, because the MC officer walking in the Darnell film is neither walking down the "Elm St extension" or is within "spitting distance" of the TSBD docks. The Darnell film shows the guy crossing the westernmost of the three railroad spurs west of the Depository, which would put him as far from the west corner of the TSBD annex as the west corner of the TSBD annex is from the SE corner of the building. That's quite a bit more than "spitting distance." And, as I've earlier noted, the sub of Elm street in front of the Depository ends at the Pergola. West of that point --that is, where the officer is seen-- is the RR yards.

      I am going to stick to the Photo/Film EVIDENCE and the Sworn WC Testimony of Haygood.

      Officer Haygood - "The railroad would be located at the --- it consists of going over Elm St and back North of Elm St." 

     Attorney Belin - "What did you do when you got there?

      Officer Haygood - "Well, there was nothing. There was quite a few people in the area, spectators, and at the time I WENT BACK TO MY MOTORCYCLE it was on the street- to my radio."

      Attorney Belin -   "Did you see people running away from there?"

      Officer Haygood - "No they was all going to it."

      Attorney Belin -   "Did you talk to any people over there or not?"

      Officer Haygood - "In the railroad yard, I talked to one of the people I Presumed to be a detective that was in the yard."

      Attorney Belin -   "Had he been in the yard before or not?"

      Officer Haygood  - "No, he was just coming into the yard after I was."

      Attorney Belin    - "He was coming into the area after the shooting?"

      Officer Haygood  - "Yes"

      Attorney Belin    -  "Did he say anything to you that you remember?"

      Officer Haygood  - "Nothing that I remember."

      Attorney Belin    -  "Then what did you do?"

      Officer Haygood  - I WENT BACK TO MY MOTORCYCLE which was sitting on Elm St."

          The Darnell/Martin Films continuously show the "No Glove Cop" walking W-E across the train yard. He's paralleling a Caboose which is attached to several passenger train cars. At No point as he walks across the train yard is the "No Glove Cop" filmed talking with anyone, let alone a Presumed railroad detective. When Exactly do you believe this "No Glove Cop" talked with the presumed railroad detective and then immediately, "Went back to my motorcycle"? We do Not see this "No Glove Cop" engage anyone during his extended Darnell/Martin film coverage. You tell me. Exactly when did this alleged DPD Cop engage/talk with anyone?
         We see on the Cancellare Photo that Officer Haygood is directly facing a railroad employee. I believe this is who Haygood "presumed" to be a railroad detective. After talking with him,  Haygood did exactly what he said he did. "I went back to my motorcycle which was sitting on Elm St." Haygood basically retraced his steps. He went back over the fence to the Grassy Knoll and then down to his motorcycle below at the curb. Haygood then talked with 2 eyewitnesses, (James Tague being one of them), and immediately made his Documented 12:35 radio transmission from his motorcycle. Officer Haygood's WC testimony regarding his actions fits within the 5 minute elapsed time window between the 12:30 Kill Shot and his 12:35 radio transmission. The Darnell/Martin filmed actions of the "No Glove Cop": (1) Are Contrary to the WC Testimony of Officer Haygood, and (2) Fail to meet Haygood's 5 minute elapsed time window. That "No Glove Cop" is Not Officer Haygood. The Film, Photo, and WC Testimony of Officer Haygood ALL prove this.         

« Last Edit: March 21, 2024, 03:24:44 PM by Royell Storing »

Offline Mitch Todd

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Re: That Is Not Officer Haygood = Conspiracy! Prove Me Wrong Challenge
« Reply #54 on: March 22, 2024, 03:05:29 AM »
      I am going to stick to the Photo/Film EVIDENCE and the Sworn WC Testimony of Haygood.

      Officer Haygood - "The railroad would be located at the --- it consists of going over Elm St and back North of Elm St." 

     Attorney Belin - "What did you do when you got there?

      Officer Haygood - "Well, there was nothing. There was quite a few people in the area, spectators, and at the time I WENT BACK TO MY MOTORCYCLE it was on the street- to my radio."

      Attorney Belin -   "Did you see people running away from there?"

      Officer Haygood - "No they was all going to it."

      Attorney Belin -   "Did you talk to any people over there or not?"

      Officer Haygood - "In the railroad yard, I talked to one of the people I Presumed to be a detective that was in the yard."

      Attorney Belin -   "Had he been in the yard before or not?"

      Officer Haygood  - "No, he was just coming into the yard after I was."

      Attorney Belin    - "He was coming into the area after the shooting?"

      Officer Haygood  - "Yes"

      Attorney Belin    -  "Did he say anything to you that you remember?"

      Officer Haygood  - "Nothing that I remember."

      Attorney Belin    -  "Then what did you do?"

      Officer Haygood  - I WENT BACK TO MY MOTORCYCLE which was sitting on Elm St."

          The Darnell/Martin Films continuously show the "No Glove Cop" walking W-E across the train yard. He's paralleling a Caboose which is attached to several passenger train cars. At No point as he walks across the train yard is the "No Glove Cop" filmed talking with anyone, let alone a Presumed railroad detective. When Exactly do you believe this "No Glove Cop" talked with the presumed railroad detective and then immediately, "Went back to my motorcycle"? We do Not see this "No Glove Cop" engage anyone during his extended Darnell/Martin film coverage. You tell me. Exactly when did this alleged DPD Cop engage/talk with anyone?
         We see on the Cancellare Photo that Officer Haygood is directly facing a railroad employee. I believe this is who Haygood "presumed" to be a railroad detective. After talking with him,  Haygood did exactly what he said he did. "I went back to my motorcycle which was sitting on Elm St." Haygood basically retraced his steps. He went back over the fence to the Grassy Knoll and then down to his motorcycle below at the curb. Haygood then talked with 2 eyewitnesses, (James Tague being one of them), and immediately made his Documented 12:35 radio transmission from his motorcycle. Officer Haygood's WC testimony regarding his actions fits within the 5 minute elapsed time window between the 12:30 Kill Shot and his 12:35 radio transmission. The Darnell/Martin filmed actions of the "No Glove Cop": (1) Are Contrary to the WC Testimony of Officer Haygood, and (2) Fail to meet Haygood's 5 minute elapsed time window. That "No Glove Cop" is Not Officer Haygood. The Film, Photo, and WC Testimony of Officer Haygood ALL prove this.         
The Darnell/Martin Films continuously show the "No Glove Cop" walking W-E across the train yard

The motocop is seen in those films for a few seconds total. You try to extrapolate far too much from that.

We see on the Cancellare Photo that Officer Haygood is directly facing a railroad employee. I believe this is who Haygood "presumed" to be a railroad detective

RR police are Federally chartered police forces. They either wear police uniforms or (in the case of the detectives) are plain-clothesed, as in other police forces. The hat worn by the RR worker in the Cancellare photo marks him as a simple yard worker or a locomotive crewman. Not likely that Haygood would have mistaken him for an RR detective.

Haygood basically retraced his steps

Haygood doesn't actually say this. He didn't say what route he took after he reached the TOP. You just read it into his testimony, because you need it to be a certain way.

Haygood then talked with 2 eyewitnesses, (James Tague being one of them), and immediately made his Documented 12:35 radio transmission from his motorcycle

The Haygood transmission involving Tague and another man doesn't occur until 12:38. There is only one witness mentioned in the 12:35 report, and that witness is not Tague.

The Film, Photo, and WC Testimony of Officer Haygood ALL prove this

You take what little Haygood says, then read an immense amount out of it, far more than is warranted, bending facts all the way along.

Offline Royell Storing

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Re: That Is Not Officer Haygood = Conspiracy! Prove Me Wrong Challenge
« Reply #55 on: March 23, 2024, 05:09:41 PM »

    You're Not alone in being unable to supply Any Evidence what-so-ever that the "No Glove Cop" is DPD Motorcycle Officer Haygood. You are now merely 1 more inna very long line that stretches back over the last 60+years. My discovery of the Officer Haygood 12:35 radio transmission, in conjunction with the Photo, Film, and his own WC Testimony, Conclusively Prove he is not the "No Glove Cop" filmed Walking across the train yard and then toward/down the Elm St Ext.     

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: That Is Not Officer Haygood = Conspiracy! Prove Me Wrong Challenge
« Reply #55 on: March 23, 2024, 05:09:41 PM »